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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 408
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Chapter 408 Who Do You Think You Are?

The manager immediately adopted a more cautious and respectful attitude towards Marion. “Do you have any

other phone numbers, Miss?”

Marion knew it was best to stop there. She was worried that Lucas might just be an ordinary customer at the

store, especially for women's clothing, where he had not spent much before.

“Forget it, it’s okay. Since you want to clear the area, we'll leave.”

As Marion spoke, she glanced at Cassie, and the two of them prepared to leave hand in hand.

Seeing the photo on Marion's phone, the manager hesitated to let her leave so easily. Although Marion's current

clothes were not from top brands, her overall elegance suggested she might just be understated in her fashion


If they let her leave like that, they might offend a big client. If they offended a big client, it could cost the

manager her job.

“Ladies, please wait!”

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As Marion reached the door, genuinely intending to leave, she was surprised to hear the manager's request to

stop. But then cCady’s sarcastic tone.

“I wonder whose picture she stole to chere and pretend. I've never seen anything like it before! Regina,

since you're so well-traveled, have you seen people like this before?”

Regina looked at Marion and Cassie and openly mocked them, “Never seen anything like it in all my


Cassie, already angered, could not hold back anymore.

“You're both so full of yourself! What's the use of wearing expensive clothes from big brands? You still steal

parking spots and drive under the influence. You lack even the most basic sense of decency! No amount of

perfcan mask the stench of your vulgarity!

Cassie sneered at them.

Cassie's words were a direct insult to Regina and Cady.

It occurred to the manager that the two pairs of women had long-standing grievances.

Hastily signaling to the staff, the manager tried to placate Cassie while instructing them to communicate with

Regina and Cady.

Regina was unsatisfied with the proposed resolution and insisted on clearing the area.

Having vented her frustrations, Cassie had no desire to stay any longer. She looked at Marion and said, “Let's go

somewhere else. The air here has been polluted.”

Marion had just finished replying to Lucas’s message. Hearing Cassie's words, she almost burst out


Feeling embarrassed, she looked at Regina and Cady, their faces turning red with anger from Cassie's words, and

suddenly it felt unnecessary to bother Lucas with such a trivial matter.

“Yeah, it’s a bit stuffy over here,” Marion said earnestly, leaving the manager at a loss for words.

Marion and Cassie left the store, and Marion gave Cassie a thumbs-up. “Impressive!”

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Cassie snorted. “Of course, who do they think they're dealing with?”

Just then, Marion’s phone lit up in her palm. She saw a message from Lucas: [There are new dresses at Giverny

in Tidal Wave Plaza. Three of them are intended for delivery to our home. You can try them on for size and have

them altered on the spot.]

Following the message were three photos of the dresses he mentioned.

Marion felt awkward and looked up to find Cassie staring at her. She quickly explained, “I'm not ignoring you. |

was actually planning to ask Lucas if he’s a member of the store...”

Cassie had not meant to pry earlier, she had just intended to take a quick look, but the images had loaded

quickly, so she took another glance. “No worries, I've had my share of watching a couple’s romantic moments.”

Marion's face flushed slightly. “Shall we go look at handbags?”

She did not want to deal with Regina and Cady’s snide remarks inside the store, and Cassie did not tease her


“Let's go. My friend senta photo of a handbag last week, and I've been eyeing it. Oh... Marion, do you think

those dresses they were looking at were ordered by Lucas?”

Cassie stopped abruptly then tapped Marion's arm.