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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 338
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Chapter 338 Beside him, the woman with chestnut waves cascading down her shoulders had a petite frame, cloaked in a unmistakably the woman from the photographs.

As they spoke, they walked side by side from the mansion to the car parked in front ece cont.

Remington advanced a couple of steps to courteously open the rear car door for the woman, thoughtfully lifting his hand to shield her head from the car's rool.

As the woman bent to get in, she seemed to pause, looking up at Remington to say something.

He looked down at her, nodding, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

At that moment, they were so close, a mere breath away from a kiss.

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After she got in, Remington followed suit, sliding into the backseat as well.

The car soon drove off, vanishing from Lizetta's view.

Yet Lizetta remained motionless, hands gripping the steering wheel, staring ahead.

Her body felt like it had turned to ice, chilled from the inside out, as though the slightest movement could shatter her.

She saw it-Remington was indeed hiding a woman in the house she had lovingly arranged! How could he be so cruell It wasn't until the car window was tapped twice that Lizetta jolted back to reality, gasping for alt After a moment, she slowly turned to look outside the window.

Evelina stood there, leaning over to peer inside and gesturing for Lizetta to roll down the window. As Lizetta slowly did so. Evelina's gaze held a mocking smile "Liz, the look o on your face is just priceless! Ugh, it's even uglier than tears, you're as pale as a ghost." Lizetta was well aware of her own disheveled, nidiculous state.

Her expression cold, she returned the mockery.

"Anyone can laugh at me, but you, Evelina, hardly have the right. After all your desperate attempts, you ended up with nothing to show" *Lizetta!" Evelina, her features contorted with anger, felt as if she'd been struck in the gut.

But she quickly regained her composure, her smile returning as sh s she continued.

"Lizetta, don't you want to know the identity of that woman? I can tell you, but it's up to you whether you cor not." With a meaningful smile, Evelina turned and walked towards a concealed vehicle.

She got in and drove away.

Lizetta closed her eyes momentarily, then slowly started her car and followed.

Half an hour later, in a cafe, they sat opposite each other.

Evelina stired her coffee, looking at Lizetta's pale face.

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"Lizetta, you really shouldn't have cback. It was better for you m overseas, but you had to cback and chase a pipe dream. Knowing you're just a stand-in, I feel sorry for you. Remington just," "I don't look anything like that woman," Lizetta interrupted Evelina.

From a distance, Lizetta hadn't seen the woman's face clearly.

But from their silhouettes, she knew she and the woman were vastly different.

"Hey, who said only look-alikes can be stand-ins?" Evelina sipped her coffee before continuing leisurely.

"Lizetta, think about it. Remington, with his cold nature and ruthless demeanor, would step over a body without a second thought if it om blocked his path. Why would such a man, when Thaddeus was kneeling at the Dashiell family's doorstep begging for your sanctuary, bring you into the Dashiell family and treat you well from the start? Do you think you're special? Lizetta, please don't tellyou're naive enough to believe that someone would be kind to another without reason?"

Evelina slammed her coffee cup on the table, scoffing, "His kindness because of that! towards you is all be woman. He sees you as nothing more than her stand in! If not for her, you would be nothing but a bug from the slums, deserving to die at the hands of your biological father!"