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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 6815
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Chapter 6815 James said, "Put your hand over your heart and think about it. How did you treat my wife, the Light Heavenly Path, Abelard, and all living beings? "You were humiliated by what I did? Does it even compare to all the pain and suffering you've put others through? "This is just a small payback from me. Rest assured, we have more surprises in store for you." Yehria was momentarily stunned as she listened to James' words.

"You used your looks and even offered to joinin a Dual Cultivation," James said frigidly.

"From my perspective, not only were you degrading yourself, but you were also extremely naive.

"You thought you could seduceinto taking the offer. When I lower my guard during the Dual Cultivation, you will use the opportunity to retrieve half of your Solm Primordial Spirit in my possession.

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'Then, you would no longer have to hold back in eliminating me." 'Too bad. You had it all wrong." James curled his lips. "Someone like you would never be able to get betweenand my wife. Did I you seriously think I was someone who would fall easily for any lady's seduction?" Yehria was in so much shock that she could not cup with a response.

"Yes, I admit." James got to his feet, the bottle of Chaos Absinthe still in his hands. "Your looks and your body are amazing. They are flawless.

"However, you're an idiot if you think all men are willing to give up everything they have just because they are attracted to a woman's appearance.

"You don't understand what it's like to be willing to die for someone else. You haven't experienced relationships that matter more than anything else in this world.

'Therefore, you couldn't empathize with how one only had eyes for a single person.

"You may be the most beautiful woman in the world. However, you are nothing but a cunning and cruel being to me." As she listened to James, Yehria was shivering slightly in rage. "So... You won't agree to my offer, no matter what?" "I've compromised, though." James grinned malevolently. "At the very least, I didn't resort to using the most unethical way to punish you." Yehria's eyes widened.

"If it were the old me, I would have gone along with your plan." James explained, "I would have joined you in a Dual Cultivation just as you suggested. There's no harm in having sfun with a beautiful woman anyway.

"Moreover, I am confident you won't be able to achieve what you really want to do during the act under my watch." Yehria retorted, "You can't..." "Yet, I didn't do that." James slowly shook his head. "It's not because of reasons relating to you. It's because I've done something wrong to my wife before.

"I still regret it even now, and I've paid a hefty price for my actions.

"I have learned my lesson, and I won't allow myself to make the smistakes twice. Also, I'm trying to solve the issue between US most peacefully." A mocking grin played across James' lips. "You are proud of your impeccable looks and beautiful body, don't you? So, I'll help you feel even better about yourself.

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"You are going to achieve instant fwith these nude photos. Every living being, even Zymurgy's suprbeings, will lust for you.

"You will becthe lady of their dreams.

"I will make multiple copies of the photos Lesia and the others have taken. Then, we will try to distribute them to everyone across the different worlds. What's more, we won't charge a cent for these promotional activities." "You... How dare you..." Yehria fumed, "You shameless bastard! James Caden, you're-" "Master, that won't do!" Lesia interrupted, 'These photos are rare and exclusive! Numerous suprbeings are extremely curious about her actual appearance. Not only do our photos show Yehria's real face, but they are also nude photos of her! We should be selling these photos at a high price!" "I agree!" Hemera nodded vigorously. "We should charge each person a transcendent divine tool or a Xaeclon Rank grade elixir for each photo." "You guys are too unambitious." Fennec jutted his chin up. "Each of her nudes is worth at least one spiritual tool. We may even be able to get the suprbeings to fulfill our request in exchange for the photos." Yehria's temples throbbed as she listened to the spirits' plans. Eventually, she coughed up a mouthful of blood.

'She vomited blood!" Lesia exclaimed.