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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7166
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Chapter 7166 With a flash of Sword Light, an elder wearing a black robe with gray hair and a youthful face suddenly appeared in front of James.

As soon as he appeared, the Alcide beings on the battlefield, who were originally ready to fight to the death, immediately knelt in reverence.

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Seeing this, James narrowed his eyes into slits, his hands still clasped behind his back.

"Xalvador Douglas!" the Divine Marius murmured. Then, he quickly transmitted a message to James. "Master, this is Sir Xalvador. He is the leader of the Seven War Saints under Lord Goyo and the foremost guardian deity of the southern end of Lord Goyo's Daonus Realm." Receiving this message, James scrutinized the elder. Despite his calm exterior, Xalvador was surrounded by a faint black gas, his cultivation base and level of power seemingly being eroded. Blood stained the corners of his mouth, indicating severe injuries that he was trying hard to conceal.

"James!" Xalvador cupped his hands in James' direction. "May we speak in private?" James remained unmoved. Xalvador took a deep breath. With a wave of his hand, a dazzling jade pendant flew towards James. Catching it, James immediately recognized its significance. It was the token of identity he had given to Harper before she left, clearly indicating a deeper meaning in Xalvador's possession.

Seeing Xalvador's urgency, James spoke slowly, "Febby, Sir Hankin, please convey my order. No one is to act rashly without my permission." The Divine Marius and Emperor Yevgen exchanged a glance and nodded in agreement.

Xalvador then sent a beam of light towards the Alcide beings on the battlefield before vanishing with James.

Atop a towering mountain peak at the edge of the Spiritual City, James and Xalvador landed simultaneously amidst flashes of purple-gold light.

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Xalvador suddenly groaned and vomited a mouthful of blood. He fell to one knee, barely keeping himself upright with his longsword.

James frowned upon seeing this. The facade of strength Xalvador had maintained before the other gods now crumbled, revealing his grievous injuries.

"James," Xalvador said, his body trembling. "I don't have much time, so let's be straightforward. Can you answer a question first?" James nodded slightly. "I can." Xalvador endured his pain and asked, "Did you choose to ally with Emperor Qadeer out of necessity, or were you enticed by his promises?" James responded calmly, "Is this question from you personally, or are you asking on behalf of Lord Goyo?" Xalvador hesitated, then asked, "Is there a difference?" "Of course," James said, clasping his hands behind his back, if it's from you, I'll kill you immediately. If it's on behalf of Lord Goyo, I'll have to slap myself for misjudging him." Xalvador was stunned by James' sharp gaze. "Could it be that you are merely pretending to cooperate with Emperor Qadeer, using his nto get involved in this war, with plans to influence the outcbetween Emperor Qadeer and Lord Goyo?" "Sir Xalvador." James glanced sideways at him. "You are also an Alcide being, right?" Xalvador nodded slightly.

"No wonder," James said with a cold smile. "Considering you aren't completely foolish. I suppose I can indulge in sconversation with you." With that, James turned slowly, hands still behind his back. "In the eyes of you high and mighty Alcide beings, it seems that all living beings of the myriad realms are nothing but lowly, insignificant ants, destined to be controlled and manipulated by you. "To you, allowing sliving beings to participate in divine wars is a great favor, what you call an opportunity and blessing."