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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160

“I see you have it hard, Miss Weiss,” mocked Elspeth.

Jordan’s face turned sour upon hearing that, but she couldn’t fly into a rage, not when Frank was around.

If he pulled another fast one, she would be done for. “If it’s fine with you, Miss Lynwood, m-may I go


Any further and the prank will lose its meaning. Elspeth nodded, permitting Jordan to leave.

Seeing no sign of anger on Elspeth’s face, Frank decided to let Jordan off the hook as well. “Leave. Next

time you see my sister, stay out of sight.”

Jordan wanted to scream, but it was not the time. She forced a smile, gave them a nod, and left.

Once she was gone, Elspeth finally burst into laughter.

At the sight of her laughing so merrily, Frank couldn’t help but teased, “Look at you. Laughing at her

when she’s practically broke. Have a heart, would you?”

The comment was shrugged off, and she looked at him. “I can say the same to you, Mr. Scammer. You

came up with that idea.”

He rolled his eyes at her remark. “I did it for you. Would you be fine with it if she had left without paying

the price after she yelled at you?”

Elspeth froze for a moment before letting out a chuckle. “Someone’s concerned about me, huh?”

“I am not concerned about you. It’s just that you’re part of us, and this is my job.”

Someone’s dishonest. However, she didn’t argue further. “I got a dress for free. Sweet! Now, let’s go

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Is she only buying a single dress? “Aren’t you going to get anything else?”

“No. Let’s go home.”

Just then, Frank was reminded of something. “Grandpa wanted me to lead you into Blaydal’s upper

society. Why don’t you come with me to a wine tasting tonight?”

She wasn’t interested in that sort of event. “Not interested.”

“I just helped you out. You owe me a favor, and now’s the time to pay up.”

Elspeth shot him a glare. “That’s not how you use favors.” Regardless, I do owe him one.

“I need a partner anyway. Just come with me.” He then looked at her and complained, “Wait, you don’t

have any makeup on? Gods.” I know she’s prettier than most women, even without makeup on, but at

least doll up a little.

“Are there any makeup rooms here?”

The retail assistant quickly approached her. “We have one here, Miss Lynwood. And fitting rooms, too.

You can try out the dress you just got. I’m sure you’ll shine the brightest during the wine tasting.”

The retail assistant is a smart one. Elspeth nodded while smiling. “Thank you.”

She then went to put some makeup on, leaving Frank alone outside. Out of boredom, he scrolled

through his phone, but nothing good came up on his feed.

“Frank!” a silvery voice called out to him from behind.

He turned around and saw a woman in white.

“Fancy seeing you here, Frank.”

Frank wondered why the girl was calling out to him. He stared at her and thought she looked familiar, but

he couldn’t recall where he had seen her before. “And you are?”

Okay, that’s awkward. The woman introduced herself, “I’m Tiffany. Tiffany McFarlene. Don’t you

remember me, Frank? We met at the bar.”

Oh… Um, still not too sure who she is, but okay. Frank nodded in acknowledgment. “I see. What do you

want?” he said curtly. He was never nice to those whom he wasn’t close with.

“Well…” What’s wrong with him? I’m one of the hottest women in Blaydal, but he seems like he’s not

even interested in me at all.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving. Good day, Miss McFarlene.” Elspeth should be coming out by now.

“I…” Tiffany gritted her teeth and mustered her courage to ask, “I’d like you to be my partner for the wine

tasting tonight.” If it weren’t for Jordan’s text, she wouldn’t know Frank was right here in this mall. Jordan

wanted her to get back at some woman who got on her nerves, but Tiffany couldn’t care less. She just

wanted to be Frank’s woman.

“Sorry, but I already have a partner.”

She was stunned upon hearing that. What? Who dares to take him away from me?! Wait, I don’t

remember him asking anyone in our circle. They would’ve posted it all over social media if he did. Just

when she was about to ask who his partner was, Elspeth came out of the fitting room. The dress fitted

her perfectly, and she had a powerful glow-up with the makeup. Everything around her seemed to lose

its luster in her presence. Even Tiffany was dumbstruck for a moment.

“There’s my partner. Sorry, Miss Tiffany.” Good. I expected no less from my sister.

“You shouldn’t go out with someone like her. Look at her, dressed up like a wh*re. I bet she’s not clean.”

Tiffany was fuming with envy. I never knew there was someone this hot in Blaydal. How is it possible for

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someone to be this gorgeous?

“If I’m a whore, then what does that make you? You came all the way to beg Frank for a chance to be

your partner. I remember there’s a name that people call for someone like you. An easy woman,


Elspeth wouldn’t let anyone talk down to her, especially not some stranger. Since Tiffany wasn’t even her

business partner, Elspeth didn’t see a need to hold back. Besides, the Jonesons would back her up if

anything were to happen. She could fight back against those who insulted her however she pleased

without worrying about consequences.

“How dare you! I’ve known Frank for years. You’re just his new toy! Nothing more, nothing less. You don’t

get to talk to me like that.”

Elspeth almost burst into laughter. Why do women in Blaydal think they’re all hotshots, anyway? They’re

simply ridiculous. “I didn’t see him coming to your defense, my longtime friend. If I’m his new toy, then

you’re just an abandoned doll used by many and ignored by the one you love.”

Did she just call me a slut? Tiffany lost the argument, and all she could do was stomp her foot in fury.

“Just you wait! I’m not letting this slide!” Then, she turned to Frank, putting on a sad look. “Look at her,

Frank. I didn’t even do anything to her, and she called me a slut.”

Wait, what? But I heard you calling her a whore. Do you think I’m stupid? “She’s my sister, lady. So, shut


I’m sorry, but what? On the very next second, Tiffany put on an ingratiating smile. “Oh, so you’re his

sister, huh? I’m very sorry. I thought you were his—”

Just cut the crap already, lady. Elspeth harrumphed. “Okay, okay. Let me guess your next line: ‘I’m sorry,

please forgive me. It’s a misunderstanding. I can apologize.’”