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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7025
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Chapter 7025 Qadeer found himself in a state of panic, his mind consumed with thoughts of how to extricate himself from the current situation. He was acutely aware that James' decision to confer privately with Lesia was a clear indication of the trust placed in her. The realization cast doubt on the effectiveness of his provocations.

Yet, he could not linger in this situation any further. The presence of Lord Goyo had made him anxious. If he lost control of the Forty-Ninth Heaven, it would yield dire consequences.

However, releasing James from the Gate of Mystery was not an option. Allowing him out would only invite a more formidable opponent in the future.

In the midst of his unease, a shadow darted before him, and James reappeared.

Qadeer, eyes wide, hastily cautioned, "James, do not succumb to the honeyed words of that woman, you..." James interjected coldly, "I've only asked one question. The next question is, when should I merge my wife's two halves?" Qadeer stood stupefied by the suddenness of the question.

James maintained a stoic silence regarding the matter with Lesia, adding to Qadeer's perplexity and heightening his anxiety. After a momentary pause, Qadeer composed himself and awkwardly inquired, "Did that cunning woman urge you to merge the Yin governor's two halves?" James retorted, "I'm the one asking the questions." Qadeer took a deep breath and answered, "Regardless of what she said, you must exercise caution in making decisions. My advice is not to do it until the Waitara Path's Soremsia is found." James stared at him and sneered, "This bringsto the third question. You're a disciple of the Waitara Path and are supposedly loyal to him. Yet, why are you trying to prevent his return? Do you harbor aspirations for the SuprPath's position?" Qadeer raised his head and smirked.

James stated coldly, "Don't keepwaiting. My patience is wearing thin." Qadeer explained, "It's simple. We're very different beings. They're born from Xyloria Aura, and we're not."