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Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 209
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Chapter 0209

“Positive. Go be the leader they need you to be.” Letting go of his arm, I moved it to his

face. The movement hurt but I wanted to feel his face one last time in case things didn’t

go as planned.

Alec didn’t respond but leaned down and k*ssed me hard. It was a goodbye k*ss. As much

as the tears threatened to fall, I wasn’t going to let it. I was the dam n luna of this pack

and that meant keeping my s hit together for our men. He finally let me go and looked into

my eyes.

“I love you, Kristen.”

“I love you, too, Alec.” I said firmly and without hesitation. He gave me one last k*ss

before walking over to his men and to Jasper. I stood back and watched the shock on

Jasper’s face before he looked over at me. Alec walked away from Jasper but Jasper just

stood their with his mouth open, looking at me.

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“MEN!” Alec roared. Everyone stopped talking and looked over at him, me included. “Let’s

roll.” His voice was dangerous as he gave me one last look and walked out the door.

Everyone fallowed him. Walking out after the last guy, I watched them get into our blacked

out SUVs. Only when the last door was shut, did Alec get into his seat and shut the door.

Everyone around stopped what they were doing and watched the SUVS leave the territory.

Penny’s vans had arrived just moments after our SUVs left. Walking out, I needed to meet

them and talk to them before we load up. The sky was darkening and the air was starting

to cool off.

“Luna Kristen. It’s good to see you.” One of my dad’s warriors stepped out. His daughter

was in my class.

His name was Clint and was still one hell of a warrior.

“Hey, how are you?” I asked as I got close to him but stopped when I was within arms


“I am doing well, I should be asking you that question.” Clint had a sympathetic look on

his face.

“You know me, stubborn as hell and refuse to accept help.” I joked.

Clint laughed. “I remember.”

“So, how is the road?” I asked getting to business.

“We drove slow and Penny even had us leave a few warriors every so often to keep

monitoring it. They are to check in every ten minutes.” Clint held up a walkie talkie.

“There doesn’t appear to be any fresh

tracks or any signs of human interaction.”

“Perfect. I shouldn’t need to tell you the importance of this.” I said firmly.

“No, ma’am. I will be greeting Penny myself. Penny got the email you sent but she still

wishes that your


I both loved and missed Penny. “She is an angel.” I sighed.

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“She will be a perfect luna.” Clint agreed.

“Emmy, write down the names of each person in each car. Start loading them up.” I yelled

out. Emmy nodded and guided people into the vehicles. Everyone moved in a hurried

fashion. “Clint, minimal information has been handed out to limit panic. I would appreciate

it to stay that way until everyone is safe inside the safe house Penny has set up.”

“Understood.” Clint looked at his watch. “I believe Colt should be meeting up with Alpha

Alec within five minutes.”

“Clint, tell me everything is going to go smoothly and I am over reacting.”

“Well, everything is going to go smoothly but you can never be too safe with the lives of

your pack. I believe you are doing the right thing.”

I didn’t respond but nodded as people headed towards his van. He opened the door as I

watched parents sit in the seats and all children sat on their laps or on the floor. They all

looked scared.

“Everything is going to be okay. Clint here is going to make sure you arrive safely.” I told

them as Clint

went to shut the door.