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Strings of Fate

Chapter 295
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Strings of Fate Cam 52-Awkward and avoidant I've finished work for the night but instead of making my way hI'm sitting on a barstool in my empty, closed up bar just staring at my phone. | need to call Harry. All | have to do is pick up my phone and call him: And I'm going to do it. | really am, any second now. | don’t even know what I'm going to say to him exactly. | know the general idea of what | need to tell him, but first | need to get him to agree to listen toand that’s the part that’s gotstumped. I'm hoping he’s just calmed down a little and isn’t as angry withanymore. | down the shot of vodka | poured myself before | claimed my perch and hit the call button. | hold the phone up to my ear and listen to the phone ring, then ring again... and again. Then the call declines. Well shit. I didn’t think he would be keen to talk to me, but | can’t do anything if he doesn’t even answer the phone! Maybe it was an accident and he meant to pick it up? | call again and the call is declined immediately this time. Yeah | didn’t really think it was an accident. Okay, new plan. Text messages.

Cam- Harry, | know | don’t deserve it but | would really like a chance to explain myself and apologise properly. | have a lot that | want to say but | would really rather not do it by text. | will if | have to, but | really want to talk to you face to face. So if you're willing to talk just nwhen and where. I'll make it work. I'll be waiting to hear from you.

| send the text and wait. After staring at my phone for an hour and drinking two more shots. of vodka | force myself to admit that Harry probably isn't answering my text tonight. | guess. I'll have to try again tomorrow. | reluctantly lock up and begin the lonely walk home. It’s dark and I’m annoyed to find that I'm a little anxious about walking alone after dark. | never USED to be bothered by it especially. | mean maybe for the first few weeks when | first bought the place, but | got used to it and began to relax. But | got used to the company and | got used to not having to look over my shoulder or grip my keys. | know that Simon is locked up, but he’s far from the only threat in this world and after the week I've had | can’t seem to forget it. | pause on my doorstep and check my phone again. Still no response. | don’t want to be annoying and spam him with messages, | seriously doubt that it would help my case. But | can’t help myself. | send one more.

Cam- | miss walking with you...

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| head inside and basically go straight to bed. When | wake in the morning | immediately check my phone and | am disappointed to find that he hasn't answered me. | send him another message.

1/3 +1 Bo 04: Cam 52- Awkward and avoidant Cam- Good morning. I'll be working in my back room today if you want to stop by, or | could csee you.

Bor 04: | shower, drink scoffee and spend the rest of the morning reorganising my already tidy work room. Harry's bean bag seat is still shoved under my work bench and | end up pulling it out and collapsing in it as | take a call from my mother.

“Hello Cam, | thought | would check in and see how you're doing.” She says in a tone that is more polite and formal than | would normally expect to hear from my mother. She is still clearly being very careful with how she talks to me. It's awkward, but | don’t mind it because at least it shows that she is aware of how much damage she’s done to our relationship. I'm slow to answer.

“I'm... okay. Having a bit of a quiet day at work, just getting a few things done out back. | have a work room here where | practise my potions.” | tell her. I'm interested to hear how she reacts. She never approved of my bar, but maybe she will be a bit more open to the idea now.

“Oh... Well that’s... good. | suppose | was worried that you were completely disregarding your education. | am glad to hear that you are still practising. Even if you aren’t part of a coven. What about your Incubus? Did you sort things out with him yet?” She asks. | sigh tically.

“No, he won't take my calls or answer my messages. I've spoken to our mutual friends and they say | should give him time. But | have no idea how MUCH t| should give him. Usually he’s the pushy one, | don’t know what to do with all this space.” | admit. It feels weird talking about my relationship problems with my mother. It's been a long tsince I've been able to talk to her this way. It’s kind of nice though.

“l was never a fan of sitting and waiting. | like to get things done.” Mum remarks.

“Yeah, | noticed.” | remark dryly. She pauses awkwardly before continuing.

“Uh... yeah. Well, my point is that there is always SOMETHING you can do. Make sure you're ready for when he comes back, or do something to make sure you're still on his mind. The longer he avoids you the easier it will be for him. Right now, avoiding you is an effort. Don’t let it bechis routine.” She advises.

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2/3 Cam 52- Awkward and avoidant “That's actually... Not terrible advice. Thanks. I'll figure something out.” | chat with her a little longer and tell her about a few of my newest potions before saying goodbye and hanging up. With her advice in mind, | take a selfie sitting in Harry's bean bag and send it to him.

+11 Bor 04: Cam- This bean bag is more comfortable than | thought. It'll be here waiting when you want to use it.

I'm going to take my mum's suggestion and make it hard for Harry to ignore me. He spent months obnoxiously forcing his way into my life and demanding my attention. | guess it’s my turn to do the same, it’s only fair.

The next few days pass in the sway. | text Harry regularly. | include photos of drinks he might like, comments with jokes | think he would appreciate. Complaints about ridiculous customers and occasionally, things | miss about seeing him. I also try to call him each evening. He doesn’t reply to any of it which is annoying but | refuse to be discouraged. | DO send a text to Ryann to check that he hasn't blocked my number and she confirms that he is getting the messages but she won't tellhow he’s reacting to them. | suppose that would be a little bit too much to ask. Still, I'm starting to get desperate. Another week of this and | might have to beg her to givehis address so | can stalk him at hand force him to face me. | really don’t want to have to do that. | know it's not cool and would really not be respecting his space. | know he doesn’t HAVE to talk to me. But until Harry tells me, to my face, that there is absolutely zero chance for us to make up, until he tellsto stop calling and blocks my phone, | don’t think that | can bring myself to give up. So | keep trying and wait for him to respond in sway.

Finally, when I'm just nearing the end of my patience, | notice something strange.

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