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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Dr. Dylan, invitation in hand, walked into the venue arm in arm with Allison. She was blown away by the

opulence of the scene before her.

“So, what kind of dinner is this, Dr. Dylan?” Allison asked hesitantly. She had assumed that it would be

something akin to a scientific convention, considering both of Dylan’s parents were doctors and he

came from a medical family.

“Oops, my bad, I forgot to tell you. My dad once performed heart surgery for Carter He was so grateful

that he invites my dad to his birthday bash every year,” Dr. Dylan explained in a low voice as they


Upon hearing Carter’s name, Allison came to a halt. “Carter!?”

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Dr. Dylan noticed her sudden change in mood. “What’s up?”

The realization that she was at Carter’s birthday party hit Allison hard. The Flanagans and Lucian

would definitely be there. If she ran into them….

Her face paled, and she whispered to Dr. Dylan, “I’m not feeling so hot, I think I should…”

“Dr. Dylan.”

Her words were cut off by a new voice. Allison looked up to see Cora approaching.

“Ms. Hamilton,” Dr. Dylan responded politely.

“Dr. Dylan, where’s your father?”

“He had an emergency surgery today, so I’m here to wish Carter a happy birthday on his behalf.”

“I see. I’ll have to invite your parents to the Lindberg’s sometime.” Cora noticed Allison standing next to

Dr. Dylan. She looked familiar, but Cora couldn’t quite place her.

Smiling, she said, “Dr. Dylan, is this your girlfriend? Why don’t you introduce her?”

Allison’s heart clenched at the title, but Dr. Dylan just smiled and said, “Ms. Hamilton, this is Allison.”

“Allison…” Cora repeated the name. It sounded even more familiar now.

Dr. Dylan turned to Allison. “Allison, this is Ms. Hamilton, Carter’s daughter.”

“Hello, Ms. Hamilton,” Allison said nervously.

Cora nodded and smiled. “Dr. Dylan, you’re a lucky man.”

Seeing that Cora hadn’t recognized her, Allison breathed a sigh of relief.

But then she felt a cold gaze on her.

She looked up instinctively to meet the eyes of the man standing by Carter’s side.

She was busted!

Panicked, she thought about making a run for it.

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But Cora was already waving Lucian over. “Lucian, Penelope, could you look after Dr. Dylan and his

girlfriend for me?”

“Girlfriend?” Lucian repeated the word, a hint of mockery in his tone.

Allison was too embarrassed to even lift her head. She was just here as a stand–in for Dr. Dylan, how

on earth had she become his girlfriend?

Lucian watched Allison, dressed in a red gown, standing calmly next to Dr. Dylan.

Suddenly, the scene before him seemed to grate on his nerves. His gaze fixed on her hand resting in

the crook of Dr. Dylan’s arm.

Allison’s dress wasn’t high–end or brand–named, but it made her look even more stunning. The V–

neck was simple, yet classy She looked less demure and more captivating than usual.

Her long hair, simply draped over her shoulders, sparkled under the crystal chandelier.

“What are you doing here?” Lucian asked, his surprise barely concealed.

Allison stiffened, but she didn’t say a word.