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Stomp on Your Broken Heart With Our Babies

Chapter 134
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Hearing that, Bonnie got alert. She couldn’t help clenching her fists out of nervousness, “Why…why do you think


She was so surprised that the doctor still recognized her face regardless of the disguise being put on Joanna’s face.

“Well, actually, I have seen the same symptom on another girl for only once. And Joanna was that girl. Now this

rare symptom appeared on your daughter, which is exactly the same as Joanna’s.”

That was why the doctor was wondering if they were twins.

An effective treatment targeting the disease would only be possible after he got a clear answer from Bonnie.

Hearing that, Bonnie felt heartbroken.

As soon as she learned that Joanna suffered the same symptom, she was writhing in pain.

What was going on?

How came both her daughters suffered the same disease?

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Not until quite a while later did she chill herself again. Then she asked cautiously, “Doctor, if they were twins, could

it possibly be a kind of genetic disease?”

“Probably. But I can only draw a conclusion after I get the answer.” The doctor then looked at her again, “So are

they twins?”

“No…” Bonnie still denied.

If the doctor knew the truth, Sebastian would definitely take Erika away from her, she believed.

As for Erika, she decided to turn to a doctor she could truly trust.

The doctor seemed confused when hearing the answer, “Not twins? Why? So weird…Could it be a contagious


While murmuring to himself, the doctor walked away.

Bonnie returned to the ward and hurried to call Anna to ask her here to pick up Erika.

As the doctor was hired by Sebastian, she could tell that the doctor would probably notice him about the diagnosis

of Erika, which might cause his suspicion leading to further investigation.

So she had to get Erika far away as soon as possible.

Anna could clearly notice her trembling voice through the phone.

“Okay, I will be right there in 30 minutes!” she soon agreed.

Actually, Anna arrived at the hospital in only 15 minutes.

She took Joanna into her car without proceeding any discharge procedure.

Sitting on the back seat, Joanna looked outside the window. She remained composed while speaking, “Are we gonna

leave Willisto?”

“Of course not, we are heading to my house. Your mommy will be coming with us tonight. Don’t worry about that,

okay?” Anna explained.

Hearing that, Joanna felt relieved.

She took out her phone to text Erika.

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‘I am leaving for the house of your godmother. Hey, don’t cry like a baby again, okay?’

Meanwhile, Erika was playing in the garden when the text reached her.

She took out her phone to take a look. Then she texted to reply, ‘Aren’t you gonna stay for treatment in the

hospital? You are still sick.’

It took quite a while for Joanna to text back, ‘Your mommy got me out of the hospital after she had a talk with the

doctor outside the ward. I don’t know why.’

Seeing that, Erika was more confused.

Mommy got her out of the hospital before she recovered?


At this moment, she happened to hear a sad talk between two servants nearby.

“How about your nephew? I heard he was discharged from the hospital?”

“Yeah, the doctor said he didn’t have much time left. So he suggested his parents they should take him home and

spend more time with him.”

The conversation shocked Erika like a bolt from the blue.