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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1952 Meeting up with Otsuka-senpai
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Upon returning to the gathering area, I was greeted by the number of students already raring to get out and enjoy their last few hours in this place. They all had grins and refreshed expressions as though all the burden that they were shouldering had been cast off.

When they spotted me, sof them invitedto join them to go to the peak or sother places they wanted to visit. I smiled and politely declined which was the easiest way to brush them off.

While they expressed that it was a shI couldn’t join them, none of them were rude or insistent.

Mhm... That’s great. I think after the events of yesterday where I got to spend sttalking with all of them – dancing with seven – they got a little familiar with my personality. I doubt they’re going to be persistent in blockingor talking toeven in school. Still, I would probably expect them to greetevery time.

As to how it would develop from here when I started getting more and more high-key with my girls, I had no idea. I mean, they said girls are more vicious to each other than boys are.

Most of the time, we just fight and beat each other up but girls, especially those driven with envy, can do horrifying things just to get their way...

Hopefully, it won’t get to that. And if it does and my girls get affected by it, I may have to change my approach in public...

After getting past all of those invitations, my feet broughtinto the path leading to the girls’ cabin area. Although I could already use my phone and message my girls about my whereabouts and plans, I couldn’t help but want to check on them again.

Since the camp was already over and there was no more activity left, the restriction to go here was already lifted – though I doubt if anyone other thancould figure that out. Like always, I ran into sgirls who were more or less pleased with my presence. Swere even flirty as though they wanted to get closer to me. But none of those works. I just coff as indifferent to them.

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Of course, to not make them feel embarrassed, I still responded to those girls appropriately. I gave them head pats.

Was that enough? Maybe... They went on their way after it, after all.

Soon, when I reached their Camp Area, I also got face-to-face with sof the Camp Managers remaining there. Steased me, acting like it’s still forbidden forto come.

I played along which earnedsgoodwill from them. However, unlike Shiina and Sara, most of them treatedlike a little brother they could dote on. So instead of giving them head pats, I becthe receiver of it.

When I finally got past them, Shiina and Sara who were watching from a distance were giggling and snickering as though they just witnessed something adorable.

In fact, Shiina pinched my cheeks as soon as I approached her. Sara looked like she wanted to do the sbut she’s too shy to do so.

They both anticipated that I would be showing up so they also waited there.

Since I already had my phone with me, we exchanged numbers and the two sent their first messages to me.

It’s nothing but a simple greeting but Shiina being Shiina also attached her photo to it... Not that sensitive but it’s more than enough to activate a young man’s neurons into haywire.

When I stared at her with narrowed eyes, she put a finger on her lips, gesturing forto keep it to myself before winking provocatively.

Really, she’s doing a lot to cultivate my interest in her. As much as I would like to scold her for it, I had no time, so I just replied to the message saying, ‘Thanks for the meal.’

With that, I walked away from them while Shiina was gleefully holding back the blush from occupying her face. Sara, on the other hand, blinked in confusion, not knowing what went on between us. Well, they’re both adorable that way.

Shortly after that, I finally reached my girls who were already gathered together along with sof our classmates and their friends. Of course, Watanabe was also around, jotting down the events of today.

In any case, it’s pretty much like our gathering during lunch so it’s not that weird even for Rae’s friends. I spent stwith them just talking and sneakily doting on the girls close to me.



Around fifteen minutes later, I separated from the girls after accompanying them out of their cabin area. They’re going to explore too as it wasn’t every day we could visit a place like this.

As I was making my way to the bridge connecting the two hills, I pulled out my phone, checked my messages, and opened the most recent one.

“Onoda-kun, I’m almost done. Where shall we meet?”

Her reply to my initial message was that she wanted to meet up somewhere but she said she still needed stto prepare. That’s why I got the tto spend with my girls.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Looking at the tthis recent message was sent, it was only a minute ago. Was she having second thoughts? She’s been preparing for so long already.

Well, I guess that’s only normal. Her decision yesterday was partly out of impulse. And unlike the first instance when I first satisfied her curiosity, she’s probably overthinking a lot of what will happen.

In any case, I already have a plan on how to approach this. Even if the situation turned more sexual in nature, I decided to properly educate her. Maybe this would also be considered a preparation for that group date.

“I’m about to pass the bridge, senpai. Just tellwhere to go.” I typed in my reply and looked ahead of me.

The sas our hill, most second years were already trickling out to explore the place. There should be fewer students there at this time, making it easier forto sneak in and meet up with her.

But the problem is... where will we go to get skind of privacy? Sure, there are probably a number of obscure places out here like that one area with the shrine and the haunted manor but with students spreading out to explore the place, there’s a higher chance for us to be exposed if we’re not indoors.

We could use one of the cabins, I guess? But that’s only if she could sneakin.

Ah. Well, there’s no point thinking about that myself. I better meet her first.

A while later, Otsuka-senpai’s reply never arrived. However, that’s because there’s no need to.

As soon as I crossed the bridge, I saw her emerging from the path towards their gathering area.

She was still wearing her comfortable shirt and pants and her hair was still wet. She most likely had just finished showering.

When she spotted me, her round purple eyes brilliantly shone and her sizable chest seemingly jumped up in delight before an excited grin appeared on her lips.

Ah. I was the one who was overthinking there. This girl never had any second thoughts. In fact, she appeared to be thrilled just looking at how much she prepared herself.

After cautiously looking at her left and right, Otsuka-senpai approached me. When she was certain that no one was paying attention to us, she hurriedly snatched my hand, gripping it as tight as she could before saying, “Follow me, Onoda-kun. Uh... I found a place that we can use.”