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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 417
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Chapter 417 Did | Do Something Wrong?

Marion instinctively hooked her arms around his neck, while his arms supported her thighs. It was an undeniably

intimate position to be in. Her face flushed instantly.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced in the direction of the dining room, where Mrs. Bailey emerged.

Lucas carried Marion to the sofa and sat down, lowering his head to gaze deeply at her.


Before Marion could respond, he raised her chin and kissed her lips.

Their heated breaths intertwined as Marion keenly felt the warmth emanating from him. Lucas’s kiss was forceful

and domineering. She could barely breathe.

Her eyes were closed and the lack of air made her cheeks even redder.

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Her hands, restless, roamed Lucas’s back for a while before settling on his shoulders, gripping tightly. Her neatly

manicured nails lightly pressed against his shirt, each fingertip feeling the scorching temperature of his body.

Marion felt herself heating up along with him. Just as she felt like she was being kissed to suffocation, her phone,

casually placed on the kitchen island, suddenly rang.

The ringtone broke the intimate moment between them. Marion's consciousness returned and she moved her

hand to lightly push Lucas’s shoulder.

Lucas, annoyed at the interruption, pulled back, lightly biting her lips before retreating. It did not hurt; instead,

Marion felt a tickling sensation.

With a flushed face, she raised her eyebrows slightly, stealing a glance into his deep black eyes, said, “My phone

is ringing.”


Given the timing, it was likely work-related.

“It's probably Miley looking for me,” she added, looking towards her phone. Lucas released his hold of her and

leaned back against the sofa.

Marion quickly got off him and walked to the kitchen island to answer the call. It was not Miley but it was still

about work.

Marion glanced at Lucas and felt embarrassed.

“Let's chat on WhatsApp, okay?” she said into the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone felt they had caused a disturbance and quickly hung up.

Marion looked at Lucas with sguilt, pursed her ups, and sat down beside him. “Won't your work be affected

since you returned so early?”

Chapter 417 Did | Do Something Wrong?


Lucas handed her a glass of water. “It’s under control. Tellabout what happened last night”

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Marion’s heart skipped a beat. Under Lucas’s unwavering gaze, she gradually relented.

“Alright.” She took a sip of water, lowered her head to look at the cup, and composed herself before speaking.

“After Cassie and | finished watching a movie last night, we parted ways near the mall. While | was driving, | saw

a man waving a traffic cone at me, and fearing | might hit him, | slowed down and stopped.

“After he stopped me, he toldhis friend was in a lot of pain, so he askedto help take his friend to the

hospital nearby. To convince me, he even left his ID card withas collateral.”

Marion paused and glanced at Lucas.

“I checked it carefully. The person on the ID was him, and | even made him recite the ID number. Then, | took his

friend to the hospital, and he quickly caught up. After that, | chome.”

Lucas’s eyebrows twitched. “What's the nof the person who stopped you?”

“Nixon Carpenter.”

Marion felt worried. “Did | do something wrong?”

Could it have been a trap?