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Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 202
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Chapter 0202

Dad was quiet for a moment. “This is f ucking insane.” He sounded tired.

“Alec and I have a plan.” I said quickly.

“What is it?”

“Tonight, while s hit is happening, all the women, children and elderly needs to move to

your pack. Since everyone will be elsewhere, this will be a good time to move people to

safety. Then, we can use our territory to set up the attack. Allow them to think they are

coming back to retaliate. Alec thinks they will attack us by morning.” I didn’t want to come

out and say it as I was unsure who was all listening on his end.

“Thhhhhhhhat might work. They might have people watching so it would need to be after

the attack in hopes that they retreated all their men. However, we would have to move

everyone in waves and do it quickly. Obviously we will take anyone who needs shelter but

with the attack, we will be low on warriors.”

“We haven’t worked out details but more of the overall plan. We wanted to see how you

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both felt about it before thinking about details on how to execute the plan.” I said, trying

to sound grownup and luna like.

“There are five hours left until our warriors leave. You have four to come up with a plan

and present it to us. Understood?” Dad said in a newly found hopeful tone.

“Yes, sir.” I said, feeling rather confident.

“Kristen?” Dad asked, a little more shyly.


“How are you doing?”

“Oh, um, physically I have been better. Not as bad as yesterday and the shower really

helped.” I tried to

move them up and around. It was a little sore but not terrible.

“And emotionally? Me ntally?” Dad pushed.

“Working on that. It’s…” I felt rather awkward saying this in front of Jasper and Alpha Marc.

Both were

listening closely. “…coming along. I rather not be left alone at the moment.”

“All normal feelings. That is completely normal to need someone with you after what you

been through,

Don’t be ashamed of that.” Dad drove in his point.

“Thanks, dad.” I said feeling rather exposed.


“I’ll talk to you in four hours.” Dad hung up the phone and I felt rather encouraged.

“See you in four hours.” Alpha Marc gave me such a small smile that I almost missed it.

Jasper held the door for me as I walked out of it. “That went better than I expected it to.”

He whispered. as we came up to my office.

“Me too. I thought he was going to rip my head off.” I mumbled as Jasper opened the door

to a happy Emmy.

“All done!” She looked rather proud of herself and I was beyond happy about this.

“Anymore clues?” I asked as I sat in my chair.

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“Nothing that is jumping out of me.” Emmy sighed.

“Listen, I have a new task. Do you remember how I organized your beta duties?” I asked.

“Of course. I still use that system everyday.” Emmy looked confused.

“Good. I need to know how many women, children and elderly people we have here that is

not eligible to fight.” She blinked a few times before looking at Jasper.

“Baby, can you get my laptop from our room?”

“Sure.” Jasper stood up instantly but hesitated after he realized what she just asked of

him. He turned and looked at me, as if to say he had permission.

“Make it fast.” I said as I looked down. My anxiety started flying but I tried to fight it. There

was no reason to get nervous over Jasper going down the hall and coming right back.

“Ice?” Emmy brought me out of my inner thoughts with a concerned voice.

“What?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know which topic she wanted to know about.

Mrs. Smith


Thank you all for reading!