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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 10
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Chapter Ten

Theo’s Point of View

Iam very good at gathering information from people and computers. I became sort of an investigator

after my mate passed away. My dear sweet Miranda, death took her way too soon from my arms.

Miranda had been involved ina car accident year before last. It was eastern Oregon in January; roads

were slick, and we eventually found her jeep flipped over in a ditch off the highway. Police initially tried

to say that they believed that she had hit an animal, but I personally went to the scene and scented no

other animal near her.

The front end of jeep was smashed in from where she had hit the ditch, but no one could explain why

the back end of her jeep was smashed in. I also pointed out that there seemed to be a paint transfer,

her jeep was white, the transfer paint was blue in color. I almost lost my mind arguing with the police

and the detectives because I needed to know what had happened to the love of my life. I got nowhere

with asking them for information. That is when I decided that I would start my own investigation. °

I was not too smart when I first started, I asked people flat out if they knew anything. Slowly I learned

the art of being more discreet. I buttered up to the receptionist, took her to dinner and started getting

some answers. I then trained relentlessly during the night in the art of hacking. I finally was able to hack

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

into personal email accounts of several officers that had been at the scene. From their emails I could

tell they were hiding something, protecting someone. Digging deeper I finally found out that the police

Chief's son drove a blue Ford Ranger pick up truck.

After learning all of that it was not hard for all of the other details to fall into place. The kid had been

driving drunk, he never even noticed my precious angel until he hit her. Her car spun several times

before flipping and going off the highway. He freaked out and drove away and never called 911. My

Miranda, my love died alone in the cold winter of Oregon.

Bringing myself back to the present I could fully understand why my Alpha was so interested in this

female. He has a natural curiosity, and he hates deception. Not to mention he was bound and

determined to find that young wolf from this morning. I am elated that he is fixated on her, and I am

hoping that she may be his mate.

At breakfast there had been a very talkative pretty little blonde woman that tried to flirt with Caleb. Of

course, Caleb barely noticed her. She was young and it appeared that she lived in the manor house,

soI am searching her out for answers about the mysterious girl. Perhaps if I turn on my charm, she will

tell me everything I want to know. I spot her in the manor house television room, talking to two young

girls that appear to be about her age. After staring at her a few times and flashing my smile she easily

dismisses the girls and saunters over to me.

“Hi, i am Heather. You are Alpha Caleb's Beta, right?” She is twirling her long blonde hair as she starts

talking to me. “Yes lam.”

“He is so dreamy. What is he like at home? Oh, what is his favorite color?” She is rattling off questions

and not even waiting for answers.

“He is calm, and quiet. He does not like loud noises, and truthfully, I do not know what his favorite color

is. 1am interested in learning about you though.” I flashed her a side smile, letting her think that I am

interested in more than information gathering. '

“Oh, well Iam the Beta’s daughter, I have lived her my whole life and Iam unmated at the moment. I

think that Alpha Caleb may be my mate thoughI am sorry.” Her eyes divert to her feet, little does she

realize that Iam simply opening her up from my questioning. ° “That's a shame, you are beautiful

Heather. I am sure that Caleb will be excited to see you tonight at the ball.” I watched her beam with my

words, as her head whips up. “Perhaps you can help me possibly find my mate then. I seen a girl

earlier, brown hair, long legs, slightly shorter than you. I could not catch her face though because she

was hurrying from the meeting hall back to the manor house and she used the back door. lam simply

curious because I did not see her at breakfast, and I would like to meet her.” I knew I was laying it on a

little thick, but I was hoping Heather would help me out. *

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Oh, that thing cannot be your mate. I can not believe that the Alpha even let her live.” Iam shocked by

Heather's words and literally stop in my tracks. “What did she do that the Alpha would want to take her


Heather looked around trying to make sure that no one was around to hear me. She still seemed

nervous and looped her arm through mine. “I really shouldn't be telling you this, but I couldn't bear it if

Alpha Caleb was embarrassed by his Beta asking about her. The girl your asking about her name is

Daphne. She is biologically the Alpha’s and Luna’s youngest daughter. The Luna was pregnant with

twins, and Daphne was so freaking fat that she killed her twin brother in the womb. The Alpha made

her a slave to the pack. You wouldn’t want her anyways, I have her that she opens her legs for any

man that will have her.” :

My skin crawled where her arm was wrapped through mine. This woman just explained to me that the

Alpha of the Silver Moon pack had condemned his daughter to a life of servitude, because his male

heir did not survive childbirth. My stomach was revolting at this information and I needed to find a quick

escape. Lucky for me at that moment I could hear the other two packs arriving.

“Excuse me Heather, I must be beside my Alpha when meeting the other packs.” I untangled my arm

from hers, and practically ran from the room. Now that I had more information, I needed to inform Caleb

of everything I had learned.