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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 174
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After four hours had passed, Elspeth still hadn’t received the ginkgo. She didn’t know what to do. In the

end, she called and found out that Sonny had sent the ginkgo to the Winthrop Residence in Damoria.

She then made a call to Winthrop Residence, but no one answered. She was met with the dial tone


The moment she hung up the phone, an unknown number called her. When she picked up, the voice

on the other end of the phone shocked her.

“Elspeth, what are you looking for? Is it the ginkgo?”

Arthur’s prideful voice was heard over the phone.

As soon as she heard his voice, the bad premonition she had was immediately confirmed. She

immediately understood that the ginkgo was now in his hands.

She felt her heart drop.

“I heard Callum is seriously injured. You’re not planning to give this ginkgo to him, are you?”

Elspeth’s voice was cold when she answered, “You were behind this, weren’t you?”

Arthur seemed like he was in a good mood as he said, “Of course not. But I’ve heard about what’s

going on.”

“Arthur, give it back to me.”

He was far from an angel, nor was he easygoing. He was still furious after getting humiliated the last

time they met. “Give it back? Why should I give you something that I’ve found? Don’t you think it’s a

coincidence that I saw this parcel right when I decided to go back to the Winthrop Residence? If I didn’t

open it out of curiosity, I wouldn’t have known that this was the life-saving ginkgo.”

“What exactly do you want?!”

Callum didn’t have time to spare, so Elspeth couldn’t just let Arthur have the ginkgo.

Arthur was pleased that he managed to provoke her and threw his final blow. “If you want it back, you’ll

have to agree to my conditions.”

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Although Elspeth was furious, she had no choice but to calm herself down and asked, “Tell me, then!

What do you want?!”

“There’s no fun if I just tell you outright. How about you take a guess?”

Elspeth could hear the smile in his voice, and she knew what he wanted without a second thought.

She asked tentatively, “The Winthrop Group’s shares?”

“Oh!” The corners of Arthur’s lips curled up. “Elspeth, you know me so well. Why don’t you break up

with Callum and come with me? Not only will the ginkgo be yours, but the Winthrop Group’s shares will

also be yours.”

Elspeth felt disgusted and interjected instantly, “Arthur, are there any other conditions?”

Her words surprised him. “Of course not. I only want the shares and you. I don’t want anything else.”

“Arthur, I am your elder brother’s girlfriend.”

He pursed his lips for a moment before a devilish smile formed on his face. “I know, but isn’t that more



“Go on.”

Elspeth knew she wasn’t in a good position to negotiate. In the end, she didn’t bother arguing further

and immediately told him to meet up.

“Come to Blaydal. Bring the ginkgo, and let’s talk.”

She couldn’t give up the Winthrop Group to him, but she knew she couldn’t tell him about that.

Otherwise, it would infuriate him.

Arthur didn’t trust her, fearing that she might lie to him. “Don’t try and trick me into going to Blaydal

before ambushing me there. I’m telling you. If you try to pull something off, I can destroy you any time.”

Elspeth didn’t bother to argue with this lunatic and said softly, “Don’t worry. I won’t lie to you. Don’t we

have to meet up to sign the transfer contract?”

Although he was still on edge, he hesitantly agreed to her request.

Damoria was only two hours away from Blaydal by plane. Callum was still in a coma due to the poison.

Elspeth mused over it and decided to temporarily allow the family doctor to take care of him. Then, she

went out alone to meet Arthur.

They made an appointment in a five-star hotel not far from the Joneson Residence since the hotel had

really good sound insulation.

When she finally arrived, Arthur was already inside, drinking tea by himself.

“You’re finally here. I thought you lied to me.” Raising his chin slightly, he motioned for her to take a


She picked a seat furthest away from him and didn’t bother touching the cup of water.

Arthur played with the cup in his hand and teased her, “What’s wrong? Are you scared of the glass of

water? I’m not a monster. How could I do something to you here? I wouldn’t dare to drug you.”

However, she ignored him and went straight to the point. “Did you bring the ginkgo?”

“I did, but it’s not with me at the moment. It’s upstairs in the hotel room. Do you want to come and see it

with me?”

When Elspeth looked up, she noticed that he was staring at her with great interest. There was a faint

smile on his face and a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“It’s fine. Tell me. Are you only going to hand it over after I’ve transferred the shares to you?”

Arthur shrugged. “I suppose so.”

“But right now, Callum is in a coma. I can’t transfer the shares to you until he wakes up.”

What she said made sense, but Arthur wasn’t satisfied with her answer. “Once you’ve used the ginkgo,

and Callum is awake, what leverage do I have left?”

She wasn’t being pushy or dismissive. “If you don’t trust me, then record what we said. If I don’t keep

up my end of the deal, you can sue me any time.”

However, he shook his head. “Elspeth, you’re too smart for your own good. As long as you say

something indirectly, verbal promises won’t have legal effects. Do you think I’m stupid?”

Such a weak lie couldn’t fool him at all. He saw Elspeth sitting there with her back straight, and an evil

thought surfaced in his mind.

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He leaned closer to her and clung to her.

“Or you can sleep with me tonight, and I’ll give it to you.”

She looked at him in disgust. When she saw his perverted smile, she lifted her hand and slapped him

in the face.

He didn’t react immediately as the smack came as a shock to him.

After a while, he slowly turned to look at her with a menacing look. His reddened eyes were wide open

as he stared at her viciously. He was disgruntled by what had happened, yet he seemed to enjoy it as


“Spicy, but I like it.”

Arthur pushed the tip of his tongue against his inner cheek and felt the wound in his mouth. He felt a

subtle pain. “With such a big reaction, it must mean that you haven’t slept with a man yet, have you?

Callum is such a gentleman. I would have pounced on you a long time ago.”

“Arthur, you are disgusting.”

Seeing that her negotiation failed, she decided to get ginkgo another way. She stood up and prepared

to leave.

However, before she could even start walking, her whole body went limp, and she fell back onto the


Warning bells immediately went off in Elspeth’s head.

“I lit an incense in the room. I’m sorry, but I’m not a gentleman. I’m a monster.”

He caressed her face with his right hand, smiling devilishly. “Elspeth, do you think Callum would be

mad if I slept with his girlfriend, whom he has yet to sleep with?”

Elspeth wanted to fight back, but she gradually lost consciousness.

The last thing she saw before her world went dark was an evil and hungry look in Arthur’s eyes. His

face was smug as he waited for the opportunity.