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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 217
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Needless to say, Michael could not find Elspeth at all. After he searched through every part of Blaydal

and Damoria—and even Frank’s territory—not even her shadow was found.

Now that Joneson Corporation was decimated, Michael had no choice but to make an official statement

that he would not intervene in Elspeth’s marriage and career, giving her the liberty to maneuver her life.

It finally appeased the fans as they let the Jonesons off the hook.

Elspeth released a short clip to tell everyone that she had forgiven him. Her cheeky counter made his

blood pressure spike to the roof, resulting in his hospitalization.

When the news reached her ears, she was relieved that he would not get in her way for a long time.

Today was the day Elspeth and Callum returned to Damoria. While Callum was in the middle of an

online meeting, Elspeth received a message from Frank.

‘Elspeth, there’s something I haven’t told you. Could you drop by the coffeehouse?’

It was surprising and doubtful, but she prepped up to go to the coffeehouse, nevertheless. A pall of

ominous air shrouded the garage. Before she could enter her car, someone brusquely grabbed her


She realized it a little too late because the intruder’s hand had reached over and covered her face first.

A strong smell wafted her nose, and drowsiness sat upon her eyelid.

Watching Elspeth fall in a swoon, the intruder heaved a sigh and looked at the man standing at the

side. “We got her.”

Jordan sneered. “Good. Bring her to my place.”

“Yes, sir.”

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By the time Elspeth regained her consciousness, she was fettered on a bed. Jordan, who was standing

nearby, zeroed in on her like she was a masterpiece.

“It’s been a while, Elspeth.”

A nervous Elspeth put on a calm face. “I didn’t know you’re like this, Jordan. Are you angry because I

didn’t get engaged with you?”

“You still have the heart to joke, huh?” It was the same old smile he had on his face, but a tinge of

menace traced his lips. “I brought you here because I need your help.”

At the sight of that deranging eyes, she cursed inwardly but dared not enrage him. “What kind of help?”

“You know, it’s about my first love. Frank should’ve told you about her, right?”

Her gaze dimmed. “Isn’t she dead a long time ago?”

“Yup. She’s supposed to be dead.” The glint in Jordan’s eyes glazed over. “Let me tell you a story.”

She was not in the mood to listen to it. “Just kill me or zip it, Jordan.”

“Hear me out. You might be able to depart this life in peace after that.”

In peace? He must be outta his mind.

“She’s a wonderful person like you. Confident; pretty; and bright, but she’s not as calculative as you

are. Can you believe someone like her was diagnosed with scurvy? Her blood is special, so they can’t

find the right donor for her. She needs to undergo many treatments for her dear life.”

“So what? Are you trying to save her life with mine?” she retorted coldly.

Cruelty and an unfathomable glint flashed across his bright eyes. “Yeah. I’ve been looking for that very

person for a long time. I performed a DNA test with your hair, and to my surprise, you’re the most

suitable option.”

“Aren’t you afraid that she’ll hate you after knowing what you will do to me?”

Jordan’s expression did not change. “Let her be. My only objective is to save her. Besides, no one will

know even if you’re dead.”

“Do you actually think that you can kill me?”

He looked at her empty hand. There was no ring now. “Your smart ring and phone have been

destroyed. Whom are you trying to call for help?”

Elspeth’s heart squeezed. There was nothing she could do, but she did not want to yield that easily.

Suddenly, Jordan’s phone rang.

“Mr. Carr, the doctor said that we have to put off the blood transfusion first. Elspeth—”

“What about Elspeth?” He frowned.

“She’s too thin. She might lose her life in the middle of the transfusion.”

Jordan did not expect that to be the reason for postponing the operation. At the same time, Elspeth had

an idea upon overhearing their conversation.

He looked at her with knitted brows. “You better be good and take your meals from today onwards. The

butler will serve you food accordingly.”

“On one condition—set me free from the bed.” She smiled.

“No can do.” He pinched her cheek, smiling. “You one sly kitty. I will never let you go that easily.”

“I’ll starve.”

The indifference in his gaze morphed into ire. “And I’ll kill you without anyone knowing.”

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“You’re crazy!” she barked.

“Thanks for the compliment. If you’re saying that I’m a madman who sacrifices for his love, I gladly

accept it.” He rose to his feet, intending to leave.

“I’m hungry.” She glared at him.

He checked his wristwatch, which showed 12.00PM—it was indeed lunch time. “The butler will bring

you something soon. The room is soundproof and here is the only residence around the area, so save

it if you’re gonna scream for help.”

Jordan left thereafter, leaving Elspeth firmly shackled on the bed.

On the other hand, an anxious Callum noticed her disappearance. He searched everywhere she

could’ve been, but in vain.

Harper rushed all the way to Blaydal upon knowing the news. “Where was the last time anyone saw


Callum inhaled a deep breath. “The garage at the basement, but the car is still there. And there’s no

suspicious vehicle around. ”

“That mean’s she’s kidnapped, right?”

“Yes, but I can’t think of anyone at the moment.”

A figure seeped into Harper’s mind. “Could it be Arthur?”

“No. If it’s him, he would’ve brought Elspeth here to threaten me by now. She is never his target.”

Then, who else could it be? The only person that hasn’t revealed himself ever since we eloped is…

Callum’s eyes lit up as he grasped the situation. “I know who.”

“Who?” asked the dubious Harper.

Callum’s low voice sounded urgent. “Harper, find out where Jordan lives. Get all the addresses,

including his assets. Quick!”