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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7000
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Chapter 7000 "I've been waiting here for quite stime." A monotonous voice cfrom her right just then.

Thea swiftly turned around and saw a person in the distance. To her surprise, a gorgeous and curvaceous lady was staring at her with an intense gaze.

"Lyla?" Thea's brows arched.

"You got it wrong. I'm not Lyla." The lady responded expressionlessly, "I am Yiulia Zdravko, one of the Five Path Emperors from the Forty-Ninth Heaven." Thea subconsciously dropped her jaw.

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'Lyla and Emperor Zdravko... The two of them look so alike. It's as if they are the sperson. Is this just a coincidence?' Thea wondered.

.." Yiulia called out frigidly, "Oh, no. You are still incomplete. I should call you Thea instead.

"Yin governor..." "For old time's sake, I'll help pass on the message to him. So, do you have any last words for him?" Thea narrowed her eyes. 'You're Emperor Zdravko, and you're also Lyla..." "Don't mention that nagain!" Yiulia raised her voice. "I'm Yiulia." Without any warning, she charged toward Thea.

Countless palm-shaped forms materialized in the air. As those palms shone brightly with the Sohnwer Light, they cdown onto Thea the next instant.

Despite that, Thea calmly extended her arms and conjured numerous rotating sacred lotuses to defend herself against Yiulia's attack.

A battle broke out as soon as Yiulia reached where Thea was.

Regretfully, Thea had just mastered the Three Treasures Integration. She still lacked experience in using the skill.

Thea also had relied mostly on Taishi's powers to achieve the Daeclon Mahayana Rank.

It would have been easy for her to defeat another Daeclon Mahayana Rank cultivator. However, her current opponent was the Emperor Zdravko, who owned the Gate of Creation.

At spoint, Yiulia conjured the Gate of Creation. She managed to have Thea sucked into the gate and reduced her cultivation.

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Boom! Yiulia generated a blast that sent Thea flying thousands of light-years away.

Then, she teleported and caught up with Thea. Simultaneously, Yiulia lifted her hand and formed a light sword with the Sohnwer Light.

By the tThea steadied herself, Yiulia was holding the light sword with its tip positioned just a few centimeters away from Thea's throat.

There was an uncomfortable silence around them for a moment.

Thea looked at the light sword and smiled wryly. 'You win." "Why didn't you go all out?" Yiulia asked furiously, "You've accomplished the Daeclon Mahayana Rank and the Three Treasures Integration.

"Even though you've been sent into the Gate of Creation, you still have what it takes to fight back." Thea beamed. 'You lost when it cto love. As for battle performance, you won instead. That makes US even." Yiulia pushed the tip of the sword forward slightly and said bitingly, "I do not dwell in matters such as love. I have no such emotions in me." "Instead of Emperor Zdravko, I prefer calling you Lyla." Thea replied frankly, "I don't think you'll kill me. Otherwise, you'll lose again." Yiulia seethed. "What makes you say that?" "It's because you have that prideful and unwavering side to you." Thea went on to explain, "If you killnow, he will always rememberand resent you forever. You'll lose him for good. The fact that you did would probably haunt you even in your death." Those words left Yiulia shocked and flabbergasted. She stood there with a blank look on her face.