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Serve No One This Life

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 Shameless

Chapter 62 Shameless

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“Uncle Jonathan, | have brought Aunt Angela over,” the child said proudly, seeking praise.

Jonathan is his uncle, but he refers toas Aunt... Angela was confused as she wondered how she becthe

boy’s aunt!

Sebastian smiled and covered the boy’s mouth. “Let’s take you to eat sdelicious food. How about some


Upon hearing the mention of cake, the boy’s eyes lit up. He nodded eagerly and obediently. followed along.

With only the two of them left, Angela broke the silence and asked, “What a coincidence, Jonathan. Are you

having dinner here?”

“Yes, Grandpa and the others are upstairs.” Jonathan naturally rested his hands on his legs and looked behind

her. “Who are they?”

Turning around, Angela saw Horace and Lina, who were blocked at the door. She frowned and gritted her teeth.

“That man is my cousin's husband, and the woman is his colleague. They claim to be talking about business, but

who knows what they're really up to!”

After all, what kind of company’s gathering would need a man and woman hugging each.


Seeing that Angela was furious, Jonathan silently smiled and asked, “Do you need my help?”

Hearing his words, Angela hesitated momentarily before saying. “Can we talk about it later? If | need help, that


“Of course.” Jonathan agreed without hesitation, causing Angela to show a heartfelt smile. “Thank you, Jonathan.

You're such a kind person. You will live a long and healthy life!”

Jonathan smiled and lowered his darkened eyes.

She is genuine about wishinga long and healthy life.

At the gate’s entrance, Lina looked bewilderedly at Horace, who suddenly becarrogant when he was about

to be kicked out.


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Tess 13:09

Chapter 62 Shameless

The boss behind Laurel Hotel was not one to be trifled with. He was said to be a man who Laurel Hotel.

Otherwise, they would have already dealt with Angela. However, they were holding back due to being in Laurel

Hotel's territory.

walked between good and evil. Thus, no one dared to offend the “to be a man who

“Mr. Swine, let's forget it. We...”

Horace swatted Lina’s hand and ared at the man in the wheelchair not far away. Besides Jonathan, who else

could it be? Thinking about it, Horace boldly pushed the manager aside. He adjusted his collar and quickly

walked toward Angela.

Seeing this, Lina gritted her teeth and followed suit.

The bodyguards hesitated and asked, “Should we stop them?”

The manager stared at the duo and replied, “Why should we get in the way when those powerful figures are

about to fight? Get two men to follow them while the rest can leave.”

Blood would always be thicker than water. As long as this man was Angela's brother-in-law, they were a family.

Thus, they had no right to interfere in family matters. After all, it would be hard for him to deal with this matter if

they ended up on good terms later.

In the meantime, Lina followed Horace and saw Angela with a man sitting in a wheelchair.

“Who is that?” she asked curiously.

Horace quickened his pace. His excitement was evident in his voice. “That's our fortune. He is the young master

who holds the fate of both the Sanders and Lawson Families. He is Jonathan!”

Jonathan? Lina’s gaze fixed on the man sitting in the wheelchair.

The man casually rested one hand on the wheelchair’'s armrest. His fair skin looked pale. His sleeve was slightly

rolled up, revealing a cufflink embedded with a bluish-green jade.

The glimmer of that jade cufflink first caught her attention. If she remembered correctly, she had seen the same

one on a luxury goods website she was browsing yesterday. It was a brand. from Forvernia, and a pair cost over

six thousand.

In order to meet wealthy people, Lina put a lot of effort into familiarizing herself with luxury goods. Although she

couldn't immediately identify the brand of the man’s suit, she had trained herself to recognize its quality. Just by

looking at it, she knew it must be worth a fortune. It was likely a custom-made suit instead of an off-the-rack


Finally, she looked at the man’s face and was momentarily taken aback.




Chapter 62 Shameless

His face alone was enough to make any woman's heart skip a beat, filling her with excitement.

At that moment, Jonathan's eyes were fixated on Angela. His eyes were warm and gentle, like the summer


Perhaps sensing her intense gaze, he turned his eyes towards her. With just one glance, Lina felt chills run down

her spine. Only when she heard Horace’s appeasing voice did she suddenly snap back to her senses. At that

moment, she was drenched in cold sweat.

Mr. Lawson, what a coincidence to rum into you here, Horace said warmly and flashed a smile. Then, he turned

to Angela and pretended to scold her. “Angela, why didn’t you make it clear that you were coming here to eat

with Mr. Lawson? Since you're with him, | feel relieved. Otherwise, how can | explain it to your sister?” After that,

he took out his business card and handed it over. “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Lawson. | am Angela's brother-in-

law. | worked as a product manager at Flyther Company.”

“Hello,” Jonathan replied politely with a calm and distant expression.

Everyone could hear the coldness in his tone, but even just this response excited Horace. He didn’t feel

embarrassed and withdrew his hand. Then, he suggested, “It's fate that we meet. How about 1 treat you to a

meal today?”

Jonathan frowned and calmly replied, “I'm sorry, but | already have plans with someone else.”

Is it having dinner with Angela? Horace planned to approach the situation from Angela's side. “By the way,

Angela, how did you and Mr. Lawson meet?”

Hearing his words, Angela blinked and realized Horace knew little about her family. After thinking momentarily,

she smiled faintly and said, “Jonathan’s brother, Christopher, is my

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Seeing Horace'’s enthusiastic attitude, Angela understood he wanted to establish a relationship with Jonathan.

However, she was still angry about what had happened. She didn’t want to act as if nothing had happened and

let Horace take advantage of her. Moreover, based on Horace’s past behavior, which caused Queenie’s death,

Angela didn’t want him to get close to Jonathan either.

After all, he was a terrible person!

In the


Horace and Lina were at a loss for words. Hoth of them hail awkward

expressions, especially Horace. Although he knew that Angela had a fiancé, Queenie never mentioned it. Thus,

he didn’t expect Angela’s fiancé to be Christopher!

D“mn it. How could Queenie not tellsuch important news? Horace’s mind was brainstorming, and he gave a

signal to Lina.



Chapter 62 Shameless

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Lina immediately understood. Although she felt nervous, she was even more excited. After all, establishing a

relationship with Jonathan was such a great temptation. As long as she could gain Jonathan's favor, she wouldn't

have to worry about anything in the future.

Then, Lina intentionally pulled down her shawl a bit, revealing her alluring curves. She slightly bent over and

extended her hand. “So you are Mr. Lawson. | didn’t dare to recognize. you at first. Would you mind if we

exchanged numbers? | hope we can have a chance to collaborate in the future.

Her cleavage could be seen clearly when she bent over!

Angela was shocked. She had guessed that a woman who would get involved with a married man lacked shame,

but she didn’t expect Lina to be so shameless!

Instinctively, she glared at Jonathan with resentful eyes.