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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chatper 546
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Chapter 546

Losing a leg was equal to death. Robbie was just 28, still young. Without a leg, what kind of life would he have?

Darian pulled a contract out of a brown paper bag, gave it a shake, and laid it in front of Robbie to sign.

Robbie wouldn’t sign, so one of the henchmen snapped his fingers like twigs. The pain turned Robbie’s face ghostly

white and his eyes rolled back. In the end, the man pressed Robbie’s hand down to scribble a signature on the

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dotted line. It was pretty much an IOU, with the clause that he’d lose a leg to clear his debt.

Darian didn’t do bad business. If a guy couldn’t pay up, he’d make it look like an accident for the insurance boys. He

would cripple a leg of him, and the payout would go straight into Darian’s pocket.

Robbie watched as a hammer hovered over his kneecap. The impending agony was almost tangible.

But then, a fierce knocking at the door shattered the moment. Everyone froze, and Robbie, facing a reprieve from

the reaper, exhaled in relief.

Darian shot a look to one of his crew, who went to answer the door.

Hughes was standing there when the door swung open. He stepped inside. “Darian, long time no see.”

Darian, recognizing Hughes, waved his hand nonchalantly. The henchmen released Robbie. Robbie burst into tears.

“Hughes, save me, man. I’ll do anything, anything you say!”

Hughes and Robbie weren’t close. They were just acquaintances really. Robbie was just a street punk who

frequented Hughes’ bar. Hughes preferred to stay out of the messy side of things. But today, he had made a

promise to a lady, to find Robbie for her. Darian eyed Hughes. “Mr. Hughes, what brings you here?”

“I’ve got business,” Hughes said, nodding at Robbie. “I’m taking him with me. Name your price, Darian.”

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Darian sized Hughes up. It was odd that Hughes would want to pay for Robbie since they weren’t exactly close. But

Darian was all about the cash. “200 grand, and he’s yours.”

Robbie gasped. “200 grand? But Darian, you said it was 100!”

Darian flicked his cigarette ash. “That was the old price, days ago.”

Robbie, afraid Hughes might leave him to his fate, clutched desperately at Hughes’ pant leg. “Mr. Hughes, I swear,

if you bail me out, I’ll be Azure’s loyal servant. Whatever you need!”

Hughes told Darian, “The money will be wired to your account, and I’m taking him with me.”