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Sir Your Ex wife is Already Dead

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25 Give Her Back a Child

The doctor replied while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

The man was the elder of Giancarlo, Aaron Tapia. He was even more respected than Giancarlo. Even

though he was smiling from beginning to end and looked amiable, no one at the hospital dared to trifle

with him.

Aaron nodded and then motioned for them to go out.

When only Jazmine and Aaron were left in the ward, Aaron sat on the chair next to him and heaved a

long sigh, but he did not say anything

Aaron took good care of his health. His every move gave off the air of a noble family. His gentle and

refined temperament was impressive. However, when he looked at people, he occasionally appeared

to be unfathomable.

He was Giancarlo’s father’s younger brother, one of the two persons who held the shares of the Tapia


Even Giancarlo did not have as many shares as Aaron.

After a while, Jazmine slowly raised her eyes and shifted her gaze to Aaron’s smiling face.

Looking at each other, Aaron smiled, “I just knew it. You are not a vulnerable child.”

“Giancarlo, as per the doctor, I don’t have to stay in the hospital all the time. I just need to come back

regularly to check.”

Yoselin’s entire body nearly clung to Giancarlo.

When Jazmine was pushed by Aaron in a wheelchair and passed by, she saw this scene. Yoselin

intentionally pressed her face against Giancarlo’s chest and smiled triumphantly.

Jazmine’s pale face was still with a dull expression. Her gaze swept past them and looked straight

ahead, with no emotions in her eyes.

“Aaron,” Giancarlo greeted his uncle.

Aaron looked at Giancarlo and then Yoselin. He frowned and said, “Giancarlo, Jazmine is the

daughter–in–law of our Tapia family. She is not in good health and is hospitalized. As her husband, how

can you not care about her and even not ask about her?”

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Yoselin hurriedly left Giancarlo’s arms, lowered her head, and stood up. She apologized in a low voice,

“I am sorry, Mr. Tapia. Giancarlo came to help because I was about to leave the hospital…”

“Aaron, I got it,” Giancarlo interrupted Yoselin.

Jazmine’s bloodless lips moved, but in the end, she regained her calm. It was an extremely short

process, but those who saw it

could tell that she was mocking

Jazmine thought, he protects Yoselin so much that he truly loves her deeply.

Aaron sighed, “I’m getting old. I don’t have the right to interfere with your matters. I’ll go with Jazmine to

attend Robert’s

funeral tomorrow.”

Speaking of the funeral, Jazmine, who was sitting quietly in the wheelchair, said in a hoarse voice, “My

father is not dead.”

Yoselin exclaimed. She covered her lips, looked at Jazmine with sympathy, and said with pity and

sadness, “Ms. Gardner can’t accept the fact that her father has gone. How pitiful she is! Giancarlo, she

must need you by her side now. Would you like to keep Ms. Gardner company?”

As Yoselin spoke, her hand kept tugging at Giancarlo’s sleeve, and her eyes were full of reluctance.

Immediately, Giancarlo’s cold and handsome face was full of impatience. He frowned tightly, cast a

glance at Jazmine with disgust, pursed his lips, and kept silent.

What clear resistance and undisguised disgust!

When the sound of the wheelchair sliding across the floor gradually faded away, Yoselin suddenly

pulled Giancarlo’s hand and looked up, not concealing her gratitude and love at all. “Giancarlo, you

treat me so well. However, Aaron is an elder. I’m afraid that it is inappropriate for us to behave like this.

He will get angry and disappointed in you.”

Giancarlo lowered his head, and his fingers brushed across Yoselin’s cheek

“It’s fine as long as you are well.”

On the other side, outside the building of the inpatient department, Aaron was pushing the wheelchair

and gently enlightening Jazmine along the way.

Aaron was just like a kind father who was enlightening his daughter.

“Jazmine, sorry. The Tapia family has wronged you. Giancarlo is a bit unreasonable to do things. I will

talk to him about this matter. Don’t be sad.”

Aaron was modest, kind, and helpful. He always had a smiling appearance, and he had wide

connections in the business world. Everyone commented that Aaron was a philanthropist.

When a father–like elder said in such a gentle voice that she was wronged, Jazmine was touched in

the depths of her heart. Tears streamed down her face. Jazmine could no longer hold back, covered

her face with her hands, and cried.

Aaron sighed.

He gently patted Jazmine on the shoulder.

After Jazmine stopped crying, Aaron heaved a long sigh and said, “I feel sorry to you for being treated

like this.”

“Aaron, will you really go with me to attend my father’s funeral?”

Jazmine was not out of her mind. She just pretended to be crazy before the two bodyguards assigned

by Giancarlo and then find a way to escape. If she did not attend her father’s funeral, it could be

shameful for her to live in this world.

If Aaron was willing to help, she would have some confidence.

“Sure, silly girl. This is such a big thing. I will not let Giancarlo mess around.”

In the night.

Jazmine, who fell asleep, was taken away directly. She did not even have any chance to resist.

When Jazmine woke up, she immediately recognized that it was the Tapia’s villa. It was already dawn


Jazmine had no memory of how she came back. She only remembered that she seemed to have been

drugged in her dream.


The door was pushed open. In her sight, a face that was no different from a demon’s appeared. The

light in the room was dim, and the expression of the person could not be seen clearly. Jazmine could

not help bursting out her anger.

“Giancarlo, what the hell are you going to do? Why did you take me back?”

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Giancarlo’s tall and straight figure looked extremely oppressive. He approached Jazmine step by step,

and each step made her feel nervous.

“Playing tricks in front of me, you are quite bold.”

Jazmine felt a faint sense of anger from Giancarlo’s tone, and her heart filled with sorrow. “I just wanted

to say goodbye to my father for the last time. Why couldn’t I do this? What do you want me to do? I just

wanted to marry the person I love, but I lost my father and my child for it. Is this punishment not


Miserable complaints echoed in the dark room as if she spoke out every word with blood and tears.

She was in great pain.

Her thin body kept trembling, and her crying was particularly sad and shrill.

Suddenly, Jazmine looked up. A pair of red and swollen eyes, a withered face, and a woman who had

lost vitality came into Giancarlo’s sight.

Giancarlo pursed his lips and stared at her with his pitch–black eyes, not saying a word.

Jazmine begged, “If you hate me, just kill me. Don’t torture me like this.”

“You don’t have the right to die.”

He said that anxiously. He seemed to have hated Jazmine so much that he would not allow her to free

herself so quickly.

Jazmine was extremely desperate. She had never been so weak. Giancarlo hated her deeply. It was

only because she caused Yoselin to have a miscarriage and lost their child.

And her child had also lost the chance to be born in this world. Who could she hate?

Jazmine did not have anyone who could protect her by her side, so her child was worthless, too.

However, it was also Giancarlo’s child.

“What should I do to make you let me go?”

Jazmine said weakly.

Her eyes were lifeless.

Giancarlo fixed his sharp eyes on Jazmine’s face. After quite a while, he moved his thin lips and spat

out word by word, which hurt Jazmine badly deep into her heart.

“You made Yoselin lose her child, causing her not to give birth in the future. If you give her back a child,

I can let you go.”