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She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment

Chapter 970
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When Nora heard Trueman’s grating voice, she immediately frowned.


That guy was currently not only having a ball of a time making fun of her, but also feeling great distaste toward

Xander. Now that she had beaten up his little chef, he was definitely going to use it against her again. She frowned

and put her arms around Xander. Then, she looked at the chef and said warningly, “It’s nothing. Your master is

already very tired, isn’t he?” Seeing her behavior, the chef immediately knew that she was backing down, so she

immediately retorted, “What do you mean ‘nothing’? Why didn’t you say it was ‘nothing’ when you hit me just now?

Mr. Yale, you must help me out here!”

After speaking, she immediately ran up to Trueman and grabbed his sleeve. “Mr. Yale, that little bastard demanded

that I serve him! Hah, but why should I? You personally hired me as your chef, and you once said that I am allowed

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to serve only you! On top of that, he even wanted to eat the lasagna I made for you! When I refused, he flipped the

plate of lasagna at me! It really hurt! And that woman, too! Boohoo, she actually hit me!”

The look in Trueman’s eyes turned a little displeased, and he looked at Nora darkly. “She hit you?”

The chef nodded repeatedly. “Yes. Not only did she hit me, but she also scolded me. Boohoo, I only cooked a plate

of lasagna for the child because I found him pitiful. What makes them think they can boss me around? And even hit

me if I refuse to obey their orders?”

The chef’s face was dripping with tears.

Nora looked at Trueman warily, wondering how the man was going to make things difficult for her because of this


But when she was thinking about it, she instead saw Trueman stroking his chin. He suddenly smiled and did

something jarringtaking out a pair of glasses and putting them on. Then, his voice turned sinister as he said,

“Maybe it’s the fact that he is also your master?”

The chef was stunned. “What did you say, Mr. Yale?”

Trueman’s expression was dark and sinister as he repeated, “I said, it’s because he is also your master!”

Then, Trueman shouted toward the outside, “Harry!”

“Coming, Mr. Yale!”

Harry arrived upon the summons. When he saw the bespectacled Trueman, he was a little taken aback. “Mr. Yale?”.

Trueman… No, one should call him Caleb now instead. Caleb pointed to the chef and ordered, “Take her out and

teach her the rules. Let her know who she can mess with and who she can’t! Also, get another chef here to make

something for the child to eat.”

“Yes, sir!”

Harry shivered. He immediately lowered his head, grabbed the chef, and led her out.

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The chef yelled, “Mr. Yale! Mr. Yale…!”

“Shut up!” Harry covered the chef’s mouth at once. “Are you still courting death even at this moment?! Have an

idea of who you’ve just offended!”

The chef continued to let out muffled cries as she was taken away.

In the room.

At the sight of Caleb, all the tension melted away from Nora’s head.

Caleb rubbed his temples and sighed. “He didn’t do anything outrageous when I was away, did he?”

Nora paused and then said, “No, he didn’t.”


Caleb sighed and pulled over a chair in the room. “Xander, we’ll get you something yummy soon, okay?”.

Xander looked at Caleb, finding the man’s behavior very . He nodded and replied, “Okay.”

Then, Nora looked at Caleb and suddenly asked, “Can he hear what I’m saying to you right now?”

“No, he can’t.”

Caleb added, “He will only know when we converse.”

“Good to know that.” Nora sat on the bed. “I want to talk to you about psychotherapy.”