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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7006
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Chapter 7006 Goyo explained patiently, "One epoch in the Haleth Realm is equivalent to one entrapoch in the Xanadu Realm. As long as Qadeer follows James into the Xanadu Realm, he only needs to spend one epoch in the Haleth Realm but can cultivate for an entire entrapoch in the Xanadu Realm." Taichu took a deep breath. She realized how clueless she was in comparison to Goyo, even though she was one of the Five Primal Evolutions. It was evident he had studied the Xanadu Realm very thoroughly.

After a moment of hesitation, she asked, "And what about James? Are you not going to help him? Isn't he the Chosen One that you hold in the highest regard?" Goyo raised his head and said with relief, "He becthe Chosen One on his own, so there isn't much I can do." Taichu said anxiously, "If you don't do anything, Qadeer will swallow him and seize his Three Treasures. If that happens, who could stop him..." Before she could finish, Goyo's laughter interrupted her.

Annoyed, Taichu asked, "What's so funny?" Goyo replied with amusement, "Who do you think James is? He is protected by a Nothingness God. Don't you think that's much better than us?" Taichu was suddenly at a loss for words.

Goyo said leisurely, "Qadeer is a fool to think he can use the Gate of Mystery to seize James' Three Treasures." Taichu asked doubtfully, "So, do we just let things develop?" Goyo replied, "Yes. James is a human that transcends heaven and earth. He is not under the Path's control. If we intervene, we'd be helping him overchis tribulation and getting in the way of him receiving an extraordinary blessing." Taichu sighed and shook her head. "With such intelligent beings like you around, deities like US seem like fools.:" Goyo explained, "Daoism has three treasures-compassion, frugality, and humility. If we could live as simply as you, that would be the greatest fortune." Taichu was speechless.

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Goyo said helplessly, "Alright. It's tto go. Qadeer is really powerful, and I got hurt. Two foolish women are waiting in the Forty-Ninth Heaven. We need to address this and get on James' good side." Taichu asked puzzledly, "What do you mean?" Goyo did not answer immediately. Instead, he tossed out a golden pill, and his sedan chair departed.

Taichu caught the golden pill floating in front of her, her face showing extrsurprise.

"Wesley is a good kid. I once taught him, so we share a master-disciple relationship. Use this to save him." Goyo's voice echoed from the void, leaving Taichu speechless.

After pocketing the golden elixir, she grumbled, 'You only think of your disciple. I'm injured too." With that, she vanished in a swirl of vast gray mist.

Meanwhile, inside the Gate of Mystery, after enduring 100,000 tribulations, James and Morgott were covered in wounds. Despite their miserable states, they were still very much alive and kicking.

"Givesome, James. Just a small sip," Morgott pleaded, eyeing the Chaos Absinthe in James' hand. He reached out and tried to grab it.

James immediately cradled the wine jar in his arms and said, 'You want to drink some? You can't handle your drink. A sip would be enough to knock you out. If you cause trouble later, then you might really beca demon." Morgott pleaded, "Please! I'm no longer just a spirit. I just want a sip! I promise not to drag you down!: James looked at him skeptically. Seeing his desperate and pitiful state, he hesitantly handed over the wine jar.

Morgott quickly snatched it and guzzled its contents.

"Damn it!" James shouted, then stood to his feet.

"Didn't you say just a sip?!! Was that just a sip?!!" Morgott ignored James' protests and continued to gulp the wine.

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James kicked him and reclaimed the wine jar.

"That was refreshing! This wine is something else, James. It can actually heal wounds!" Morgott stated as he stood up, chuckling happily.

James was distraught. He vigorously shook the wine jar only to find not a single drop was left. He was in indescribable pain, as it was the last jar of Chaos Absinthe, and he had no clue how long he would be trapped. Morgott turned to him and said, "Do you think Qadeer wants to torture US to death?" James still fixated on his empty wine jar, showed no interest in Morgott's question. Morgott approached and called out, "James..." James snapped, "Don't talk to me! Where's my wine? Everything is gone! What am I to drink? You damned fool! I should've let you die of thirst." Morgott was caught off guard by James' outburst.

James glanced at his pitiful expression, then waved his hand to summon a large chunk of ice.

With a swift motion, James conjured a blood-shadow fire lotus in his palm, instantly melting the ice into water. Then, he swiftly caught the water in empty wine jars.

Surprised, Morgott asked, "Are you alright, James? You can't drink that as wine." James retorted, "Get lost. You don't know anything." Just as he finished speaking, a hearty laugh cfrom the nearby void.

You're already trapped here, yet remain optimistic. It's admirable."