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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 336
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Chapter 336 Oh, That's A Sh Marion, initially only half awake, felt a hint of danger after hearing him utter those words. In an instant, she was awake and lifting her head to gaze blankly at the face inches away from hers.

“No, I'm not tired,” she managed to utter.

However, Lucas had scooped her up, carried her out of the room, and headed downstairs. The sunlight streaming through the windows cast a light on his face, accentuating his deep-set eyes and chiseled features.

“Oh, that’s a shame,” he remarked with a smile. “Otherwise, | could help wake you up, Mrs. Craig.” Though he had not said much, Marion caught the memo. Her face flushed red, and she awkwardly averted her gaze.

“I'm already awake,” she muttered.

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Marion then glanced toward the floor-to-ceiling windows, where the midday sun bathed everything in its warm glow. While rubbing her eyes, she suddenly realized Lucas was carrying her.

“I can walk...” she said, but before she could finish her sentence, Lucas had seated her at the dining table.

Marion bit her lip, feeling embarrassed until she looked at the plates of steak and fries on the table. It was her favorite dish.

Touched, she picked up her utensils and commented, “It looks delicious.” “Eat up,” Lucas replied while putting ssteak and fries onto her plate.

“Thank you,” she mumbled shyly before bowing her a § take a bite of the food.

Lucas’s cooking skills surpassed her expectations. In fact, it was even better than Ronda’s.

Marion, easily swayed by good food, found herself praising him throughout the meal. At least fifteen minutes of their dining twere spent on her commendations.

However, throughout the entire process, Lucas remained impassive, his expression revealing nothing of whether or not he appreciated her compliments.

Once they finished eating, Marion volunteered to clean up the dishes.

Lucas simply glanced at her. “Your phone's lighting up.” “Huh?” Marion then remembered her conversation with Cassie before falling asleep and felt a pang of guilt. With that, she focused all her attention on her phone.

After opening Cassie's chat, Marion's hand trembled as she read the messages, which included sphotos that made her squirm.

Chapter 336 Oh. That's A Sh 212 Actually, Cassie had not sent anything outrageous Marion which set she liked best as a wedding gift.

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just a few pictures of sexy lingerie, asking Marion did not dare reply to Cassie; she wished she could just turn off her phone! Since there was a dishwasher at home, Lucas insisted on cleaning up.

By the tMarion had checked her messages, Lucas had done everything. He emerged from the kitchen, drying his hands with a kitchen towel in a leisurely manner.

Marion blushed furiously, thinking about the photos Cassie had sent. Her heart pounded faster and faster.

Thankfully, Lucas’s phone cto her rescue! It was Martin calling, asking if they were free today since the weather was nice for a round of golf.

Lucas answered the call, standing beside Marion. He rested one hand on the table in front of her, with his index and middle fingers tapping lightly.

“No, we're not available,” he said calmly.

Marion looked up at him with questioning eyes.

Martin on the other end was also puzzled. “Why not? It’s Saturday today!” With his slender finger tapping the tabletop, Lucas explained, “We need to catch up on sleep.”