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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7035
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Chapter 7035 "Marius has just cto the Forty-Ninth Heaven. He's immature. You can ignore him." Yiulia flashed and blocked Thea behind her.

The huge monster chuckled. "Emperor Zdravko of the Five Path Emperors dares to sneak into our Wyrmscale Source. This is rare. Since you cuninvited, I won't hold back." Then, the huge monster opened his mouth. A ray of purple light appeared. He engulfed Yiulia and Thea entirely.

In the purple light, Thea turned around and shot up to the sky. She sat on a large lotus.

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At the stime, she activated the Three Treasures Integration. Behind her were countless lotuses. They bloomed at the stime. Countless illusionary hands appeared.

"Don't move," Yiulia quickly shouted, "We aren't his opponents." It was a pity that she was too late. The monster roared angrily and blew a strong wind that couldn't be resisted.

The strong wind caught Yiulia off guard. She was blown away immediately. Nonetheless, Thea reached out two illusionary hands and caught her.

In the next second, Thea waved her hands. Eighty-one sacred lotuses shot out and went against the strong wind. There was a loud explosion. The strong wind shattered from the collision with the eighty-one sacred lotuses.

The aftershock spread quickly. It destroyed the beautiful scenery.

"Oh no." In Thea's embrace, Yiulia said dejectedly, "We can never go out." Thea wasn't as cowardly as Yiulia. After she crushed the strong wind, the illusionary hands that were formed by countless lotuses shot out. They headed toward the huge monster at lightning speed.

"It's the Heavenly Path. How interesting." The huge monster shook his body. Countless feelers appeared. They wrapped around Thea's every illusionary hand.

Then, the large monster turned around. Thea and the lotus beneath her were pulled up. They were thrown around in the void. Upon seeing that, Thea snorted. Her main self integrated with the Innate Black Lotus. She turned into the Bohnwer Light Sword and headed straight to the monster.

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"No!" Yiulia shouted.

The Bohnwer Light Sword that Thea turned into had already penetrated the monster's outer layer of defense with great force. She pierced through the latter's body. There were splashes of blue blood.

With a loud sound, the monster stumbled a few steps backward.

Seeing the huge blue holes in his body, the monster was enraged. "You're strong. I have underestimated you." The monster didn't move his body. However, countless feelers appeared. They headed toward the Sword Light formed by Thea. They surrounded her.

"No!" Yiulia quickly shouted, "Marius, she's the Yin governor." Marius said, "Even if Xanthanos is here, it's not possible." Then, the countless feelers around Thea tightened.

"She's the wife of James, the Chosen One." Yiulia roared, "If you hurt her, James will kill you." Her words seemed to be useful. The countless feelers around Thea instantly froze.