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The Black Beast's Useless Concubine

Chapter 14
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The White Creature And The Scripture of Bai (4)

“Furball?” Bai Ye reached for the little creature. There was a grayish-white appearance to the creature’s blue eyes. The adorable enthusiasm of the furry creature was gone.

“Hey, I’m not a furball. I’m a little spirit!” the creature argued. It tried to brandish its claws to show its disapproval but it required too much energy.

The creature’s limbs moved sluggishly and Bai Ye frowned, “What’s wrong? Are you hungry?” She took a bun from the plate and handed it to the creature.

The creature shut its eyes and feigned dead. “I’m too tired to eat. I need to return to your body and rest.”

With that, the furry thing melted into her palm.

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“Furball?” Bai Ye called out, concern laced in her voice.

“Not a furball, I’m a spirit,” the creature mumbled.

“Tell me what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine. Just exhausted my Spiritual Energy…I just need to rest…”

Bai Ye pressed on. “How long will you rest?”

There was no response.

“Furball? Furball?” She called upon the creature repeatedly. She could feel the creature’s presence diminishing.

“Little Spirit?”

“Yes, correct. Little Ye, I’m cold…” the furball whined pitifully. Bai Ye felt her heart twinge.

“What can I do?”

“There’s nothing you can do for now…I’m okay, just need some rest.” The creature’s voice was fading yet it still refused to let Bai Ye help.

“Tell me, I might have some ideas.”

“Dark Spiritual Energy…The old cemetery…” The creature’s voice sounded like a dying whisper in her head.

That was the last she heard from the furball. The voice in her head disappeared.

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“Dark Spiritual Energy in the old cemetery?” Bai Ye rubbed the spot on her palm where the furball retreated into.

A heavy knock on the door broke Bai Ye’s concentration.

“Little Ye! Little—” The door was busted open. A broad-shouldered man entered the room, followed by Ji Fu and Yao Cuihua.

Bai Ye stared at them, in shock.

“Little Ye, are you alright?” The old couple looked distraught as they fussed over Bai Ye. They breathed a sigh of relief when they found nothing amiss.

“I’m alright. I must have been too tired and passed out.” Bai Ye figured they must have been knocking on the door for some time and her non-response made them worried.

The man who knocked down the door was Ji Fu’s eldest son, Ji Da. He was a man of immense strength so he took great care to control it when he ruffled her hair, worried he might accidentally hurt the young girl.

“Good, good. Let’s have dinner now,” Ji Fu said.

Bai Ye nodded and asked, “Mr. Village Chief, do you know where I can find Dark Spiritual Energy?”

“Dark Spiritual Energy?” Ji Fu’s footsteps halted and a knowing look crossed his face as he stared at the young girl.

Bai Ye was busy lacing her shoes, hence the change in Ji Fu’s expression went unnoticed.