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Stomp on Your Broken Heart With Our Babies

Chapter 128
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Bonnie was still in a daze in the back seat.

Did she mishear Sebastian? He actually withdrew the arrest warrant against her. Besides, he should help her find

the best pediatrician in the world for Erika. Truly, he was being gruff and blunt, but he also offered her help!

Now Bonnie was torn.

If she remembered correctly, Sebastian had disliked Erika before, because he thought she was ugly. But how come

he changed his mind so abruptly now?

Bonnie had millions of questions, but she choked them down at the sight of his grim face.

Well, as long as Erika could be cured by the best doctor, nothing else mattered.

While Bonnie was plunged in thought, the car pulled into the private hospital of the Grant Group.

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"Get off." Sebastian opened the car door first.

Seeing that, Bonnie also jumped off the car. She asked as she strode into the hospital, "Which ward is Joanna in?"

She had only gone a few paces before Sebastian pulled her back. "Are you going to visit her like this?"

Sebastian looked at her with contempt, but at the same time, there was something else in his dark eyes, in which

Bonnie could see herself reflected.

Her blouse was torn apart, her hair disheveled. She looked exactly like a mad woman who was just discharged from

the madhouse, and the little girl would definitely be terrified at the sight of her like this.

Bonnie pouted slightly and said in a soft voice, "But I’ve got nothing else to wear. Could you get me something?"

They were in Sebastian’s hospital, so it wasn’t hard for him to get some decent clothes.

Before long, Bonnie went to the changing room with the nurse and put on her new dress.

Bonnie couldn’t be more grateful to her, promising that she would definitely buy her a new one.

The nurse waved her hands with a smile. "Don’t bother. You have a great shape, and my dress must look much

better on you. I’m happy for it."

Bonnie went to put the new dress on.

The nurse was a young lady, so the dress she bought gave a cute girl vibe. It was a simple pink dress with floral

pattern and exquisite trim. There was a huge bow on the back, and it bounced when Bonnie moved. It looked so


Bonnie looked at herself in the mirror. The pink dress lit up her face and made her look much younger, but she fell

into a trance at the sight of herself.

Once upon a time, she had used to have a similar dress when she was young, and it was a gift from the little boy

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she had saved.

However, before she had a chance to put it on, Bella took it away.

It didn’t occur to Bonnie that so many years later, she actually had another chance to put on a similar dress.

"I knew you’d look great in it." Amazed, the nurse pushed Bonnie out of the changing room to show Sebastian her

new look.

Meanwhile, Sebastian was leaning against the wall, waiting for her.

Hearing the door opening, he looked up, shocked. The expression on his face froze for a moment.

"Can I visit Joanna in this dress?" Bonnie ventured, sensing something wrong with the look in Sebastian’s eyes.

Sebastian recovered himself, his eyes cold again. "Yes, as long as you don’t look like a mad woman."

He couldn’t believe it. For a moment, he remembered the little girl in the pink dress that he gave her as a gift when

he was young.

Sebastian had found that little girl, which was Bella, but why did he have that illusion as he watched Bonnie in front

of him?