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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7169
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Chapter 7169 "However, he authorizedto meet with you, and you can bring up any conditions you have to me." Upon hearing this, James stared directly into Xalvador's eyes and then smirked devilishly.

Xalvador could not help but feel nervous as he saw this unsettling smile.

"Your Majesty, I'm speaking nothing but the truth. I have the soul sigil of Lord Goyo as evidence." "No need to show it." James pushed back the sigil Xalvador offered." Except for Lord Goyo in person, neither you nor anyone else will be accepted." Seeing James' dominance, Xalvador's expression fluctuated between red and white. He was like a cat on a hot tin roof, pacing back and forth in front of James. He was very anxious as if sunspeakable secrets could not be revealed. Meanwhile, James leaned against a huge rock, slowly pulled out a jar of Chaos Absinthe, and began drinking nonchalantly.

After a while, Xalvador seemed to have made a certain decision and said to James, "Your Majesty, Lord Goyo's faction is willing to collectively sign a soul contract. As long as you help US pacify the chaos caused by Emperor Qadeer, we will immediately elect you as the second SuprPath." James did not even glance at him and continued drinking.

Anxiously, Xalvador rushed in front of James. "This is our bottom line. You must understand, if Emperor Qadeer destroys US, then the next target will be the Wyrmscale Source and the myriad realms. Even though you have the protection of the providence of living beings, you are simply unable to confront him with your overall strength.

"Even with your Supernatural Powers and peak strength, you still cannot prevent the catastrophe he will bring upon the living beings in the myriad realms." "Keep acting." James glanced at Xalvador disdainfully. "I'm not in a hurry, you are. The longer it takes, the closer you are to annihilation." As soon as these words were spoken, Xalvador's expression changed." Your Majesty, what do you mean by this?" "Don't infectwith your stupidity." James put down the jar of wine and said impatiently, 'The Marauder Army of One Hundred Thousand Warriors managed to infiltrate the heavily guarded Terythor Universe without launching a strong offensive. It indicates that there's a traitor to Emperor Qadeer, which is what you call a defector, who has already incited rebellion within your ranks and taken control of a large portion of the forces in the universe.

"Terythor Universe, as the southernmost First Domain of Lord Goyo's Daonus Realm, is like this. What about the east and west sides? "Don't forget, this tEmperor Qadeer has prepared sufficient forces and powerhouses for you. It's a decisive battle. "And what about you?" James glanced at Xalvador again. "Originally, the most relied-upon forces like Emperor Cosimeon, Emperor Stavros, and Emperor Zdravko, along with Taichu, had formed their own alliance for selfpreservation. Now, it's just Lord Goyo's faction facing Emperor Qadeer's massive offensive. How long can you hold out?