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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Play the Game

Mathew looked at Kaliyah coldly and said, “I don’t know how to teach people. I don’t really like to play

chess either. I just hope that Aisy will come over to play it with me for a few rounds”

Kaliyah’s expression changed She couldn’t maintain her generosity It was obvious that Mathew didn’t

want to talk to her Kaliyah couldn’t understand why Mathew treated her so badly like this. And she didn’t

know why Mathew liked Ainsley

Thinking of this, she said in an unfriendly way for the first time, “Mathew, Ms. Easton is an outsider. I am

your family.”

Cason immediately said, “Kaliyah, what nonsense are you talking about!”

“What’s the matter, Cason? Am I wrong? In the end, I am the one you want to marry,” Kaliyah said


Mathew put the white piece down heavily and said in a deep voice, “Cason, don’t you still have

something to do in your company? You can go back I am very well. Don’t come to irritate me.”

“Grandpa, then I will take Kaliyah back first. Cason looked apologetically at Ainsley and found that

Ainsley did not even look at him

“Come with me,” Cason said, holding Kaliyah’s hand.

Kaliyah followed Cason out of the old residence with an unpleasant expression.

“Why did you suddenly come over?”

“Cason, I was wrong just now. But what I said is also the truth. The person you will marry is me. Why is

Mathew so harsh to me? You didn’t tell me when you came here, and that woman is also here. The three

of you were laughing and talking together. It seems that I am the outsider! I just feel wronged. I really

want to be your family. I know that Mathew has never liked me, so I tried to come along well with him,”

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Kaliyah said as tears streamed down her face.

When Cason saw her lowering her head, he became soft. Cason always thought that Kaliyah was

elegant and appropriate in front of outsiders. She had said something wrong just now because she was


“I was too anxious. Grandpa hasn’t been in good health recently. He likes Ainsley. You should

understand that as well. I will bring you over to build a good relationship with him in the future.”

Kaliyah raised her hand to fiddle with her hair, the tears in her eyes also swirling. “Cason, I understand. I

won’t make things difficult for you.”

“Then let’s go.”

“I can drive my car. You should go back first. I’ll go find my mother.” Kaliyah pointed at her car.

“Then be careful on your way,” Cason said.

In the house, Ainsley and Mathew had already played two rounds, and Ainsley lost every round.

Just as she was about to place a piece, her phone rang. Ainsley picked up her phone and saw that it was

Manuel. She looked apologetically at Mathew and said, “Mathew, I need to answer a call first.”

“Mr. Gage?” Ainsley asked doubtfully.

Manuel chuckled, “Where are you?”

“I’m at the Baldry’s mansion.”

“What are you going there for? Are you done with work?”

Ainsley was a bit stunned. She felt that he was questioning her. She replied, “Mathew is not feeling well,

so I came to see him and play the game with him.”

“I’ll come to pick you up in an hour.”

“What is it?” Before she could ask, Manuel hung up the phone.

Ainsley looked at the phone, confused. She thought, what is going on?

She sat back down and played with Mathew. Mathew smiled and asked, “Aisy, what’s the matter?”

“It’s just a friend who said he would come to pick me up later. I don’t know what happened.”

Mathew looked deeply at her and said, “Hurry up and play a few rounds. Then you can leave.”

“Sure.” Ainsley was thinking about how to explain it to Mathew.

Mathew placed another piece and said with some dissatisfaction, “Aisy, don’t lie to me. I knew that you

could win the last round. You deliberately let me win”

“Mathew, your skills are superb. I can’t win. You said that on purpose to comfort me, did you?” Ainsley

placed another piece, her face full of smiles.

“Come on I know you. Aisy, don’t bother with Cason in the future. I feel annoyed just looking at him!”

Mathew sighed

Ainsley was such a good girl, but in the end, the Baldry family failed her.

Mathew thought that Cason was such a fool. After divorcing Ainsley, Cason still wanted to… Just now,

when Ainsley played chess with Mathew, Cason had been looking at Ainsley.

When they divorced, Mathew knew that there would be such a day in the future.

“Mathew, I understand.”

Ainsley knew that Mathew really cared about her. After playing two more rounds, Ainsley left.

Mathew looked at the chessboard in front of him. The black pieces had already surrounded the white

pieces. It was clearly a good situation for Ainsley, but Ainsley deliberately made a mistake and let

Mathew win.

Mathew smiled. He thought that Ainsley’s acting sucked.

“Mr. Baldry, do you want to try it?” The butler packed up the tonics that Kaliyah had brought. He added,

“This tonic looks expensive.”

Mathew glanced at it and said lightly, “Forget it. Just put it up. I don’t want to taste it.”

Ainsley walked out of the house. Manuel had not come yet.

She wanted to wait at the door for a few minutes, but she did not expect someone to stop her directly.

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Ainsley suddenly turned around and saw Kaliyah walking out of the car and looking at Ainsley with a


“It’s you. You didn’t leave.”

Kaliyah walked over to Ainsley and said in an unfriendly tone, “I am waiting for you here. There are some

things I should tell you in person.”

Kaliyah wasn’t gentle at all. Ainsley chuckled and said, “Go ahead.”

“Ms. Easton, if you are a smart person, I hope that you will stay away from Cason. You have already

divorced him. And I will soon. become his wife. If you get so close to him, I can’t guarantee that there will

be any negative news in the future. At that time, it will also affect you, Kaliyah said word by word.

Ainsley sneered and replied, “Ms. Packer, rather than having the time to talk to me about this, why don’t

you have a good talk with Cason? I’ve already divorced him. I won’t have any relationship with him in the

future. What’s more, he doesn’t deserve it.”

“Then why did you come to the Baldry’s house again? And why did you make me embarrassed in front of

Mathew? Are you proud? Mathew doesn’t like me, but he likes you.” Kaliyah couldn’t help but be angry

when she thought of what had just happened.

“You are wrong. The reason why I came here is that Cason said that Mathew doesn’t have a good

appetite and Mathew wants to see me. I don’t know why Cason is here. As for the reason why Mathew

likes me, you shouldn’t ask me. I treat him with all my heart, of

course, he likes me ‘ Ainsley only thought it was ridiculous.

In the past, Ainsley had thought that Kaliyah was an educated and polite person. Although Kaliyah spoke

a bit sarcastically sometimes, she was not ***.

But now Ainsley knew that Kaliyah was also a childish and ***person.

“Ms. Easton, I was just advising you to not ruin other people’s family harmony. Cason does not love you,

otherwise, he would not divorce you for me,” Kaliyah said arrogantly.