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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1950 Closing to the end of the trip
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“You’re here. Take a seat first while we wait for the rest of you. Also, Ru—Onoda-kun, chere. I need your assistance.”

With a hint of red blooming quietly on her cheeks as she almost slipped there, Ssmilingly welcomed us upon our arrival back to the gathering place.

As I previously guessed, this last task of finding our Class Advisor was just a way to gather everyone back. That’s why when Chii woke up and we decided to leave, I set our destination to return here.

It’s not just Swho’s waiting. The other Class Advisors as well. Those from the other classes who were skeptical to follow us felt relieved upon seeing that they didn’t need to search the hill anymore. They’re still tired even after lounging in that place for close to an hour. Or maybe they’re just too lazy to move more.

I mean, even if I didn’t find the tasks difficult, most of them were physically demanding, especially for the girls. Among the four girls in our group, she’s the one who’s the most physically fit since she played softball before and she started following a routine exercise again. The reason why Chii dozed off immediately despite that was because... she also decided to shoulder An-rin and Kushii’s part in our previous task. If not for Hana being stubborn to not rely on anyone, Chii would probably not mind shouldering her share too.

Anyway, since I’d been called by Sto assist her, I soon left my girls’ side and walked over to her. With my position as her Student Assistant already known by almost everyone, this wasn’t strange at all.

“How can I help?” I asked after approaching Shio. I stopped a few steps away from her, acting like a diligent student.

From this distance, she had her back turned toso I couldn’t see what she was rummaging on the table behind her yet.

But upon looking at the other Class Advisors, I could already guess what this was about.

A few seconds later, Sturned around to faceagain. Clutched in her arms was a familiar box that the Camp Managers held yesterday morning before coming up to this hill.

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Yep. It’s the box containing our phones.

“Here. Get someone to help you distribute these back to your classmates.”

“Oh. So, it’s really ending, huh?” I received the box from her and looked down at the rectangular devices inside.

I could already spot mine since it’s one of the old-looking plain phones that I’ve been using for a few years now. It must’ve been filled with my girls’ messages, no? Just thinking about their faces, I could already feel the urge to grab and open them, sending them messages of how much I missed them.

But well, that’s not appropriate in this situation. I should hold back for now.

“What? Don’t want it to end yet, Ruru?” This time, Sreturned to callingby the endearing nicknshe gave me. No one could hear her doing so apart from me, after all.

That aside, my words must’ve cacross like that to her. But then again, this was truly a short camping trip even though a lot of things happened.

“Not really. Just that, it feels like we’ve been here for so long but at the stime, the tI spent with all of you was so short. I’m lamenting over the fact that we could’ve created more memories.”

Alright. That’s just the greedy side oftalking. If I listed everything that I did with them, it’s more than enough to exceed any normal couple’s experience on a similar occasion.

Who would be able to imagine that I could accomplish all that in less than two days?

Sstared atfor a few seconds, maybe trying to read my expression, before letting out a giggle, “Bad Ruru. You’re possibly the only student treating this as a relaxing trip with your girls. Have you even tried getting closer to those boys in your group? I seem to recall that Hino started following you around.”

Ah. She’s not wrong though. It’s so relaxing that I even got closer to Shiina and Sara. Not to mention, Juri and even Setsuna-nee.

“You know me, Shio. I cannot be too bothered about them. As for Hino... The guy just started idolizing me.”

“Idolizing you? Yeah, right. I get it. You must’ve won him over, no?”

“Maybe? I gave him a few pieces of advice.”

“Pfft. Didn’t you say you’re bad at advising someone? Did it work this time?”

Somehow, Swas really interested in this part. Well, she’s always tellingto enjoy my youth, after all. And for sure, anything that happens towill always invoke her interest. Most likely, my other girls will be the same.

“Not yet, I think. But if I have to say something, he’s decent. As long as he put in more effort then he might succeed.”

“That’s great, Ruru. But stop looking atlike that. You’re mature and all but you should also act like a proper high school boy sometimes. We love your dedication and I’m certain you’re having the most fun with us but you shouldn’t just close this side of you.”

There she goes again with her adult wisdom. In any case, I also like this side of her.

“Well, if it can make you happy then I’ll at least put on an effort on that.” I put on a smile and nodded enthusiastically.

“Don’t just say at least, you dummy. You still have three years in high school anyway. You don’t have to rush yourself. Trips like this are for you to experience youth.” With a satisfied smile on her lips, Sgavea pat on the head before sendingoff to return the phones to everyone.

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Well, I could use this moment to tease her but looking at her appreciative gaze looking proudly at me, I couldn’t find it into burst her bubble.

At this moment, more groups had started returning along with sCamp Managers and professors.

And like Shio, the Class Advisors called for a student to distribute the phones back in their class.

I returned to our class and I could see them excited to get a hold of the device that defined this generation. Then, Kanzaki, taking on the role of the Class President, stood up to helphand the phones out.

Just like this, we finished the task and the remaining students eventually returned.

A few minutes later, Sawano, Shiina, Sara, and the rest of the Camp Managers lined us up again before the professors and the Dean showed up to give their closing speeches.

It was long and inspirational, praising all of us for persevering on this short, yet meaningful camping trip. She also praised the Camp Managers and leaders who worked hard to make this a success.

I thought I would also be singled out because the Dean’s eyes landed onbut thankfully, that didn’t happen. There’s no need to publicize what happened yesterday, after all.

Soon after her speech, the Camp Managers then guided us back to our cabin area.

Of course, it’s still not the end yet as we still have to tidy up our tents.

Looking at the accurate ton my phone, it’s still only a quarter before three in the afternoon.

There are two hours more before our scheduled departure. That means after tidying up our tents, we’d be given the chance to roam freely without any restriction until it’s tto go down the hill.