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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1961 Rest of the day
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The sky had gone from blue to orange by the twe reached our school. Most of our classmates got off the bus when it passed near their houses, including my girls since it’s more convenient for them to do so.

Although we had a fairly comfortable tin the camp, it’s still tiring for a lot of them. I mean, they’re not likewho have this seemingly inexhaustible stamina whenever I’m with them. Their comfortable beds at hwill surely suck all the fatigue they accumulated.

Anyway, the ones left withwere Hana and Chii as well as Komoe whose house was a walking distance from our school.

Maaya and Himeko’s chauffeur were already there when our buses arrived one by one. And it’s the sfor Misaki. At the very least, I managed to cand see them before they left.

With that, after checking on Sand Eguchi-sensei who’s probably still going to be busy for today, I escorted the three girls out of the gate and we began our walk to the Miura Household.

Upon arriving there, Miura-senpai opened their gate for us. Seeingescorting her sister, an impish smile formed on her lips. Maybe if Hana and Chii weren’t with me, she would’ve invitedin.

“Kii, are you going to your part-tjob right away?”

Chii brought up that question when we boarded the next bus. I’ve already told them my plans for today. She probably just wanted to prolong our ttogether even if it’s just for a second. And I don’t have a reason not to entertain that.

“Yes. I think I’m already late. I messaged Ayu and Sena about it so they’ll stand in forin the meantime.”

I patted her head with a smile and pulled her closer tobefore answering. Hana, who was on my other side, puffed up her cheeks so I did the sto her. These girls... They really like being spoiled.

“Geez. Then you should be resting right now. And don’t think about walkinghome.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Nope. I already decided to pay a visit to your house. Your mother will be more at ease to know that I escorted you home, no?”

“Ugh... Stubborn Kii.” Chii pouted before huggingtightly, expressing her frustrations with me.

Hana who’s listening in let out a chuckle before speaking in a teasing tone.

“Chizuru, you’re acting like you’re not the sas this guy. Don’t worry. I’ll accompany him and give him a massage at his house.”

Following that, she did the sas Chii, embracingtighter. Looking at her smug expression, I couldn’t help but flick her forehead causing her to wince in pain.

“We’re only passing by there. I also have to walk you home. Your aunt should be waiting for you to chome.”

“Ruki, this is what’s wrong with you. You should play along sometimes.”

“I can play along but you’re being mischievous. Besides, aren’t you also as stubborn as us? You still won’t admit to being one of them. Still clinging to your goal of stealingeven if you kept failing.”

“That is that. This is this. Stop comparing two different things.”

Acting like she didn’t want to lose, Hana pouted as well. And from there, the two girls squeezedtighter and the only way I could calm them down was to seal their lips with a kiss.

That successfully tamed them.



Upon escorting Chii home, her mother dotingly thanked me. Somehow, I could sense that she was already treatinglike a son-in-law. But I think it’s because Chii never stopped talking aboutto her.

We introduced Hana as our close friend but with how intuitive the adults are, she probably sensed that it’s not as simple as it sounds. Nonetheless, with Hana and Chii acting naturally with each other wherein they’re like a cat and dog, Chii’s mother heartily laughed before remindingto take care of myself.

Whatever she meant by that, it must’ve been close to saying that I shouldn’t play with fire.

I apologized to her in my head since whatever possibility running in her head was already happening.

Anyway, she invited us in for tea but I declined, stating my reason for having to go to my part-tjob. Sure enough, she gave a similar reaction to my girls.

I mean, we’ve just finished our camp, I should really be resting yet... no one could change my mind – not even the two women at the gym.

From there, I went hwith Hana. Although Akane already packed everything forbefore, I thought I should reduce my baggage. More importantly, I got this desire to bring Hana hfor the first tin a while.

I mean, the last tshe went here was when she got mobbed by my girls.

This time, she is going to haveall to herself. Unfortunately for her, because of tconstraints, we could only stay there for a few minutes.

Still, I gave her a tour and we laid down on our bed for a while wherein she gavea massage – fulfilling what she declared earlier. It was comfortable enough that I ended up pressing her down on the bed, spoiling her as much as I could.

Soon after that, we set out to escort her home.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Next time, I’ll be sleeping with you in that bed... Just the two of us.” The girl said as if it was a goal she was going to fulfill next.

“Yeah. Good luck with that. It’s more realistic to expect us to sleep together in your bed.”

As long as Akane is with me, it’s impossible. Unless that silly girl acted too considerate again.

Upon hearing that, Hana’s expression brightened as if she just got a brilliant idea.

“You’re right, Ruki. Rather than compete with Akane, I’ll bring you to my room instead.”

With a meaningful smile on her lips, the girl started chuckling like an evil mastermind.

She only stopped after I flicked her forehead one more time.



Soon after bringing Hana home, I arrived at the Boxing Gym with night already blanketing the sky.

I greeted Hisa-jii at the front desk and I got an earful, saying I should have told him that I had a camping trip, that way, he could’ve moved the lesson today. But what he emphasized more was my stubbornness to push my body to cto work rather than take the tto rest.

Looks like Sena and Ayu already filled him in so I accepted the reprimand and assured him that I was perfectly fine. Since he’s still hoping forto take up boxing in the future, he just continued chewingout.

Thankfully, escaping from him was easy. I went inside.

When Ayu and Sena sawarriving, the two hyped it up, pointing atto my students for today. They’re all familiar faces by now so I managed to get into the act right away, apologizing to them for being late and eventually, taking over the lesson.

Two hours later, as soon as the lesson finished, the two women draggedto the empty infirmary of the gym. There, they hadlay down on one of the beds before climbing over to my side. With the two of them sandwiching me, they urgedto take a nap... And they’re not going to take no for an answer...

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