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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7190
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Chapter 7190 Faced with such a terrifying attack, James did not dare to be careless. He immediately initiated his Three Treasures, and countless Sword Lights surrounded him to form a dense, impenetrable barrier.

He swiftly merged with Jademora Sword, transforming into a massive purple-gold lightsaber, and charged straight at the Goyo with the intent to strike him down.

"Con!" The Eternal Pathway descended with a deafening crash. Boom! Boom! Boom! The explosions tore through reality and shattered divinity. Goyo's Sword Lights and the millions of stars engulfed the entire Gate of Annonymous. Even James, who had transformed into a lightsaber, was caught up in the chaos.

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Suddenly, under the onslaught of millions of stars, the Gate of Anonymous erupted in a brilliant black light, trembling violently as if on the brink of collapse.

At the northeastern corner of the Gate of Anonymous, a graceful figure seated cross-legged on a blossoming lotus burst forth with a myriad of colorful lights, intercepting the ferocious shockwaves.

Opening his eyes, two beams of black and white shot forth, and from his gaze bloomed hundreds of millions of black lotuses, humming as they spun, swallowing the relentless shockwaves.

In the next instant, these black lotuses rapidly transformed into white lotuses, spinning majestically across the void.

"Haha!" Goyo, amidst the void of the Gate of Anonymous, suddenly erupted in laughter.

"You're the first to face the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword, Eternal Pathway. I originally intended to use it against Xanthakos. It's a great honor for you to perish under my divine Supernatural Power." Goyo gripped his sword and took a deep breath. "However, it is regrettable that a powerhouse like you had to die. In intellect and strength, you stand at the pinnacle. Unfortunately, your arrogance caused your downfall." Just as his voice echoed, James's voice echoed from the void, is that so? You're too confident, Goyo." Goyo's jubilation immediately vanished. He gripped his sword tightly as he scanned his surroundings vigilantly. However, he found no traces of James.

He shouted with a grim expression, "I know you've integrated the Three Treasures, and are immortal. However, your physical body has already been destroyed. What threat can you pose against me?" James mocked, "I thought the leader of the Alcide being would possess more wisdom. It seems even you cannot escape the curse of arrogance." Goyo snorted coldly, "Words are futile. Cforth and resour battle if you can." James mocked, "You're not done yet, right? Is it tto summon the third sword, the Endless Exploration?" "You..." Goyo was taken aback. Before he could react, a dazzling purple- gold lightsaber flashed behind him, piercing his sword-wielding wrist with a swift swoosh, drawing blood.

"Argh!" Goyo withdrew his hand swiftly, but the lightsaber had vanished without a trace.

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Goyo seethed with fury. "I respect you as a foe, but to stoop to such underhanded tactics?" James burst into laughter. "Underhanded? For a powerhouse like you, how are you so ignorant?" A flash of purple and gold light heralded James' presence.

With a swift motion, he delivered a powerful slap that sent Goyo hurtling away. Before Goyo could recover his balance, James vanished once more.

Moments later, James appeared to Goyo's left and swung his fist, delivering a powerful blow. Two dragons emerged, sending Goyo flying into the distance.