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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chatper 536
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Chapter 536

The wild grass surrounding the tombstone had grown tall. It seemed like it had been quite some time since anyone

had visited to pay their respects to her brother and father.

In the past, she didn’t understand why Grace seldom came here. Now, she had an inkling.

Grace and Joshua, it seemed, had long lost their mutual affection.

Grace was in love with Christopher. Marrying Joshua was an act of necessity for Grace.

And her brother… He was the innocent party in the constant squabbles and disputes between Grace and Joshua. He

could have avoided the car accident that took his life.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She reached out, gently caressing the tombstone, gently touching her brother’s photo.

She bent down, cleared some of the weeds from the ground, and sat in front of the tombstone, talking to her father

and brother for a while.

Ever since she moved to the Zimmer household, her brother had always been good to her. When he was still in

school, he would save his pocket money. He just ate some bread and biscuits taken from home, and he would

secretly use the saved money to buy her candies.

Back then, Allison had just got there. She had spent many years in her hometown with her grandmother. If it had

not been for the earthquake, she would have spent her entire life in Cloudville.

After the earthquake, she was brought to Northfield. Grace, in her memory, was a gentle yet stern woman,

common in character and kind at heart. She was good at enduring, always bowing her head when facing Leah’s


Joshua was an honest man..

When Connor was alive, he considered Joshua as his adopted son, and Joshua always helped Connor and

Christopher. But after Connor’s passing, the Flanagan family started to treat Joshua like a servant.

Christopher, though he referred to Joshua as his brother, never truly considered Joshua as one.

When the Flanagan family encountered financial problems, Joshua unhesitatingly offered his minor share in the

Flanagan family’s business to Christopher. Christopher offered in return a larger house for Joshua, to provide a

more comfortable living for his children.

Joshua agreed.

He received the keys. It was a three-bedroom apartment, but he never moved in. The reasons remained unknown.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Allison sat in front of the tombstone, reminiscing. Time flew, and it was 6 PM when she stood up. Feeling dizzy, she

steadied herself against the tombstone. After the dizziness subsided, she whispered, “Dad, Ricky, I am leaving now.

I will come to visit you when I have the time.”

Allison took the subway. She disguised herself, wearing a hat, glasses, and a mask. No one recognized her amidst

the hustle and bustle. She returned to Powell Estate.

Her dizziness didn’t subside. Allison didn’t eat dinner and went to bed early. She slept until 8 AM the next day. She

woke up, feeling weak, and found her phone dead.

After charging her phone, she took a shower. She felt weak and realized she had a fever.

She opened the refrigerator and found some pasta. She cooked the pasta and took some fever medicine from the

medicine cabinet. She didn’t know when she had gotten sick. Perhaps she had caught a chill at the cemetery the

day before. When you’re alone, you tend to neglect these things.