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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 418
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Chapter 418 Did She Really Have That Much Influence on Him?

you did

Lucas knew what Marion was thinking. He chuckled lightly, “Why do you think that something wrong?” His tone

suggested that even if she did something wrong, it would not be a big deal to him.

Marion felt herself relax. She chuckled nervously, “Well... isn’t the competition fierce in your shopping mall?”

Lucas raised an eyebrow, his lips curved into a slight smile. “Perhaps the competition is fierce for others, but for

me, it’s manageable.”

Marion thought about it silently.

Well, perhaps she was naive. Who would dare to provoke Lucas?

Giving her a brief smile, Lucas informed Daniel to look into Nixon.

Although he did not think anyone would have the guts to target his wife, you never know if someone might be

ignorant of her status.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After sending the message, Lucas stood up and glanced outside. “I have to go back to the company this

afternoon. Before that, would you care to joinfor a nap?”

At his invitation, Marion’s ears instantly turned red. “...I just woke up.”

Even though she could still sleep, would she not appear lazy?

Lucas looked at her with a smirk. “Didn’t you have trouble sleeping last night?”

Oh great, why bring that up now?

Feeling embarrassed, she bit her lip. “Alright then.”

That was not like her usual/self!

“Letgo take a shower.”

With a lowered gaze, Lucas ascended the stairs.

Watching him leave, Marion remembered Lucas mentioning Cassie’s call before he went downstairs. Considering

it was Cassie's lunch break, and it was during working hours when she called an hour

ago, Cassie must have had something important on her mind.

Marion immediately returned Cassie's call. Cassie answered eagerly, “Hey, is that you, is that you?” She still

seemed a bit shaken from Lucas answering her call earlier.

Marion smirked inwardly. “Yeah, it’s me! | had trouble sleeping last night, so | slept in today. When you called, |

was brushing my teeth.”

“Did you go see Lucas in Telesto?”

“No, he cback.”

Cassie could not help but feel a pang of annoyance at her curiosity. Why did she have to ask about that? After a

moment of silence, she steered the conversation back on track. “I have a favor to ask.

Marion took a sip of water before inquiring, “What is it?”

“Well, you see, it's our company’s anniversary celebration, and we want to invite Mr. Craig to attend. But, you

know, Mr. Craig, he..."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Marion instantly grasped Cassie's implication. She gently pressed her lips together. “I can’t guarantee | can help

you with this. | can only ask him for you. If he’s busy, | can’t force him. But if he’s free, | can bring him along to

make an appearance. Would that be okay?”

“That would be perfect! Absolutely perfect! You're amazing, Mar! Having you on our side is like having a lucky

charm! I'll have someone deliver the invitation to you later! If you attend, Mr. Craig will be there!”

“I'm not that certain.”

Did she really have that much influence on him? Besides, Lucas was a busy man!

“It’s okay, don’t feel pressured. Just casually mention it to him!”

“Got it!”

“Alright, | won't bother you anymore! Enjoy your time!”

With that, Cassie ended the call abruptly.

Marion sighed, feeling amused and slightly exasperated at Cassie's enthusiasm.