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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 397
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Chapter 397 What a Surprise! As soon as the car cto a halt, Marion unbuckled her seatbelt and dashed out of the vehicle towards the towering building. Zoe's assistant was waiting for her at the entrance. “Miss Cartier, over here!” Feeling slightly embarrassed, Marion hurried over to her, panting lightly. “Sorry about that. We got rear-ended on the way here!” “No worries! Traffic can be tough during rush hour,” Zoe's assistant replied amiably. “Are you okay, Miss Cartier?” Marion nodded. “I'm fine.” “Then lettake you to the makeup room. Mr. Kirk is already there getting ready.” With a gesture, the assistant indicated for Marion to follow.

“Kirk?” Marion was surprised to hear the familiar name.

“Yes, you and Mr. Kirk are the faces of our campaign this time,” the assistant explained. “Didn't you attend Mr.

Kirk's concert as a special guest and are friends? He didn’t mention this to you?” Marion felt awkward. “No, he didn't.” “Well, perhaps he wanted to surprise you.” The assistant chuckled.

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Marion smiled faintly and followed the assistant into the elevator. What a surprise indeed! In the makeup room, Kirk was already there, busy with his preparations. “Marion,” he called out as soon as she entered.

. x] “What a coincidence, Kirk.” “Not really,” he replied bluntly in front of everyone.

Marion's face flushed with embarrassment. The next moment, she heard Kirk laughing and saying, | knew you were the other spokesperson all along.” “You think you're funny, don’t you?‘ Marion remarked silently.

Clearly, everyone in the makeup room was silently enjoying the show.

At that moment, someone called out to Marion, “Madam Cartier, over here!” Suddenly addressed as “Madam,” Marion felt a tinge of embarrassment. She walked over and sat down in front of the makeup artist. “Just callMiss Cartier,” she said firmly. Being called “Madam Cartier” was just too much for her.

The makeup artist, a sweet and bubbly girl, nodded. “Sure thing, Miss Cartier. Shall we get started with your makeup?” Chapter 397 What a Surprise! “Sure, thank you,” Marion replied.

There were not many people in the makeup room-just six in total, including two makeup artists, two assistants, and Marion and Kirk.

“Miss Cartier, your skin is so fair! Luckily, | brought the lightest shade of foundation today!” The makeup artist exclaimed.

Marion blushed slightly at the compliment. “Thank you.” “Your skin is so delicate; | don’t even need to put so much foundation on you!” The artist continued.

The entire makeup process took two hours, during which Marion received compliments non-stop.

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Once the makeup was done, Zoe's assistant led Marion and Kirk to the shooting location. They were scheduled for photoshoots in the morning and a two-minute video shoot in the afternoon.

Marion was not used to being photographed, and her lack of camera awareness led to several retakes.

In the end, Marion asked Miley to get drinks for everyone. Coincidentally, Kirk's assistant had just bought drinks, too.

Noting the situation, Zoe's assistant remarked, “Miss Cartier and Mr. Kirk are too polite!” Marion glanced at Kirk, who handed her an opened bottle of soda. “Tired?” He asked.

Marion shook her head. “Not really.” She was actually quite tired, but she did not want to admit it. After all, the retakes were mostly because of her! “Rest well; the afternoon will be even more exhausting,” Kirk teased, giving her a playful look. “Con, it's lunchtime.” Just as Marion was about to respond, her phone rang.

The caller ID showed Lucas.