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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1969 Annoying Girl
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The sas our previous interaction at the supermarket, I couldn’t remember any instance that could make Machida this interested in my affairs. But then again, considering she seemed keen on getting to knoweven before I got this new haircut, her interest was possibly born from how different I appeared to be compared to when we were classmates.

“No. No. I’m not mistaking you, Onoda-kun. And please, don’t you dare try skimping away or I’m going to follow you!”

As expected, she wouldn’t just simply nod and accept it. Machida didn’t even doubt that she successfully identifieddespite my indifferent reply.

Did I just get another persistent girl buzzing around me?

This makesmiss Hanabi and her similar attempt of wanting to followaround for her fun.

Seconds later, Machida drew close toafter taking her ticket to get a clearer view. And with her rapidly blinking eyes that slowly stabilized, an amused glint shone from them as her lips stretched into a grin.

Yeah. The girl still has no sense of private space just like last time.

Following that, Machida put her hand just above her eyes as though she was trying to putin a frwith my eyes partly covered just like before.

“See. I’m not wrong. If I cover your eyes a bit, you look exactly the sas the last tI saw you.”

“Of course, I will look exactly the same. I didn’t have my face done for surgery.”

“Pfft. Yeah... You’re right. You’re originally this good-looking even with your previous appearance. No wonder Shimizu nabbed you right away.”

“So? Are you done confirming my identity? Can I go?”

“Huh? Con, Onoda-kun. Isn’t it rare for us to run into our former classmates?”

“Most of us are in the scity. It won’t be that rare. Isn’t that the sfor you?”

I can see Eimi everyday. That alone already fulfilled what she said.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In any case, it looks like she’s not with her group. And looking at her attire, it’s quite different from what she wore at the supermarket. If I have to guess, she’s either going out to meet someone or... she’s going to work.

Yeah.having a part-tjob isn’t that unique. Even Ririka went to work at a maid café when she was still in middle school – though that one was kind of special.

“I’m not talking about that! I meant us as an example. We don’t go to the shigh school. Our houses are far apart.”

She pointed atand herself as her eyes started rolling in derision. She’s persistent. I take that. But I’m just not that interested.

“Oh. Sure, I guess.” I dismissively answered as I took the ticket and started walking away from her.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the girl sighing and facepalming before stomping her feet to catch up to me.

“... Man, your responses are as dry as ever. Am I that unattractive to you?”

“You’re plenty attractive but what does that have to do with this?” I shrugged and inched away from her. But the girl wasn’t one to back down this time.

Maybe it’s because her group wasn’t around that she becthis uninhibited. But this girl... she’s only doing this for fun, right?

“Oh really? Anyway... can’t you at least humor me?”

Machida’s reaction to the first part of my sentence was... strange, to say the least. Why does she look happy when I confirm it? Is she this weak to compliments?

She then shook her head and quickly slipped back to her goal.

Unfortunately for her, I was still uninterested.

“Nope. I’m going home. See you.”


Upon saying that, I immediately passed the entrance and started moving to the platform. I could hear her flustered voice calling out tofrom behind.

Just in time, the train arrived and its doors swung open. Without needing to line up despite the crowd, I successfully found a place to sit.

Since there’s only a minute or two where the train would wait for other passengers, I already disregarded that short encounter with Machida.

But somehow, it’s true that one shouldn’t celebrate too quickly.At the moment before the train door closed, the girl slipped inside the car I was in. And as though she had a tracking device slapped on my back, the girl foundright away.

“Onoda-kun. You’re mean for leavingbehind there. Didn’t we agree to go together?”

The girl approachedand immediately put on an act, paintingin a bad light.

Those around us couldn’t help but look over before shaking their heads in disappointment.

Yeah. How convenient. People can easily pass judgement like that without even knowing the full story.

Can’t they use their eyes at least and compare our attires? Do we look like we’re going out somewhere together?

Ugh... No point complaining about that.

“Take a hint, Machida.” I looked up at her and clicked my tongue.

However, that only fed to her amusement. She’s going to bug the hell out offor as long as she can.

“Oh. I’ve taken it too well. But what can I do? Nothing’s more interesting than messing with someone I haven’t messed with before.”

“You sure you don’t want to revise that?”

“No. I get your character, Onoda-kun. You’re not the type who appreciates minced words. Besides, I’m not trying to be annoying... I swear.”

“That smug look and your words aren’t aligning with each other.”

“Eh... Forget about the little details.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I may not know what her deal is but I can confidently say that I’ve already dealt with her type before. She’s not being friendly. She’s simply botheringfor the sake of not having to wait on this train in boredom.

Anyway, the girl took the seat next toafter asking the one seated to it. She has a high charm stat so that works for her even though the dude sitting there heard our conversation.

Furthermore, he even glared atas though he was rebukingfor refusing to comply with Machida. Really, dude?

“Hey, Onoda-kun. You reek of sweat but why does it smell sweet?”

“Stop sniffing me. And I have no idea what you’re talking about”

“Eh. I can’t help it when I’m this close to you. Lettake another... Oh. It’s getting kinda... addicting? It’s not the soap you used, I’m sure. Is Shimizu getting this every day? How enviable.”

Somehow, the girl started sniffing me. I get that I becsweaty again after running with Aika but I also washed it off with her in the shower of the room we stayed in. What she’s smelling was the scent coming from my tracksuit...

“Girl, since when did you beca dog?”

“Hey! Even humans appreciate enticing scents. That’s why we have perfand colognes. And you just happen to smell that good.”

Is she serious? Well, I get that my girls also love to sniff my scent but not to this extent. This girl was only short of pushing her nose to my neck.

“I’m not buying it. But you do you.”

“Geez. If there’s a contest on who’s the coldest guy on Earth, I’ll nominate you. You’re such an enigma, Onoda-kun. Do you know that?”

“No? What does that even mean?”

“It means... everyone is curious about you but no one seems to know how to approach you. If you meet any of our old classmates, they might also act like me.”

Or so she says but I doubt it’s true. I made myself extremely unremarkable back then... Unless... I was also under the delusion that I perfectly acted like a Classmate A.

Uhh... That’s not it, right?

“Sure. I’m not curious about all of you though.”

I shrugged again and this time, I decided to ignore her completely. I’m better off thinking about my girls instead.

Although I couldn’t see it clearly, Machida had a helpless expression for the first time. She pouted and crossed her arms before silently issuing a ‘Hmph’.

Is she finally giving up?

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