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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 The Biggest Fool

“Ms. Forbes, congratulations on your recovery,” Charlene said with a smug smile.

“Thank you, Ms. Johnson,” Imogen replied indifferently.

“Ms. Forbes, you haven’t been here these past few days. I thought you were too ashamed to show your


Imogen gave a faint smile. “Ms. Johnson, seems like you are very happy after losing half of your year–

end bonus. Sacrificing so much money just to spite me. Ms. Johnson, you really spare no expense.”

Charlene’s expression stiffened, then she said, “Imogen, do you think you’ve won?”

“What do you mean?”

Charlene raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think it was the intern’s mistake?”

Imogen remained silent. Of course, she knew that it was Charlene who had liked the post on purpose.

The intern was just being made a scapegoat for Charlene.

Seeing her expression, Charlene smiled and continued, “If you can figure out that it was me, do you

think Mr. Marshall wouldn’t know? But he still chose to keep me and put the blame on the intern. What

do you think that represents?”

Imogen pondered it for a while, and then she lowered her gaze.

She understood in her heart that it meant Troy didn’t care about her, that in Troy’s eyes, Sarah was

much more important.

Just because Charlene and Imogen were at odds with each other, mutually restraining one another, no

matter how much Charlene slandered her, she wouldn’t be transferred from her position as the director

of public relations.

Charlene was more important than her reputation.

Charlene continued, “Even if I have to pay a hefty fine for the year–end bonus, it’s just a bonus. It

doesn’t touch my salary, and besides, there’s still some time until the year–end. Maybe I can win it

back. This punishment is nothing but a scratch for me. Only you take this meaningless punishment

seriously, Imogen. Now you should understand your position in Mr. Marshall’s heart, right? He speaks

up for you in the group chat, making it seem like he’s defending you, but in reality, what have you


Imogen’s reputation remained bad in that case, and her work continued to be difficult.

Imogen felt somewhat fortunate that she wasn’t moved by Troy’s defense.

Otherwise, she would truly be the biggest fool in the world.

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And she felt fortunate that she had seen through Troy’s true face.

“I’m curious, Ms. Johnson, why do you hold such malice toward me?” Imogen changed the subject and


“Why? Can’t I just naturally dislike you?”

Imogen firmly said, “No, that’s not possible.”

After all, Imogen was the foster daughter of the Marshall family, favored by the vice chairman. Even if

others didn’t like her, they wouldn’t show it on their faces. Everyone had the instinct to seek advantage

and avoid harm, especially someone in Charlene’s position as the Director of Public Relations.


Chapter 67 The Biggest Fool

If Charlene had done this because she had a straightforward personality, it would be understandable.

But after working alongside Charlene for so many years, Imogen knew very well that Charlene was

extremely shrewd and had different faces in front of different people.

If Charlene targeted her, there must be a reason.

“What’s impossible about that?”

“Ms. Johnson, you always bring up Mr. Marshall. Could it be that you have feelings for him? Are you

targeting me because you’re jealous that, as an ordinary person, I was adopted by the Marshall family

and can get close to Mr. Marshall, making you feel insecure?” Imogen raised her eyebrow

and speculated.

“Imogen, what nonsense are you talking about? Don’t slander me!” Charlene’s face changed, and she

angrily scolded.

Seeing her reaction, Imogen became even more certain. “What’s wrong? Did I hit the mark? Are you

getting angry because you’re embarrassed?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about at all,” Charlene denied, hastily leaving.

Imogen smiled and turned back to her own office.

After returning to her office, Charlene pondered for a while, then she opened her phone and sent a

message to Troy: [Mr. Marshall, if Ms. Forbes said anything offensive, please don’t take it to heart.]

After a long time, Troy replied: [?]

[It’s nothing. I just wanted to give you a heads–up, Mr. Marshall.]

If Troy believed Imogen’s words, it would be difficult for her to stay by his side.

As the end of the workday approached, Troy sent a message to Imogen saying he had a social

engagement in the evening and asked her to go home first.

Imogen didn’t call the driver to pick her up. Instead, she hailed a taxi at the company entrance and

went to Azure Plaza.

She desired to eat the Black Forest cake from the bakery over there.

“Please wait here for a moment. I’ll be right back after buying a cake,” Imogen instructed the driver and

quickly walked into Azure Plaza.

The bakery, named Afternoon Leisure Bakery, had been operating for many years in Azure Plaza and

had enjoyed tremendous popularity.

When Imogen walked in, the bakery was crowded with people.

She went straight to the glass counter on the left side and asked the bakery employee to pick her a

slice of Black Forest cake and an additional Napoleon pastry. After queuing and paying, Imogen left

with a paper bag in hand.

Just as she stepped out of the bakery, Imogen bumped into two women. She apologized to them and

prepared to go around them and leave.

Suddenly, someone called out, “Imogen?”

Imogen stopped in her tracks, and turned her head to look, only to find one of the women, wearing a

mask and a hat, was none other than Sarah.

The other woman beside her was her assistant, not wearing a mask.

Chapter 67 The Biggest Fool

Sarah took a step forward, glancing at the packaged bag in Imogen’s hand. “Buying cakes? Do you like

this bakery’s cakes too? What a coincidence. I love them too.”

“Oh. Hi, Ms. Page, and you’re personally buying cakes even though you’re so busy?”

“Of course.”

“Then go ahead. I have something to do, so I’ll be on my way.” Imogen turned and left.

But Sarah called after her, “Wait, you must have bought the Black Forest cake, right?”

Imogen froze in place.

The packaging for Afternoon Leisure Bakery’s bread was an exquisite box. Imogen was wondering how

Sarah could tell what was inside.

“You’re curious about how I know, aren’t you?” Sarah’s eyes smiled outside her mask as she slowly

approached Imogen. “Because I also love the Black Forest cake from this bakery.”

Imogen pursed her lips tightly. She had anticipated what Sarah was going to say.

Imogen knew she should leave.

But her legs felt as heavy as lead, unable to lift them.

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“Remember when Troy and I were still dating? He knew I liked this bakery’s Black Forest cake and

often brought me some, especially when we had arguments. He’d bring a slice of Black Forest cake,

and I would forgive him. But one time, we had a big quarrel, and he brought me the cake, but I was still

angry. I shut the door on his face. Later, he must have given the cake to you. I remember seeing your

post on Instagram that night. Seeing how much you liked it, and I didn’t remind you.”

Imogen’s heart seemed to sink to the bottom, and a chill ran through her.

She couldn’t believe what Sarah had said was true.

Imogen carried the paper bag and walked out of Azure Plaza slowly.

When she saw a trash bin on the side of the road, she quickly approached it with no expression on her

face and threw the paper bag inside.

Imogen closed her eyes and walked briskly toward the taxi.

“Miss, aren’t you supposed to be shopping? Why didn’t you buy anything?” The driver saw Imogen

returning and struck up a conversation.

Imogen smiled faintly. “They were sold out, so I didn’t buy anything. Let’s go.”

The driver didn’t ask further questions and started the car, heading towards Galaxy Villa.

Imogen sat in the back seat, leaning against the backrest, looking at the street view outside the

window. Her eyes blinked a few times, unknowingly becoming moist.

Why did Imogen like Black Forest cake?

Imogen was quiet and cautious when she first arrived at the Marshall family. The relatives of the

Marshall family praised her for being well–behaved and obedient.

Her relationship with Troy was distant, just a nodding acquaintance.

Imogen could only steal glances at him when Troy couldn’t see, feeling contented.

One day, Troy came back from outside with a paper bag in his hand. Imogen was doing her homework

in the living room, and upon seeing Troy return, she greeted him. Troy’s footsteps, originally heading

upstairs, suddenly stopped when he noticed her. He walked over and placed



Chapter 67 The Biggest Fool

the paper bag in front of her, saying, “Imogen, I brought you some cake.”

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