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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119

She stepped out of the hospital, took out her phone, “Margo, set up a meeting between your nephew

and Allison. I have a hunch they might hit it off.”

Margo caught her drift immediately. “Sure thing. I’ll get right on it. But doesn’t Allison already have a

boyfriend? I heard he’s a doctor.”

“Does Allison deserve him?”

Margo thought to herself that her nephew wasn’t a bad catch, even though he just got out of the

slammer, he was family after all.

But she didn’t voice this out.

After hanging up, she dialed her nephew immediately.

“Randal, it’s Margo.”

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“What’s up?” Randal glanced at his phone, puzzled. Margo hasn’t reached out in a while.

Margo chimed, “Aren’t you of marrying age? Your mom has been on my case to help you find a

suitable girlfriend, and I think I have a perfect girl for you You wanna meet her?”

“Pass Randal scoffed and made some noncommittal noises before ending the call.

He heard she was a maid, how could she possibly know any good girls? The people she knew were

probably just like her.

Margo didn’t mind his attitude and sent him a picture of Allison right away

A few minutes later, after laying eyes on Allison’s picture, Randal called back, “I might have misspoke

earlier, when should I come over? Send me when and where.”

“Alright, how about this Wednesday”


Margo waited for Allison at the Flanagan family residence early in the morning. When she saw Allison

emerge from a side door, she went over with a paper bag in hand, “Change into this and come with


Allison opened the bag, smelling the cheap fabric.

“I’m not wearing this, what are you up to?”

“You’ll find out when you get there, hurry up or Mrs. Flanagan will be on your case,” Margo urged, “Stop


Not wanting to argue, Allison changed into the dress Margo provided. It was a cheap looking green

sweater dress with a low neckline and an unpleasant odor.

Margo had to admit that Allison was a stunner. Even in a dress that cost a few bucks, she made it look


She took Allison to a coffee shop.

When she didn’t find Randal, she dialed him, “Where are you? Allison and I are here.”

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“I’m stuck in traffic, I’ll be there soon. You guys sit tight.”

Allison looked at Margo in confusion, “Why did you bring me here?”

“Mrs. Flanagan wants you to meet someone, he’s a good guy. You’ll see when he gets here, don’t be

difficult.” Margo felt a pang of regret thinking about the bill that she’d have to foot in this fancy coffee


“You want me to go on a blind date?”

Allison’s eyes widened in surprise, “Margo, what are you talking about? I already have a boyfriend. I’m

not going on a blind date.” With that, she prepared

to leave.

However, she was immediately blocked by Margo. Margo’s plump body stood in her way, “You really

don’t get it! Mrs. Flanagan has made it clear, if you leave, your mother won’t get her medication today”

Allison’s face turned pale!

Leah had hit her weak spot, nothing was more important than her mother.