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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 384
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Chapter 384 Do You Want To Take A Look? Marion asked about posting on Twitter because her Twitter account had gained over 900 thousand followers after the previous concert incident, and she was worried that her Twitter post might affect the company.

As Lucas was rich and famous, posting on Twitter was different for him compared to ordinary people.

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The moment he posted, his post and its simple comment started trending: [Happy Birthday, Mrs. Craig.] A group of bewildered netizens clicked in and found it to be a rich couple’s daily display of affection.

[I've done nothing to be fed with all this sweetness.] [Dang! Rich people sure know how to show off their love!] [Ah! Who is Mrs. Craig? Happy birthday to you! But | hope you and your husband can get a room in the future, or I'll really cry!].

[I’m so jealous! Mrs. Craig, can you giveyour husband, even for a day?] Marion’s Twitter was soon dug up, too. Her Twitter post was posted earlier than Lucas’s, and it had the scontent as her Stories.

After Lucas’s post, speople found her, and the comments on her post skyrocketed to tens of thousands within half an hour.

Her Twitter was flooded with congratulatory messages, and her Twittercrashed. Seeing that, Marion did not dare to open theagain. - At that moment, Ronda cout and told them that dinner would be ready in 20 minutes.

Marion looked curiously at Lucas across from her, who i x on his phone. “What are you looking at?” “The Twitter comments.” Upon hearing that, Marion immediately sought refuge. “I need to use the toilet!” With that, she dashed off.

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Luckily, she was fast! Otherwise, she would have to endure him reading comments aloud again! Marion lingered in the bathroom for a while before coming out. As soon as she did, she saw Lucas sitting on the couch, looking at her.

Her cheeks burned under his gaze, but she tried to remain calm as she walked over. “What's up?” “The comments are interesting. Do you want to take a look at them?” “It’s tfor lunch." Marion did not refuse, but her meaning was clear.

Lucas glanced at her with a smirk, looking like he could see through her with his dark eyes.

Then, he put away his phone. “Let's eat, and we can look at them after.” Finding the conversation awkward, Marion stood up and headed toward the dining room. “Ronda, can we eat now? I'm starving!” By then, Ronda had set up all the dishes. She put a lot of thought into this lunch, preparing a beef roast with multiple sides based on Lucas and Marion’s preferences. The food was just right for Marion and Lucas.

After lunch, Lucas gave Ronda the afternoon off. That was the first the had given Ronda toff; before, it was always Marion.

Marion was a bit curious. “Are we going out for dinner tonight?” “Yeah.” He looked into her eyes as he smiled and said, “Do you want to look at the comments?” Marion found herself speechless. She could not understand why the man was so obsessed with that. “I'm a little full and would like to take a walk. Should we go for a walk?” She took his hand and shook it gently, her voice soft and with a hint of petulance she never realized she had.

Lucas looked down at her holding his hand, and his eyes darkened. “Sure.”