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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 221
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The man who was rumored to have died in the car accident was actually alive!

Looking at the slightly pained expression on his face, Elspeth asked, “What about Mrs. Blue?”

“She passed away in that car accident.”

She immediately knew that she had reopened an old wound by accident. Sighing heavily, she looked

guilty as she apologized, “I’m sorry for probing.”

“It’s alright. It’s been decades now. I have gotten over it.” The look on Yoel Blue’s face turned gentle in

an instant.

“Since you are alive, why haven’t you gone and seen him, Mr. Blue?”

He opened his mouth and must have been at a loss for words as he only slowly began after a long

minute, “It is because of my selfishness. After I recovered back then, I learned that the Winthrop Family

had adopted him. And because he was but a young boy, and I wished for him to live a good life as a

Winthrop, I went incognito and left Damoria.

“I have been keeping myself updated about him all these years. I only hurried back recently after I

heard about Arthur’s falling out with the Winthrops.”

Elspeth was filled with anger the moment Arthur’s name came up, but still, she tried her best to calm

down. “Mr. Blue, Arthur has gotten especially twisted these years. With how ambitious and aggressive

he is, he might not listen to you.”

Yoel’s sad and helpless eyes were staring blankly ahead. He seemed to have lost the light in his eyes.

“It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. I single-handedly made Arthur who he is today. If only I hadn’t been greedy

for a better life for him, he wouldn’t have…”

“Please talk things out with him if you do meet. You are his birth parent after all. I have a feeling he will

listen to you.”

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Elspeth suddenly felt hopeful that the man in front of her was someone who would be able to save


“Let’s do it this way,” she added. “I will take you to him after I save my patient with your herbs. Don’t

worry. Every problem will be solved then.”

She smiled and took out a card which she passed to Yoel. “I know that you said you’re not taking

money from me, but rules are rules; I will pay you according to the market price. There are 1.5 million

on this card. There should be change left excluding the price for these herbs.”

Yoel’s eyes went wide. “I can’t accept this…”

“Please don’t say that, Mr. Blue. 1.5 million is nothing if you can talk Arthur into cleaning up his act.”

No word could better describe Elspeth than “generous”. 1.5 million wasn’t much for her anyway. This

would be her doing a favor at a tiny cost.

After she exchanged contact with Yoel, she went back to the residence with Callum.

She then quickly stored the herbs before she left for Jordan’s.

Jordan was trying to coax Angie into eating when Elspeth arrived.

This was the first time she had seen that troubled look on Jordan’s face. Seeing this, she turned to

smilingly lock eyes with Callum.

Jordan must have heard her laughter when he whipped his head in their direction. The sight of them

walking over immediately made him look uncomfortable.

“Ah, NK Group’s president! Still busy after work? I see you’re coaxing your girlfriend into eating.”

Not only did Elspeth’s relationship with Jordan not take a turn for the worse after the kidnapping

incident, but they even became comrades.

Jordan scoffed and mocked her in return. “You’re always skipping work to stick to your boyfriend as

well, president of Azure Corporation.”

“Enough with the nonsense.” Elspeth rolled her eyes and cut to the chase. “I’m ready to treat Angie’s

sickness. Are you ready, Angie?”

As soon as Angie heard that, she quickly huddled over and cheered, “Yes! I’m ready. Put the oatmeal

away, Jordan.”

Jordan looked somewhat glum. “Of all the times you could have come, you just had to come right when

it’s time to eat. You being here has made her lose her appetite even more.”

Upon hearing that, Elspeth put on a straight face. “Be good, Angie. Eat your oatmeal, or I won’t treat


“But I can’t take another bite! Jordan takes care of me like he is raising a pig. Who even feeds a lady

two big bowls of oatmeal the way he does?!” Angie frowned.

Jordan naturally had his reasoning. “You are different from other ladies. You have a weaker

constitution. If you don’t eat well, you will become as thin as a piece of paper.”

“But look at Elspeth! She’s super pretty because she’s skinny!”

Angie pointed to Elspeth who was not far away. She was well-proportioned and tall, and she looked

especially fresh and extravagant even in casual clothes.

“She’s unhealthy.”

Elspeth’s eyes must have rolled to the back of her head when she heard that. “Now who are you calling

unhealthy?” she huffed.

Callum leaned in toward her and whispered in her ear, “I think so too.”

She reacted by pinching him. “What did you say?” She gritted her teeth and grinned.

Even though he was in pain, Callum didn’t let it show. “Alright, alright. You’re not skinny.”

She finally let go of him after hearing a satisfactory answer.

Angie thought that she wouldn’t have to eat the oatmeal after Elspeth came, but now that two people

were forcing her to eat, she could only force herself to finish it bitterly.

She then took a short rest after taking her medicine.

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Soon, Elspeth brought her to a room upstairs to begin her treatment. No one knew what the two of

them were doing in the room, but after 30 minutes, the door creaked open, and Elspeth was the first

one to come out.

Jordan, who was a little emotional, stared at Elspeth’s face. “How is she?” he asked in an expectant


Unlike him, Elspeth let out a helpless expression. “I’m sorry. I…”

His face immediately fell. “You what?!”

“I said…” A cunning grin appeared on her lips. “It went really well. She’s alright now.”

The man beamed as soon as he heard that. Elspeth couldn’t help thinking how he probably wouldn’t

get as happy even if the company made a profit of 5 billion now.

“However, she is still resting now. You will need to feed her more energy and blood-nourishing food in

the future. As for how you can get her to actually eat something, I’ll leave it to you to find a way.”

With a smirk, she dumped the hard part on him.

Callum could tell that she was deliberately playing tricks on Jordan.

“Got it.” Jordan’s head was a mess at the mere thought of him needing to feed Angie. But she was the

rose he had painstakingly grown after all. He would have to continue coaxing her as best he could.

“We’re off, then. Don’t text for no reason, and don’t text me even if there’s something you need me for.

I’m a busy woman.”

Elspeth pulled Callum along to leave right after she said that.

“Don’t worry. I don’t ever want to see you unless the situation calls for it.” Jordan knew how petty

Elspeth was. He knew that she made it sound bad just to make things difficult for him.

Elspeth inwardly cheered as she brought Callum away after she saw the indignation on Jordan’s face.

It was about time they headed back to Damoria.

After Elspeth gave Yoel a call to tell him to leave this place with them, the three of them proceeded to

get on a flight back to Damoria. It was a beautiful morning.