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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240

“The moment I met Callum, I felt that he was different from other men. He’s deathly attractive to me.”

As Eric spoke, he clasped his hands together to show that he was in love.

“He’s a man, Eric!” Elspeth helplessly pressed her palm against her forehead. At that moment, she

regretted asking Eric to come over.

“You’ve changed, Elspeth!”

Eric widened his eyes in disbelief. “So what if he’s a man? It doesn’t deter me from admiring him. If I had

known your boyfriend was such a brilliant man, I wouldn’t have been so worried.”

Elspeth was surprised by Eric’s transformation.

“Are you sure you’re admiring him and not loving him? You’re drooling, Eric!”

She pursed her lips, feeling speechless.

“Well, ignore such insignificant details.” Eric waved his hand and walked up to Callum with an admiring

expression. “Hello there, Mr. Winthrop. Can I call you Callum? I’m going to spend several days in

Waterside. Why don’t you show me around?”

It was Callum’s first time being wooed by a man, so he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t



Eric pouted, looking aggrieved. “Come on, I know nothing about this place.”

His face was effeminately beautiful. When he acted coquettishly, even a man’s heart would melt.

Nonetheless, Callum remained unperturbed and was somewhat annoyed.

Now that Eric seemed to have lost interest in Elspeth, Callum could set his mind at ease for now.

However, he still wasn’t fond of this effeminate guy.

“Can’t you ask someone else to show you around?” Elspeth rubbed her nose. “Your lover is here

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anyway. You can ask her to be your tour guide.”

At the mention of Emma, Eric felt frustrated. “You know that I just dismissed her for you. I suppose she

hates me very much now. Moreover, I’ve just lent you a hand. If Callum isn’t willing to bring me with him,

you’ll have to do that.”

Certainly, Elspeth had to stay by Callum’s side. In that case, Eric would still achieve his goal.

Elspeth had already figured out Eric’s intention.

Naturally, Callum wouldn’t allow the woman to spend time with Eric alone. As such, he shot the other

man a look and said coldly, “You can come with us.”

Eric nodded smilingly. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll return to the hotel and get some rest now.”

He was ready to hug Elspeth before he left, but he stopped when he caught sight of Callum’s stern gaze.

“That’s petty of you.” Eric pressed his lips together.

After Eric was gone, Callum shifted his attention to Elspeth.

“Don’t you want to explain what’s going on?”

Having been a couple for so long, Callum had figured out Elspeth’s plan.

He was also aware of Eric’s identity and his relationship with Emma. Nonetheless, he was still upset, and

as jealousy burned within him, he inched closer to Elspeth until her back was pressed against the wall.

“I shall settle the score with you now, Elspeth.”

The woman forced a smile. “I can explain.”

“There’s no need to explain.”

As Callum watched how cautious she was, which was different from her usual self, the fire of lust rose

within him.

“Kiss me, and I’ll forgive you.”

Elspeth was stunned, for she never expected Callum to come up with such a demand.

“There are people around us.”

They were not in the hotel at this moment. Although they were in the corner, they might draw the others’


“It’s fine. It’s dark here, so no one will see us clearly.”

As his Adam’s apple bobbed, Callum said in a hoarse voice, “Come on.”

Left with no choice, a blushing Elspeth landed a peck on his cheek.

“That doesn’t count.”

Elspeth knew what he meant. To save herself from further embarrassment, she looked at the man’s thin

lips and gritted her teeth before kissing him.

The next moment, she was pulled into the man’s embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and

pressed her head against his chest. “You mustn’t do that again.”

“There’s nothing between us. I only asked him for help. He’s Emma’s lover. In fact, Emma dumped you

for him.”

Callum narrowed his eyes. “You know I’m not doubting you. I’m just not happy that you weren’t frank with


“Alright, I’ll be sure to tell you before I do anything in the future. That’s a promise.”

Elspeth put on a meek smile and wrapped her arms around the man’s shoulders before blowing some air

at his neck.

Callum was pleased with her obedience.

“Alright, I’ll forgive you.”

Elspeth nodded and struggled out of his embrace. “Okay, let’s go back and get some rest. We’re going to

have fun tomorrow.”

Then, she added, “Oh, don’t forget to bring Eric along with us.”

At the mention of that guy, Callum’s expression darkened again.

“Don’t bring him up!”

“Alright. I know you don’t like him, but since you’ve promised him, you should take him with us.”

Eric wasn’t a bad guy. Moreover, he appeared to have some special feelings for Callum. It seemed that it

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would be interesting to watch the two men interact with each other.

The next morning, Elspeth and Callum were still asleep in the hotel when she heard a series of rapid

knocks at the door.

“Open the door, Elspeth! The sun is already up in the sky!”

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Elspeth got out of bed with much difficulty and opened the door, only to

see an excited Eric all dressed up.

“Whoa, Elspeth. You still look wonderful without any makeup on your face.”

After complimenting the woman, Eric looked around the room. “Where’s Callum? Why don’t I see him?”

“I don’t sleep with Callum.”

“What’s going on? Aren’t you guys a couple?”

Eric came from a liberal country, so he didn’t understand why they were so conservative.

A helpless Elspeth said, “Stop being so promiscuous. Just because we’re a couple, it doesn’t mean we

have to sleep together. We’re not married yet, after all.”

“Oh.” Eric’s eyes brightened instantly. “Does that mean I still have a chance?”

“Eric, I’ve already turned you down—”

“Do you think Callum will accept me?”

Upon hearing that, Elspeth realized that she was wrong about what was on Eric’s mind.

Watching as Eric became infatuated with Callum, she felt as though she was the outsider. At that

moment, she was vexed.

With a frown, she threatened him by saying, “If you don’t stop lusting after Callum, I’ll call your dad and

tell him to haul your *ss back to your country.”

Hearing the woman’s threat, Eric panicked in an instant. “Don’t do that! You know that my dad is fond of

you. If you say anything bad about me, he’ll teach me a lesson!”

Elspeth snorted. “Behave yourself, then.”

Eric nodded meekly before saying, “The other day, he asked when we’d be getting married.”

Elspeth almost choked on her saliva when she heard that.