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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7191
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Chapter 7191 Goyo spat out another mouthful of blood. Before he could defend himself, his left hand was severed.

Just as he was about to speak, a purple-gold light flashed behind him. As soon as James materialized from the light, he delivered a powerful elbow strike.

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Goyo plummeted from the sky, but James did not stop his attacks. Just like a puppet, he was battered by the successive attacks and rendered completely unable to mount any defense.

James could have ended Goyo's life with a single strike, but instead, he seemed to be deliberately toying with his opponent, as if testing new techniques.

The battle stretched across entrapochs. Goyo endured blow after blow, his limbs shattered and meridians destroyed. He gasped for breath and spat blood until he finally collapsed into the void.

James appeared beside Goyo's right side with a flash. He picked up the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword and ceased his relentless assaults.

"The Upper Three Swords," James mused, twirling the sword in his hand. "If I combined with my Lower Six Swords, would their strength be amplified?" "Could I slay gods and demons alike with ease? Alcide Beings would be but fodder for my sword." Goyo gasped desperately.

"No, no! You can't treat US, Alcide Beings, like this!" "You've used such dirty tactics to win! This is not a righteous path! It's wicked!" James responded smilingly, "You've just lost my respect." Goyo frowned, attempting to rise from the void, only to find his powers drained and suppressed, leaving him unable to support his weight.

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He was the mightiest being of the Greater Realms. Yet, he lay defeated by a mortal. The different realms would be in shock if the news were to spread.

James said coldly, "Have you ever heard of Yianni?" "Yianni." Goyo's eyes widened.

James said smilingly, "He's my master. The Supernatural Powers I used were the Dawnblaze Form and Terrastride Step! I also utilized the Zenthur Anonymous Rank." Goyo looked at the battered James, who was also covered in blood and chuckled weakly, "Seems like you're no better off. You can barely stand yourself, can you?" James shrugged, turning to face Goyo with a calm expression. "I admit, if you were to unleash the Endless Exploration, I might not be able to withstand." "Unfortunately for you, I possess not only the Dawnblaze Form and Terrastride Step but also the Chaos Yin-Yang Eyes, which can foresee your every move." Goyo scoffed, "Did Yianni truly impart all this to you?" James confirmed with a smile, "Yes. I was kind enough to give you an option, but you insisted on fightingin close combat. Do you regret it now?" "If I were to use the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword and unleash my full cultivation, you would never surpass me," Goyo said.

James replied lightly, "Possibly. However, I've also only used half of my strength." At his words, Goyo spat out another mouthful of blood, nearly toppling headfirst from the void. 1