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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1991 Demanding Apology
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The dinner was sumptuous. Ichihara-san truly put forth her gratitude into making it which made it feel like she overdid it for whatever work I had done. Still, with her consideration in the equation, I didn’t voice that out and accepted the gratitude.

During it, Koharu kept bragging about how her mom’s cooking was great and a lot better than restaurants. Little did she know that every tshe did that, Ichihara-san would look like she took an arrow to her knee from how embarrassed she became.

And it’s not helping that I also kept dishing out praises to it. Nevertheless, it’s my honest evaluation. It somehow remindsof Miwa-nee’s cooking. Both of them probably spent their tas a housewife mastering that craft to please their husbands — or ex-husband in Miwa-nee's case.

As for whether she’s getting the appreciation she deserves for it, I have no idea. All I know is… Ichihara-san is also weak to praise.

She escaped a few times by standing up and getting drinks or more soup. Although Koharu remained clueless about it, I captured her flustered expression every twe’d praise her.

Anyway, apart from that, my adorable student had started to becmore comfortable around me. If before she was just full of respect and admiration towards my skill and patience, it had started to feel like she was looking up toas her ideal older brother. She kept mentioning how she wished Ichihara Jun could take up sof my traits and stop being a complete power-tripping jerk to them.

Too bad for her, it’s unlikely for that to happen. That pompous idiot was already shaped like that. The likelihood of him changing was close to zero.

“Onoda-sensei. I’ve been meaning to say this… Thank you for standing up for us. And I apologize for dragging you to our… conflict.”

After finishing dinner and having a short conversation with Ichihara-san regarding the future lessons for her daughter, Ichihara-san walked withto sendoff at their door.

She offered to driveback to the gym or the nearest train station but I declined. Not just because I was concerned for them but also because of Marika who should be hby now.

I wouldn’t go hwithout checking on that girl regardless of whatever Jun prepared for me.

“Hmm? Ichihara-san, you didn’t dragto anything. I told you. I’m sure you’ve already noticed it but Marika, his fiancee, has gotten closer to me. That’s why he’s now more hell-bent to takedown.”

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I answered before she could lower her head from guilt again. I don’t like that she’s trying to shoulder everything here when the truth is already laid out in front of her.

“Just take care of Koharu-chan and your well-being. You know it, Ichihara-san. I might have also aggravated the situation by showing up here. If he’s the sguy I know, he might try to trouble you more just because of your association with me.” I continued. At the stime, I reached for her shoulder, rubbing it in the form of reassuring her, and also straightening her posture.

Good thing Koharu wasn’t here to hear all this or else she might also think I’ve done a lot more for them. We sent her to the bathroom to refresh herself and wash away the sweat that dried on her smooth skin.

“He… He won’t dare cin if he knows I’m here.”

I see. Maybe that’s also the reason why he didn’t return for his vengeance. He only set his eyes on bullying his cousin. What a sad bastard. He could only pick on someone weaker and younger than him.

“Alright. That’s good to hear. Anyway, we still don’t know how your husband will react. Ichihara Jun might ask him to terminate your agreement with me. If that happens, feel free to contact the gym and Coach Ayu. But if not, I’ll see you next week, Ichihara-san.”

Upon saying that, I removed my hands from her and took a step back.

Ichihara-san meaningfully stared at me, possibly trying to figure out why I was acting this way to them when I turned down her attempt to employ my help last week.

If I’m not wrong, she’s conflicted about how to interpret my decisions. But one thing we could agree on was… we agreed to keep her daughter safe from Ichihara Jun.

After what felt like a minute, Ichihara-san nodded and put on a small smile.

“Y-yes. Take care, Onoda-sensei.”

“You too, Ichihara-san.”

With that, I turned around and exited their house. It’s still uncertain how things will develop from here on out but maybe I’ll have my answer sooner or later. It will all depend on how her husband will react.



A minute after I stepped out of their house, I stood still right in front to check my surroundings. The Ichihara compound was truly vast yet painfully empty. Aside from the garden of Ichihara-san, I couldn’t see any greenery or trees around. There’s only a driveway leading to their garages and the mansion.

For sure, it looked more alive during the day but at this moment, it felt more desolate.

Before turning my foot to leave the premises, I checked my surroundings. There’s no Ichihara Jun in sight.

Did he seriously chicken out after threateningearlier? I don’t know. Apart from that man sitting at the guardhouse next to their gate, no one was around.

No. He can’t possibly just chicken out. His pride won’t allow it.

He’s probably waiting somewhere. Maybe outside?

I continued my exit, passing by the gate which the guard opened forwithout question.

And there he was. He’s leaning against a black pick-up van. With his lips curving up to a sinister smirk, he slid the vehicle’s door open, revealing a few men dressed in black.


So this is what he’s planning, huh? Not gonna lie, he’s a little bit creative.

He knew delinquents wouldn’t be enough to takedown so he brought one, two, three? Three adults. Or four if the driver is also included.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As it was hard to see their body build because they’re all seated inside, there’s no doubt that they’re at least muscular. As for their combat prowess, that’s still up in the air.

“I said you’ll regret coming here. I’ll give you a chance. Run. Outrun us and you can go hsafely. If not… you know what I do to those who oppose me, right?” Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

With the sair of condescension emanating around him, the pompous idiot put on a sinister smirk as he approached me.

I could feel the eyes of those thugs inside the vehicle focusing onbut even then, I didn’t feel intimidated at all.

I faced Ichihara Jun and disdainfully shook my head.

“Should I be scared now, senpai?”

“You should be. Did you not see them? They can break your bones in pieces.”

“Ooh. Scary. I’m sure they can break your bones into pieces but not mine.”

“Do you really not know your situation? I’m not joking here, Onoda. If you still value your life, apologize tonow.”

My life, huh? This guy and his childish threat. But from the words he uttered, his goal was to getto apologize to him. Maybe he wanted to seegroveling on my knees and begging for his mercy.

Since he got humiliated by me. He’s trying to get back atthrough that.

Ah. Tellingto run away was also part of it. He’s probably ready to film it if I did run away.

Unfortunately for him, even the threat of being shot or stabbed by Shio’s ex failed to move me. He’s not going to get his way here.

I stared at the guy and slowly straightened my back.

Then, while acting like I was about to lower my head, my lips curved up into a smirk as I started my ‘apology’.

“Sure, senpai. Letapologize for taking Marika from you. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her better than you. That’s why… can you tell your father to break your engagement with her? I’ll owe you one.”