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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1999 A Great Start
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As I traversed the main street leading to our school, I kept an eye out while eavesdropping on the conversation of those around me.

It’s one of the ways I used to pick up useful information back then and it’s still effective to this day.

I don’t have to worry about Ichihara Jun yet. They’ve givenone week to apologize. They won’t do anything toother than, perhaps observe me.

Of course, the possibility that the pompous bastard would just disregard his guardian’s advice was there. However, given that I reported his behavior to Hayashi-sensei last week and she toldshe’d do something about it, he’d likely be suspended or at most, restricted by her not to mess with his juniors.

Anyway, the most prominent topic for the students was our camping trip.

A lot of them were still excited talking about everything that happened there. But as I expected, the highlight was actually the bonfire dance. I noticed 2nd-year students kept on inquiring with their 1st-year juniors. Moreover, with that particular night being the one where I took centerstage by dancing with almost every girl present there, it didn’t take long before a few of them started recognizing me.

Their intense gazes began piercingall over. I had to hasten my footsteps and leave the scene behind before they could think of catching up or calling out to me.

Let’s just say today’s information gathering is a failure due to a specific circumstance…

Upon arriving at our school, a cheerful Eguchi-sensei greetedwhich pretty much took away my disappointment from my failed information gathering.

Before continuing to the school building, she relayed a message from Orimura-sensei, tellingto cand see her later…

From the way Eguchi-sensei delivered it, the two of them must’ve already talked about what transpired between us and patched up things between them. Although they didn’t openly show it to me, Orimura-sensei must’ve acted distant because of her guilt while Eguchi-sensei also felt a pang of jealousy knowing that something like that happened between us.

Our ton the camping trip partly resolved that but there’s no way it could magically just make everything better.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Since Orimura-sensei asked her to relay her message, Eguchi-sensei may also be there with us later.

Well, I’m prepared not to lose in regards to what she’s planning to do. But if the sthing happens like last time… I doubt I can resist that… That’s hypocritical ofbut thinking back to that twith Orimura-sensei, I can’t deny how much I enjoyed it – and it’s the sfor her.

Let’s see later if something will change.

The sas the last time, Sachi popped out of nowhere when I was taking my indoor shoes. Really, she’s still keeping up with her considerate way of not taking away tfrom my girls.

I haven’t talked to her again after our moment in the woods but seeing her bright smile this time, she must’ve resolved sof her issues with that friend of hers.

She approachedcloser after I closed my shoe locker. While leaning forward, she opened a conversation.

“What’s wrong, Onoda-kun? A bad day?”

“Huh? No. Why do you think so?”

I swiftly shook my head. Rather than a bad day… I have quite an amazing morning, no? I woke up in the embrace of Akane and Yae. I had that moment with Fuyu. Letalso add Ohori-senpai reverting to her usual unruly self. And lastly, my lovely Ririka’s thoughtful concern.

Sachi blinked her eyes and then lifted her arm. I thought she was going to pokewith her index finger but with her eyes focused above my eyes, she stretched that arm and traced something on my forehead.

“You have a line on your forehead. Here.”

A line? Am I having wrinkles on my forehead this early? Or I was just failing at keeping a neutral expression?

I don’t know.

But since she pointed that out, I also traced my forehead at the stas I felt the unnoticeable tension I was putting on my face.

It’s not that I was frowning… this must’ve been because of my overthinking. I tend to furrow my brows unconsciously.

“You’re pretty observant. But don’t worry. It’s just the result ofthinking about a lot of things.”

I gave that excuse but Sachi was seemingly unconvinced.

“Is that so? Okay. You said I can talk to you anytime, right? You can do the same. I’m ready to listen.”

This girl… I guess she’s taking this angle, huh? She’s really trying to be that concerned friend who’d always take my side.

I smiled in response before nodding.

“Understood, ma’am.”

“Pfft. Stop that. If any of your girls heard you callingthat, I might need to run away from them.”

“Run, huh? You don’t need to. They won’t just interrogate you because of it. Besides, they already heard me. Or rather, she heard me..”

My smile curved up further as I pointed behind her. Izumi was standing there with her arms crossed with her gaze alternating betweenand Sachi.

I waved my hand at the girl but she just clicked her tongue.

On the other hand, Sachi almost robotically turned around before hurriedly hiding behind me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“S-senpai? You’re also Onoda-kun’s…” Acting like a scared squirrel, she almost stuttered as she addressed Izumi.

I have no idea if she’s waiting for my arrival but I’m certain she has just arrived. Otherwise, I would’ve noticed her right away.

“Also this shameless guy’s what?” Izumi’s pretty eyes narrowed into a glare, making Sachi tremble.

I guess this is how she appears to others, huh? Scary and grumpy. But man, why can’t I stop myself from admiring the way she just coolly stands there? Ah. Right. This is the effect of being madly in love with her.

Before Sachi could answer her, I stepped forward, blocking her gaze at the girl before spreading my arms open.

“Izumi, good morning.” I smilingly greeted her.

Izumi's slanted eyebrows twitched and clicked her tongue again. But a few moments later, she glanced to her left and right before taking a step forward.

With the shoe locker becoming ssort of a barrier, preventing us from being seen by everyone, Izumi crossed the distance between us in less than five seconds.

I watched her approach excitedly as I could feel my smile stretching into a comical grin. I can’t help but becmore expressive with them

However, when I thought she was going to jump in my embrace, the girl stopped just before it. Her crossed arms loosened and then reached for my shoulder.

Before I knew it, the girl already putin a headlock with my cheek firmly pressed against her soft, squishy breast.

“This shameless idiot… Where do you think we are? Save that for later…” Izumi scoldedas her arm gradually tightened. However, her sweet-sounding whisper reached my ear shortly after, “Also… good morning.”

In front of us, Sachi who was just shaking behindearlier was staring down at me, her hands covering her mouth.

Yeah. She’s preventing herself from laughing at my fate.

But am I unlucky? I guess not. Can I ask for me? This is already a great start to this school day.