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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1953 Confused Curious Girl
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The first tI met Otsuka-senpai, I only deemed her as an overly curious girl who’d jump at any hole just to satisfy her curiosity. She’s pretty laid-back and bubbly. Even if she’s a little annoying, I deem it pointless to be mad at her. She’d take a step back as soon as she’s satisfied, after all.

But then, she dug a deeper hole for herself by becoming more involved withby finding out my supposedly secret relationship with Kana. From there, as though she was sailing into a whirlpool in the middle of the ocean, the overly curious girl has been slowly but surely getting swallowed by it. It’s only a matter of tbefore she sinks in without any hope of swimming up.

“Senpai, how did you find this place?” I asked Otsuka-senpai after taking in our surroundings. The girl was still humming in a great mood as she continued to pull on my hand.

“I discovered it, Onoda-kun. What do you think?” She swiftly responded with a proud smile on her lips and an expression that beggedto praise her.

“Mhm... It’s a suitable place. No one can suddenly walk in on us here. Although I expected you’ll bringto your cabin.”

“Eh? Impossible. A lot of girls stayed behind to take a shower.”

Ah... Right. I forgot how long the girls take a shower. I mean, I often bathe with Akane and my girls. We were unconcerned about how long it took us to finish. Furthermore, it’s also happening on our hill. I just didn’t pay that much attention since I was with my girls. Those other girls who I ran into simply decided differently.

“My bad. That passed over my head.” I said as I scratched the back of my head, earninga sweet-sounding giggle from the girl.

“Con, Onoda-kun. You can’t be that silly. Where’s that playful guy who kept on teasing me?”

“Is that how you view me?”

“Kinda. Also, you’re a dependable junior. And more importantly, perverted.”

Otsuka-senpai chuckled in a lively voice as she listed those. But then, at the stas she mentioned that last trait, the volof her voice lowered as she stopped in her steps and turned to face me.

Looks like she got triggered on her own by mentioning that. I could sense from the connection of our hands that her body began to rise in temperature. Even without doing anything, she’s already this affected by what she’s possibly hoping to happen between us here.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Uhm... We’re here. Onoda-kun. Let’s sit down.”

Upon saying that, she gestured forto take a seat. Before following her eyes, I once again looked around us.

And honestly, this was more than an obscure place. Strangely, it’s situated inside the woods. It felt as if this was deliberately created for the purpose of being a place to have a secret rendezvous with someone.

This was an open space with small boulders arranged in a square that surrounded an old cherry blossom tree. It’s a wild one and not like the ornamental trees that could be seen often. It’s already the last week of June, so the flower petals that bloomed had long disappeared and what’s left were the newer leaves that replaced it along with sof the fruits it bore. However, those were also close to falling out.

It's quite funny since the superstition of confessing under the cherry blossom tree is still popular. Yet, what we’re going to do here might not even be in line with that.

Anyway, something like this wasn’t present on the other hill. Judging from its vicinity and my guess estimation of how long we walked, this should be close to the haunted manor rather than one of their cabin areas. For sure, if we went southeast from here, we might reach that old shrine where I met Haruko and the other girls yesterday and northeast would be that manor.

From the bridge to this place, it took us more than five minutes of walking. Halfway through that time, we diverted from the original path leading to their gathering area and into a tight, seemingly untrodden path hidden behind a bush and two trees with thick trunks.

If I have to guess, her curiosity played a huge part in finding this place by snooping everywhere yesterday.

As Otsuka-senpai took a seat on one of the boulders, I followed after her, taking the one beside her. She had yet to let go of my hand and most likely, she’d keep holding it unless I pointed it out.

Then, as we settled down, an awkward silence immediately followed right after.

The girl didn’t know what to say next while I kept my mouth closed and only observed her reaction through my senses.

With her gaze stuck on our joined hands, Otsuka-senpai furtively glanced atas though she was waiting forto say something.

At this point, her hands’ sweat glands had opened up. That connection was becoming moist and with our body heat being transferred to each other, Otsuka-senpai started fidgeting.

“So, is the silence making you nervous, senpai? I thought you were excited about this.”

“I am excited... But Onoda-kun, you can’t blme if I get nervous. You just won’t talk and your eyes... it feels like I’m already naked in front of you. You could see through me.”

“Is that what you’re worried about? Don’t worry, I have yet to strip you off in my head. That much I promise.”

“That... How shameless!”

“Shameless? Senpai, don’t forget why we’re here. You’re the one who requested this and I’m here to fulfill my promise to you.”

“I... I know. Givea moment to set my head straight, okay?”

“Sure. Take your time... In the meantime, letwipe this sweaty hand.”

“Uhm... Sorry about that.”

Looking a bit more embarrassed, Otsuka-senpai bit her lips as she watchedraise her hand and wipe it off with my handkerchief. Once done, I stared at her, observing her minute reactions.

To her surprise, I didn’t release it. Instead, I restored our initial connection, letting her grasp my hand again.

Otsuka-senpai blinked her eyes a few times before facing my gaze again and slowly, a hint of pink showed on her face.

“Won’t it get sweaty again?”

“It will. But senpai, I only said I’m going to wipe it off, not take my hand away. Tell me, are you trying to familiarize yourself with this kind of contact with me?”

“No... I’m just satisfying my curiosity.”

“For what?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Whether this will make my heart race or not. Kana-chan-

senpai, Rumi-senpai, and Mirae-chan are always happy whenever you do this to them.”

As I expected, even in this situation, she just couldn’t help feeding her curiosity.

“I see. Don’t you think there’s a more direct reason why they’re happy about it?”

“What? Tell me, Onoda-kun.”

And here I thought she already studied a lot about this. Looks like she’s still a little ignorant of this kind of thing. Or maybe, it’s because she hasn’t truly experienced it yet that she couldn’t make the connection on what she read.

Now, it’s makingwonder why her friends failed to call her out with her bluff. In terms of innocence, while she’s not on par with Misaki, she’s halfway there. Even if she already had that experience of watching us make love in the clubroom, it’s probably not enough unless she experienced it herself. Hence, her interest inhad blown up this much.

“It’s simple, senpai. Because they love it. Holding the hand of someone you like or love can bring that kind of happiness.”

“Is that how it is?”

“Mhm. And I must say. In my eyes, you’re also happy about this, senpai. Your head has just suddenly becfilled with miscellaneous thoughts. In other words, you’re overthinking at this moment.”

Right. I might not be a mind reader but her face says it all. Rather than focus on one thing, her head must’ve been running on different thoughts at the stime. And it’s making her confused.

That’s why... I should calm her down first.

Turning my body slightly to her side, I used my free hand to reach for her cheek.

Otsuka-senpai flinched at first but as soon as my palm perfectly cupped her that side of her face, a peaceful expression dawned on her.

As I caressed her slowly with my thumb, I opened my mouth again, “Senpai, since we’re going to act like a couple in front of your friends. What do you think about focusing on that first? Let’s set aside your curiosity for now. We have enough tto tackle that later.”

“W-what? What do you mean?” As confusion set in her eyes, Otsuka-senpai narrowed her eyes at me, trying to figureout.

“Let’s see... We can start by calling each other by our given name, Karen.”

“Ru... Ruki?”