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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 207
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Yelena immediately realized that Jordan had special feelings for Elspeth. She whispered in Elspeth’s

ear with a smile, “Elspeth, look how good Mr. Carr is. He seemingly bailed me out, but in reality, he did

that because he cares about you. Why do you have to be hung up on Callum? Isn’t it better to choose

Mr. Carr instead?”

Elspeth gave her a dirty look. “Why are you so anxious to mind someone else’s business? You’re not

out of the woods yet. I should’ve left you alone at the police station just now.”

Yelena screwed up her face at once. “Okay, I’m wrong.”

“No matter what, thank you for helping Yelena out today,” Elspeth said, looking as usual despite

thanking Jordan for what he did.

Jordan raised his eyebrows. “In that case, why don’t you return the favor by giving me your hand in


“Over my dead body.”

Jordan frowned. “Over your dead body? Are you sure about that?”

Elspeth shot a glare at him. “Get lost.”

Jordan smiled. “Alright, I shan’t keep you company any longer. I’ve got something else to deal with.”

“That’s most welcome. Take care and goodbye, then.”

Instead of taking offense at what Elspeth said, Jordan laughed heartily.

After the man had left, Elspeth glanced around her; only then did she notice that Blake looked rather

surly. “What’s wrong?”

Blake shook his head with a sigh. “It’s nothing. It’s just that I’m too useless.” I was no match for Callum

before, and now I’m no match for Jordan. It’s like I’m never qualified to stand side-by-side with Elspeth.

“No, you’re not. You’re an actor. If you had the ear of the police, you would’ve been blacklisted in show

business long ago, okay?” Elspeth joked in an attempt to comfort him.

Blake smiled a forced smile. “Okay, I know that.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The three were just about to get in the car and return to the set of filming when they heard a stern

voice. “Yelena!” uttered the voice between clenched teeth.

Yelena trembled with fear the instant she heard the voice. She hid behind Elspeth, not daring to come


Max came to Elspeth’s side and dragged Yelena out with his hand clutching her collar. “I thought of

forgiving you for secretly leaving me behind and planned to visit you after some time, but little did I

think you’d make such a spectacle of yourself!”

Yelena gulped. “How did you find out?”

Max’s anger blazed up instantly. “How did I find out, huh? Are you still not gonna tell me about it?”

Yelena hung her head. “No, it’s not like that.” The instant she lowered her head, she noticed a hint of

unease flickering across Blake’s eyes nearby and immediately figured out everything. “Blake, did you

snitch on me?”

Blake rubbed his nose while looking imperturbable. “I didn’t.”

Max pinched Yelena’s cheek a little hard, causing her to cry out in pain. “Don’t you think you should

explain everything to me at this hour? What the hell happened?”

Elspeth felt a headache creeping up as she watched the three people raising hell around her. “Let me

explain it. This time’s food poisoning is most probably Emma’s doing.”

“Emma?!” the three replied in chorus.

Elspeth’s lips twitched when she saw the looks of disbelief on their faces. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me

you guys never suspected her?”

Max thought for a moment before faltering, “Well, Emma is a bit like a baby, but she’s a nice person in

general. She was nice to the Winthrops before, so I don’t think she’s such a person.”

Elspeth looked intrigued upon listening to this. “Is Yelena a member of the Winthrop Family?”

Stumped by the question, Max was at a loss for a reply.

Seeing that Blake also had the intention of refuting her, Elspeth then asked, “Emma got up to where

she is now after working in show business for almost five years. Say, Blake, do you think she could

become who she is today without any tricks up her sleeve?”

Blake knew better than anyone else how dirty show business was. At the thought of this, he clammed

up and stopped defending Emma.

On the other hand, Yelena wasn’t that astounded by Elspeth’s accusation. She asked anxiously, “In that

case, did Emma eat my box of snacks in secret?”

Elspeth was rendered speechless by her question. “Alright, that’s enough. At this point, we have to find

the evidence first before we can throw accusations at her.”

Convinced by her words, the other three nodded before following her back to the set of filming.

Elspeth had Yelena bring the box of snacks over before bringing it to her nose and smelling it. It smells

familiar… like cyanide grass. Such a poison is overwhelmingly aromatic and hard to obtain. Normally,

it’s rare in the country.

Seeing Elspeth come back, Timothy came up to her, saying, “Elspeth, I just checked the surveillance

footage as you told me, but the corner where Yelena was is a blind spot that couldn’t be captured on

the surveillance camera, so there’s no footage that can be used as evidence. Coincidentally, there

wasn’t anyone suspicious either.”

Elspeth’s eyes narrowed. That would mean the person who laced Yelena’s snacks with poison should

be one of the crew members, which was why they knew where the surveillance cameras were and

wouldn’t draw suspicions. Realizing this at once, she came to the director’s side, asking, “Mr. Aiden, no

one went out while I was away, right?”

Aiden was in low spirits, but he nodded nonetheless. “That’s right. The police had the set of filming

sealed off while you were away just now.”

“Good to hear that, Mr. Aiden. Now I need your help to gather everyone.”

Aiden was surprised. “Why?”

Elspeth’s lips curled into a smile. “That’s because I’ve found out who poisoned the actress.”

Upon hearing this, Aiden instantly perked up and asked his assistant to call everyone over.

Glancing at the crowd before her, Elspeth said coldly, “Let me say this one last time—the one who

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

laced Yelena’s snacks with poison, please come forward by yourself. Otherwise, you’ll have to bear the

consequences when I find you.”

Everyone trembled all over with fear, but no one came forward after a minute.

“Alright, then. Now hold out your hands, everyone.”

Everyone obediently stretched out their hands.

The crew members were mostly ladies, so their hands were fair and tender. After looking at them one

by one, Elspeth soon stopped before a young lady, asking, “Your hands smell so good. What perfume

are you wearing?”

The young lady replied with a smile, “I don’t like floral perfumes, so I’m wearing a honey-peach-scented


Elspeth had been smiling just a second ago. In this instant, however, she rebuked in a stern voice, “It

was you. You were the one who laced Yelena’s snacks with poison!”

A hint of panic instantly flickered across the young lady’s eyes. “You’re throwing mud at me! Why would

you say I was the poisoner?”

Elspeth walked around the young lady while sniffing at her. Then, she explained, “The person who

hired you to do this told you that the poisonous grass is aromatic, but they didn’t tell you that its scent

would produce a strange smell when mixed with any kind of perfume. Not only that, the strange smell

couldn’t be washed off.”

The young lady’s face blanched at once.

“Coincidentally, however, the honey-peach-scented perfume you’re wearing today is best at producing

the strange smell mixture, so… Are you still not gonna admit it?”

The ladies around the young lady sniffed at her. Just as Elspeth had said, she had a smell on her other

than the scent of honey peach.

The young lady slumped to the ground in fright. After all, she never thought she would be found out so


Elspeth bent down and stared into her eyes. “Who made you do it?”