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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7030
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Chapter 7030 James replied, 'The vision you've described is too distant. Let's focus on our current situation." Qadeer was momentarily taken aback before responding, "If you and I agree to have an alliance through our children's marriage, I will immediately release Morgott and open the Gate of Mystery for you to leave." "I don't care where Morgott goes. However, you can join my venture to the Forty-Ninth Heaven to reclaim everything that belongs to US." James squinted his eyes.

Morogtt shouted from within the formation, "Are you out of your mind, James? Do you really believe his words? You even let Frona self-destruct! You..." "Shut up," James snapped at Morgott. Then, he turned to Qadeer and said smilingly, "Let's change our terms a little. I want to temporarily use the Gate of Mystery for three entrapochs. During this period, you can't intervene. Otherwise, the deal is off. "As for the marriage, I'm open to it. But I would like to see your sincerity first before making a decision." "Just three entrapochs?" Qadeer's eyes lit up.

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James nodded in response.

Qadeer laughed, "Deal! I'll wait for three entrapochs, James. I'm confident you'll ally withthrough our children's marriage." James smiled at him but said nothing.

Qadeer suddenly asked, "Why don't you releasefirst?" James waved his hand, and a soul contract appeared before Qadeer.

"We'll discuss the rest after you sign it." Qadeer looked over the contract and was taken aback.

James asked coldly, "What's wrong? Is that too much to ask for?" Qadeer scruntinized James and replied, "Of course not. However, I'd need the ssincerity from you as well." James responded, "What do you want?" Qadeer demanded, "I want you to release my daughter. Keeping her imprisoned is pointless." James waved his hand, summoning a black-and-white energy. Yehria instantly appeared in the void. Although her elegance had returned, her cultivation base was diminished.

Seeing his daughter, Qadeer attempted to rush toward her. However, he was still retrained by the black dragons. He quickly turned to James and signed the soul contract.

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James raised his eyebrow and withdrew the black dragons.

Qadeer rushed over after being freed and caught Yehria.

"Go away, old man!" Yehria roared and shook Qadeer off. She stood up and glared at him.

"You..." Feeling embarrassed in front of James, Qadeer becenraged. " Have you no remorse, Yehria?" Surprisingly, Yehria hid behind James. Both Qadeer and James were puzzled by her actions.

Yehria shouted, "I'd rather be James' prisoner than go with you! You're a cruel, ruthless demon! I don't want to be with you!" Qadeer fumed, but James shrugged and said, "You've seen it for yourself, right? It's not my fault." Qadeer glared at Yehria, his teeth grinding and fist clenched.

'You rebellious girl. How dare you..." Yehria retorted, "Get lost, old man! You have no right to concern yourself with my affairs! Be the master of the Greater Realms or whatever! You don't deserve to have children! You're not qualified to be my father!"