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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7192
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Chapter 7192 After a moment, Goyo shook his head in disbelief.

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"No, it's impossible for you to be so strong. You're just a mortal being. There's no way your strength could improve as rapidly as our Alcide beings.

"Even Xanthakos, the first mortal to ascend to Zymurgy, can't defeatwith only half of his strength!" Listening to Goyo's desperate and almost hysterical rant, James shook his head with a hint of pity.

Despite being the leader of the Alcide beings, Goyo's foresight, strategy, and knowledge were inferior to Xanthakos, a mortal who had exploited loopholes to ascend and beca leader of the Five Path Emperors. Just then, a clear, feminine voice suddenly cfrom nearby. "Is your battle over, Honey?" James turned around abruptly. When he saw the beautiful figure, joy immediately flooded his face as he rushed toward her.

"You're awake, Darling!" James exclaimed excitedly, grasping the shoulders of the beautiful figure.

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Thea smiled and replied, 'This turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Not only did I awaken, but my injuries are healed, and it seems I have attained the Zenthur Anonymous Rank." James burst into laughter, lifting Thea off her feet and twirling her thousands of times in the void. Meanwhile, Goyo, lying on his back in the void, observed these scenes with a complex expression. Where was the fierce and merciless James from moments ago? Facing Thea, he seemed transformed into a playful and affectionate lover. The stark contrast left Goyo bewildered. Was this still the Chosen One who had battled him fiercely just moments ago? How could these two sides of him be the sperson? Thea playfully tapped James's forehead. "Alright, enough. We have company. Mind your manners." James nodded obediently, then turned to look at Goyo. "Do you know her?" Goyo murmured, 'The Yin governor. She's one of the last Alcide beings left. Is she also going to fall victim to your blade?" Upon hearing Goyo's words, James and Thea exchanged glances before bursting into laughter simultaneously. Goyo said tremblingly, "What? Aren't you sworn enemies of Alcide beings?" "From now on, you will address her with respect. If you slip up, I'll cut a piece of your flesh off," said James. Goyo bristled with humiliation and rage at the indignity.

However, Thea playfully punched James' arm and then turned to Goyo with a gentle expression. "Don't mind him, Goyo. You saved my life before." Goyo was taken aback, then sighed deeply. "So you'll also spare my life as a token of gratitude?" Thea smiled gently and replied, "James never intended to kill you.

Otherwise, you would've already been reduced to Annonymous Gas." Goyo sighed and uttered defeatedly, "You're also an Alcide being. You wouldn't deceive me, right?" Thea nodded gently in response.