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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42.1 Truly Cruel

Imogen tightly clutched the garment’s hem, a profound sense of bitterness welling up within her.

Sarah’s words struck a chord; she had indeed placed Troy on a pedestal as her leader. When she first

entered the Marshall family, she could only steal glances at Troy from afar, finding contentment in mere

glimpses of him whenever he visited the old house.

Meanwhile, Sarah stood openly by his side, making her presence known and secure.

“Later on, due to certain circumstances, I had to choose to leave and break up with him. You probably

didn’t believe it, but I took the initiative to break up with him. He just didn’t want to let


and you

should have noticed that he travels every July. He came to see me because it was the season we first

met,” Sarah revealed.

Imogen’s breath caught in her throat, her mind going momentarily blank. Her heart trembled, unwilling

to accept what Sarah was saying, but unable to deny its truth.

She wanted to refute it, to deny that her relationship with Troy was merely one–sided, but deep down,

she knew Sarah was right.

Ever since their first year of marriage, Troy had embarked on extended business trips every July,

leaving Imogen feeling distant and unimportant. It was as if he was escaping to see Sarah during this

time–the time they had first met, the time that held special significance for both of them. The weight of

reality bore down on Imogen’s shoulders as she grappled with her feelings, torn between her emotions

and the undeniable truth.

She had believed they had only recently started communicating, but the truth was far more distressing–

they had been in contact all along!

He was truly heartless. Every year, he would visit his previous lover, and upon his return, he would act

as if nothing had happened, playing the role of a loving husband.

Troy, you’re so cruel!

What did she mean to him in these three years of marriage? She felt like a fool, realizing that her

supposedly happy marriage was built on lies and deception.

Sarah’s words felt like a torment from the depths of hell. “Your wedding anniversary is in September, on

the 20th. It’s my birthday,” she revealed with a sinister edge.

Imogen couldn’t believe it, shaking her head in denial. “No… impossible.”

“Why is it impossible? Just ask Troy, and you’ll know,” Sarah sneered.

A cold shiver ran down Imogen’s spine, making her feel as if she had fallen into an icy abyss. Her teeth

chattered from the chill, but she felt no pain as she clenched her fists, digging her fingers into her


Her wedding anniversary turned out to coincide with her rival’s birthday. It felt ludicrous, absurd!

She remembered Troy specifically choosing this date, claiming it to be an auspicious day based on the

lunar calendar. And all those years, on their anniversary, he would get heavily drunk and be filled with

deep emotions. She had thought it was a testament to their love, but the reality was that he was

thinking of another woman.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She had naively believed they were both happy, but in truth, she was just being played for a fool.

Imogen let out a bitter smile, unable to contain her emotions. “What are you laughing at?” Sarah

demanded, her face stiffening.


Chapter 42.1 Truly Cruel

Chapter 42.1 Truly Cruel

Imogen tightly clutched the garment’s hem, a profound sense of bitterness welling up within her.

Sarah’s words struck a chord; she had indeed placed Troy on a pedestal as her leader. When she first

entered the Marshall family, she could only steal glances at Troy from afar, finding contentment in mere

glimpses of him whenever he visited the old house.

Meanwhile, Sarah stood openly by his side, making her presence known and secure.

“Later on, due to certain circumstances, I had to choose to leave and break up with him. You probably

didn’t believe it, but I took the initiative to break up with him. He just didn’t want to let go, and you

should have noticed that he travels every July. He came to see me because it was the season we first

met,” Sarah revealed.

Imogen’s breath caught her throat, her mind going momentarily blank. Her heart trembled, unwilling to

accept what Sarah was saying, but unable to deny its truth.

She wanted to refute it, to deny that her relationship with Troy was merely one–sided, but deep down,

she knew Sarah was right.

Ever since their first year of marriage, Troy had embarked on extended business trips every July,

leaving Imogen feeling distant and unimportant. It was as if he was escaping to see Sarah during this

time–the time they had first met, the time that held special significance for both of them. The weight of

reality bore down on Imogen’s shoulders as she grappled with her feelings, torn between her emotions

and the undeniable truth.

She had believed they had only recently started communicating, but the truth was far more distressing–

they had been in contact all along!

He was truly heartless. Every year, he would visit his previous lover, and upon his return, he would act

as if nothing had happened, playing the role of a loving husband.

Troy, you’re so cruel!

What did she mean to him in these three years of marriage? She felt like a fool, realizing that her

supposedly happy marriage was built on lies and deception.

Sarah’s words felt like a torment from the depths of hell. “Your wedding anniversary is in September, on

the 20th. It’s my birthday,” she revealed with a sinister edge.

Imogen couldn’t believe it, shaking her head in denial. “No… impossible.”

“Why is it impossible? Just ask Troy, and you’ll know,” Sarah sneered.

A cold shiver ran down Imogen’s spine, making her feel as if she had fallen into an icy abyss. Her teeth

chattered from the chill, but she felt no pain as she clenched her fists, digging her fingers into her


Her wedding anniversary turned out to coincide with her rival’s birthday. It felt ludicrous, absurd!

She remembered Troy specifically choosing this date, claiming it to be an auspicious day based on the

lunar calendar. And all those years, on their anniversary, he would get heavily drunk and be filled with

deep emotions. She had thought it was a testament to their love, but the reality was that he was

thinking of another woman.

She had naively believed they were both happy, but in truth, she was just being played for a fool.

Imogen let out a bitter smile, unable to contain her emotions. “What are you laughing at?” Sarah

demanded, her face stiffening.


“You’re so funny, dear,” Imogen replied, looking up at Sarah. “You came to talk to me just to make me

leave? Well, here’s a reality check for you. As long as Troy and I are not divorced, you’ll remain a

mistress. Even if we do get divorced, you’ll still be a mistress. I suggest you don’t provoke me, or I’ll

find countless ways to make sure you regret it and never show your face in this industry again.”

Sarah’s smile froze on her face as she continued her taunting, “Imogen, what’s the use of relying on

Troy so much? He wouldn’t even spare you a second glance! If you want to face reality, you should

divorce him as soon as possible.”

Unfazed by Sarah’s words, Imogen smiled back and retorted, “Go ahead, keep talking! Let everyone in

the restaurant hear what kind of person the famous star Sarah truly is.”

Sarah fell silent, her eyes filled with resentment as she glared at Imogen.

“Do you have anything else to say, Sarah? If not, I’ll be on my way,” Imogen stated calmly before

leaving the restroom without looking back.

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Chapter 42.2 Truly Cruel

Chapter 42.2 Truly Cruel

Rather than returning to her seat, Imogen aimlessly wandered around the mall. Along the way, she saw

numerous couples, some holding hands and laughing, while others engaged in arguments. or walked

hand–in–hand in silence. They all appeared genuine and happy, unlike her marriage, which she had

cherished for three years, only to discover that it was built on a web of lies, a mere façade.

The realization of the deception caused her heart immense pain, leaving her gasping for breath. She

tried to cope with the hurt but found it overwhelming.

As her phone rang, she saw it was a call from Charlie. She answered, saying, “Hey, Charlie, I ran into

someone I knew and had a conversation. I’ll be heading back now.”

She turned off her phone and struggled to return to the restaurant’s seat. There, she noticed the items

she had purchased, all paid for with Troy’s black card.

“Charlie, after dinner, I want to return all these clothes,” she told Charlie.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Confused, Charlie asked, “Return them? Why do you want to return them?”

Imogen explained, “Actually, this black card doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to my family. I’m afraid

they’ll find out about me using their money without permission, so I’d rather return everything.”

“Okay, then I’ll go back with you,” Charlie offered supportively.

Upon seeing Imogen’s large expense, the counter staff were very polite and promptly processed her

refund. After the refund, Imogen used her card to make the purchase. Charlie couldn’t help but

complain, suggesting it would have been better to transfer the money to him on another day. but

Imogen simply smiled without responding. They bid farewell to each other, and it was nearly 7 p.m.

Imogen considered the situation for a moment and decided to take a taxi to the Grand Theater. She

had promised her grandmother, so she treated it as the last time she would attend the performance.

However, she was aware that Troy might not show up.

At around 7:30, Imogen arrived at the Grand Theater. The hall was buzzing with chatter, and all the

seats were occupied. She found her seat at the forefront and noticed the empty seat next to her.

As the lights in the hall dimmed at 7:30, the audience hushed, and the dance drama began with the

host’s opening remarks. Imogen glanced at the empty seat next to her, realizing he hadn’t come as

expected. She felt a mixture of emotions but soon got engrossed in the captivating performance on

stage, losing herself in the drama.

At some point, a man passed by in front of her, causing a slight annoyance as he seemed to be

blocking others‘ views. However, when the man hunched over and sat down beside Imogen, she was

taken aback.

Concerned about her belongings, Imogen immediately covered them and asked, “What are you doing?”

It was then that she realized the man sitting beside her was Troy, and she was momentarily stunned.

The surrounding audience glanced at Imogen, and even Troy turned his gaze toward her. Quickly, she

placed her belongings on the ground to make space for Troy to sit beside her. As the performance

continued, the audience remained engrossed in the spectacle.



Troy leaned over and spoke softly, “Sorry, I’m late.”

Imogen, still appearing expressionless, gestured towards the stage and replied, “Don’t talk, watch the


Troy respected her request and turned his attention back to the stage.

At approximately 9:30, the dance drama concluded, and the cast members returned to the stage,

bowing graciously to the audience. Thunderous applause erupted from below, and some fans of the

dancers prepared to present flowers on stage. Many of the audience members began to leave.

Imogen collected several paper bags from the ground and stood up to depart with the rest of the

audience. Troy took the initiative to take the paper bags from her hands and said, “Let’s go.”

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