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Sir Your Ex wife is Already Dead

Chapter 20
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Read Sir, Your Ex-wife is Already Dead by Frida Hammond Chapter 20 Humiliation

Jazmine became even quieter.

She could sit there in a daze for a day without speaking a word. This state was definitely unusual, but

the bodyguards did not dare to interrupt her.

Then she received a call.

“Ms. Gardner, please let the Berton family go. Can you?”

Jazmine glanced at the number on the phone screen, and the word David suddenly appeared.


Her pale and dry lips moved slightly. “Mrs. Berton.”

Marianna Berton was not in the mood to pay attention to this hoarse and weak sentence. She only

knew that Jazmine had picked up the phone, and she could ask for help. She said in a hurry with a

broken voice, “Ms. Gardner, David wanted to help you. He did not mean to offend Mr. Tapia. He

shouldn’t die. Please help me and ask Mr. Tapia to let David go. I beg you.”

Jazmine’s mind went blank for a moment.

These words implied that David had been caught by Giancarlo.

“Mrs. Berton, did you misunderstand something?”

Marianna shook her head desperately, and her tone was even more urgent, “No, Ms. Gardner. It was

Mr. Tapia’s men who took David away. I saw it with my own eyes. It has been three days now. The two

of them did not get on well before. If something happened to David, I wouldn’t want to live either.”

After a long time, Jazmine calmed herself down and said to the bodyguards who were standing

outside, “I want to see


It was an hour later.

She stood in front of Giancarlo.

Jazmine’s face was gorgeous and flawless. With just a bit of dressing up, she was breathtakingly

beautiful. Recently, she had suffered a lot, and there was a touch of sadness in her eyes. At that

moment, she was stunning.

There was a deeper meaning in Giancarlo’s gaze when he looked at her.

“Is David here?”

They fell into silence.

It made people feel a chill in their hearts.

Owen at the side instantly broke out in a cold sweat all over his body. He felt sorry for this reckless

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woman in front of him.

After waiting for a long time, Jazmine became a little impatient. She did not like to be played like this.

“What do you want? Tell me and let go of the people who have nothing to do with this matter.”

She thought that it was Giancarlo who did that. He wanted to teach David a lesson. After all, he had

done this before. Maybe David had not given up the idea of taking her away.

She had to let David leave and live a life that belonged to him, instead of being implicated by her and

struggling in hell.


Finally, Giancarlo opened his mouth.

This smile gave off a sense of oppression.

Owen lowered his head deeper.

She was the only one who was still looking up at Giancarlo, hoping that he would follow her wishes.

“You two love each other very deeply.”

Giancarlo slowly walked towards her. Every step he took seemed to step on the tip of her heart, and

panic gradually came to


He was angry.

Giancarlo’s anger made Jazmine lose her composure. She did not dare to see those eyes that could

freeze her.

“What are you afraid of?” Giancarlo had already walked in front of her, looking down from high up, full

of pressure.

Jazmine didn’t know what she was afraid of either. She couldn’t help but feel a surge of fear. That fear

controlled her entire body. Her fingers trembled, and she subconsciously grabbed her skirt.

Giancarlo sneered, “Get out.”

Jazmine moved her lips.

Owen next to him nodded respectfully. “Yes.”

He walked out and closed the door.


The sound of the door closing made Jazmine tremble.

A moment later, with a huge sound, a stack of information appeared on the table. Giancarlo sat back

down and looked at her


Her gaze involuntarily swept over the cover. When she saw that sunny and handsome face, she could

not help but pick it up.

And his eyes became colder.

After she flipped through a few pages, Jazmine’s lips began to tremble. The speed at which she flipped

them became even faster. In the end, she powerlessly sat down on the stool.

If this piece of information was handed over, David would definitely die.

Jazmine rolled her eyes and met his gaze that had never moved away from her face. Those eyes were

filled with mockery, but

he still remained silent.

She knew that he was waiting.

Suppressing the despair in her heart, she asked in a trembling voice, “David is innocent. Let him go,

and I will promise you


Suddenly, Giancarlo grabbed her hair and forced her to look up at him.

“Is he so important to you?”

She could only look directly into those eyes that contained a storm. She knew that as long as her

answer was wrong, this wave of fury would descend upon her.

David did that because of her, so she had to go all out to ensure his safety.

Enduring the pain of her scalp, Jazmine softly agreed, “Yes.”

In the next second, Giancarlo transformed into a wild beast and bit her on the shoulder. The pain made

her groan.

Unexpectedly, this was just the beginning.

Jazmine endured an unprecedented storm, even if this was the office of the Tapia Group.

Fortunately, this was the office.

Giancarlo finally let her go after an hour.

Jazmine, who was hiding in the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror. Her whole body was covered

in wounds.

The position where the bruises appeared was eye–catching.

The words of Giancarlo rang in her ears, “David is downstairs. Go see him and tell him to leave before

tomorrow. Then I will let bygones be bygones.”

He let go of David, but he stepped on her dignity.

All adults knew what made the bruises on her neck. She could imagine the gaze she would face when

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she walked out under such


She had to go.

Jazmine tidied herself up, raised her head, and walked out.

Along the way, people talked about her.

In the hall, among the elite white–collar workers who came and went, an anxious and helpless figure

walked around.

Not seeing him for many days, she found David had become much more haggard. His face was full of

stubble, and his clothes. were wrinkled. Without his sunny and handsome appearance, he looked a bit


In the past few days, he had been hiding from the people who wanted to capture him.


Anxiety was replaced by surprise. David rushed over, but his smile was replaced by anger after seeing

her state. “What did Giancarlo do to you?”

Jazmine pursed her lips and tried her best to smile at him, “We are legally married.”

Because of this, her clothes were torn, the corners of her mouth were broken, and there were bruises

on her neck. All of those

could be considered the result of love.

“We’re here in the company!” David was not a fool.

However, Jazmine smiled and said, “You don’t have to ask about it. It’s a family matter after all.”

David felt as if he had been hit by a stick. He could not say what he was feeling and could only taste

the bitterness himself.

She did not forget the purpose of her coming here. “As you can see, I am not really living a bad life

now. Go back to where you should go.”

“You want me to go?”

Jazmine had a hunch that Giancarlo was secretly watching her.

She deliberately put on a straight face. “David, just go. I don’t need you anymore.”

David gritted his teeth and said, “Jazmine, how did you become like this? Giancarlo doesn’t love you in

the first place. Do you still want to stay by his side and play with him? You… you really disappointed


He left resentfully.

Looking at his back, Jazmine shouted, “You were a busybody to begin with.”

David stopped in his tracks and turned around to glare at her. “I’m such a fool that I didn’t know your

real face. I’ll be smarter

in the future.”