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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7150
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Chapter 7150 The fierce battle raged, causing tremors to spread throughout the Celestial Realm.

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The Wrymscale Army's troops had been empowered by James' Annonymous Gas and fought with great strength. The Divine Army, famed to be stronger than the Marauder Army, was overwhelmed by its opponents. Watching the Divine Army fall in droves to the power of their foes, Zaila was stunned. She never imagined the supposedly inferior Wyrmscale Source to wield such terrifying strength.

The man standing beside Zaila advised, "Order them to retreat. At this rate, the Divine Army will be wiped out." Zaila scoffed, "They can dream if they think the Divine Army will fall so easily!" She thrust her sword forward, and a blinding light instantly engulfed the battlefield. At that moment, her fallen soldiers were resurrected. They beceven fiercer and more bloodthirsty than before, quickly turning the tide of the battle in a short period.

Marius, who was confident about winning the battle moments ago, frowned. "They are as ruthless as the Marauder Army, like monsters without souls.

"Attention..." Marius raised his flag to rally his troops, but James suddenly intervened and said, "Hold on. Let them adapt and overcthe situation. True strength is forged in the face of danger." Marius was startled by James' words but complied.

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Meanwhile, Seraphine waved her hand and shouted, "Hold firm! They can only be resurrected once! Slay them and honor the Wyrmscale Source!" After speaking, she thrust her palm forward and instantly knocked away a dozen resurrected opponents. As they flew into the distance, they exploded into pieces.

Her words inspired her troops, and they instantly unleashed their Supernatural Powers. At that moment, a barrage of elemental and sword attacks flashed throughout the battlefield.

The newly resurrected troops were gradually slaughtered, and the tides turned again.

Zaila was enraged and attempted to raise her sword to give another command. However, her advisor stopped her and said, "Don't be stubborn. Lord Goyo personally built the Divine Army with his best elites. Yet, our opponents have the upper hand. If we continue engaging in battle, we might lose the stronghold. We can't betray Lord Goyo's trust, right?" Zaila looked at James with gritted teeth. Seeing him calmly sitting in his chair with crossed legs made her angrier.

However, she understood the gravity of the situation. If the entire Divine Army were wiped out, their defenses would crumble. Not only would she have to worry about answering Lord Goyo, but whether she could make it out alive would be uncertain.

She shouted reluctantly, "Retreat!"